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Member Since: 12 Oct 2012 02:13pm

Last Seen: 31 Dec 2012 03:33pm

Location: England

Gender: F

user id: 334286

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  1. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 9:27am UTC
    It's easy for someone to lie about themselves online.
    Here watch me:
    "I'm Fine"
    See, easy.

  2. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 9:23am UTC
    It's easy for someone to lie about themselves online.
    Here watch me:
    "I'm Fine"
    See, easy.

  3. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 12:18pm UTC
    But before Camilla knew what was happening Luke’s lips had made contact with hers. His lips were warm and soft against hers. She had no idea what was happening, all she knew was that she loved it. Time seemed to have slowed down. It was all so surreal.
    Camilla was in absolute blis-
    "Samantha, would you like to give this equation a quick try?" Mrs Rutter yelled across at me. I dropped my pencil and averted my gaze from my note pad to my maths teacher.
    All eyes in the room were turned to me.
    "This one, on the board dear," she said in a babyish voice.
    I sighed and looked at the equation written on the whiteboard.
    My mind went blank. I had no idea how to work out the equation or any intention of solving it. None the less, I continued to stare blankly at the board, tilting my head and squinting my eyes.
    After a while I decided to stop pretening I had the answer and let out a large sigh, indicating that I hadn't worked it out.
    Mrs Rutter gave me a weak smile "Oh, don't worry Samantha you'll understand sooner than you think," she then gave me two thumbs up.
    Dear lord.
    Titters of amusment danced around the classroom as well as side comments like "she's so stupid" and "the look on her face".
    I can't say it's anything I'm not used to though. Being dyslexic isn't considered the most normal thing at my high school. Some people decided to either talk to me like I was an idiot, or to just ignore me completely. They'd all just given up hope that I would become useful.
    The bell sounds and everyone starts gathering their things. I rush out of the room, determined to make it to the library without being noticed or insulted.
    No such luck.
    As I rush round the corner my head makes contact with something hard and the next thing I know I'm on the floor swiping the hair out of my face.
    "Hey you should watch where you're going," a deep, male, frustrated voice bellows down at me. When my face is clear of hair I gaze up at the figure above me. It is none other than Jeremy Green, the without a doubt most popular guy in school. I take a minute to scan his features. His straight brown hair that flops over his emerald green eyes. The tiny yet perfect way his lip dips. His muscular build and broad shoulders. Hold up Sammy, you just walked into this boy.
    "S-sorry," I stuttered.
    He sets his eyes down onto me and his hard face suddenly settles into a look of concern.
    "Oh don't worry about it," he said holding his hand out towards me.
    I stare at it for a couple of seconds and then decide to ignore it and push myself up.
    "Or you could just do that," he muttered.
    I gather my scattered things off the floor and make my way to the library with long quick strides.
    "Hey wait!" I heard Jeremy yell from behind. This only makes me go faster. I obviously don't go fast enough because he catches up with me falling in sync with my walking.
    I turn and face him, "what do you want?"
    He stares straight forward "I was just on my way too the canteen myself"
    "I wasn't going to the canteen."
    "Well where were you going?"
    "Why do you care?"
    "I'm just interested."
    "To the library."
    "So was I."
    "You were going to the canteen!"
    "So?" he said grinning, "I need to go to the library anyway."
    I sigh, defeated "Whatever." We continued walking, in silence. People stared at us and started whispering. I turned to look at Jeremy but he was just staring forward with that same stupid grin plastered on his face. I turned back without a word. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him looking at me up and down, the grin disappeared. His gaze lingered on my face for a while and then continued down throughout my body. My heart sped up.
    "Something bothering you?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
    He turned straight away, back to looking forward. The grin had appeared once again
    "Nothing," he said, "nothing at all."
    Love it? Hate it?
    Comment and fave.

  4. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 8:43am UTC
    Don't criticise something,
    you don't understand.

  5. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2012 5:14am UTC
    Harry Potter or
    Fave for Harry Potter comment for Twilight :)

  6. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2012 12:23pm UTC
    Couldn't have been more wrong
    Chapter Two
    “I don’t even know why you’re so scared of her,” my best friend, Lucy Mayhew, said, sliding into the seat next to me, “I mean seriously you’re so much better than her.” She flipped her curly ginger hair over her shoulder and started eating her fries. Lucy was one of the most popular juniors at our school. All the guys loved her; all the girls want to be her. So she obviously had no idea what it was like to have an enemy. “Where do you want me to start?” I said, taking one of her fries, “I’m not exactly built like a supermodel now am I?” I sighed then looked down at my incredibly thin figure. Lucy screwed up her face. “Yeah well you’re...” she paused then looked me up and down. I watched her chocolaty, brown eyes scan my face and body. Her lips twitched into a smile. “You’re cute!” she said grinning madly. I stared at her in disbelief.
    “I’m cute? That’s the best you can say about me?”
    “You didn’t let me finish!” Lucy added quickly, “you’re unique as well.” She gestured to my clothes. “Of course,” I murmured, “you forgot that I have courage” I smiled weakly. Lucy stopped in mid air; food in hand. “Kayla, what did you do this time?” she asked quietly. I opened my mouth, planning on lying but I stopped. Lucy was staring at me, eyebrows raised. It was useless, I couldn’t get anything by her! She always saw straight through me.
    “Fine,” I grumbled, “You win. I kinda spilt something on her, accidently.” I added a little too hastily. It earned me another ‘look’. “Alright!” I half shouted, “I poured my hot chocolate on her head.” Lucy’s mouth dropped open, “Seriously?” she whispered.
    “Wow. Well that explains the death glares.” Lucy mumbled tilting her head in the direction of the other populars. I turned to see about 10 pairs of eyes staring back at me. Remy was perched on her boyfriend’s, Brad, lap. She was surrounded by more populars whispering and pointing and laughing at me. I blushed a scarlett red. “Stop that,” Lucy hissed, jabbing me on the arm, “Never show wekness!” I giggled and she gave me a sympathetic smile back.
    “Anyway I’ve got something of my own to tell you,” I rolled my eyes.
    “Lucy, I don’t care what you and James got up to last night.” She turned the colour of a tomato. James Hill was Lucy's boyfriend, probably the second most popular guy at school. After Brad, of course.
    “No!” she said, obviously embarrassed.
    “What is it then?” She cleared her throat.
    “Well there’s this new guy...”
    Sorry about the boring chapter. Just got to introduce you to all the characters. Promise it will get better :)

  7. InYourOwnWay InYourOwnWay
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2012 8:57am UTC
    Couldn't have been more wrong
    Chapter One
    The sweet aroma of coffee and muffins filled my nose as I made my way through starbucks. I walked over to the counter. "Can I get you anything?" the counter girl asked. She was short and slightly plump with long dyed blonde hair. "Hot chocolate please."
    "Any cake?"
    "No thanks."
    "Be done in a minute hun" she turned and walked away.
    I slid across the counter, llightly tapping my fingers on it. Turning my head I looked out of the window. The grey sky towered over all the tall buildings of new york.
    Concrete jungles? You got that right.
    "Here you are sweetpea," the counter girl returned, sliding a cup of hot chocolate in my direction.
    "Thank you" I said giving her the money for the drink, "keep the change"
    I turned on my heel and walked over to a single table next to the window. I sat down and started to drink the hot chocolate. It warmed me up instantly as I savoured each sweet sip running down my tongue.
    "Oh my God, what is that thing doing here?!" a familiar sneer said. I froze. I slowly turned my head. Standing there in the middle of the cafe, along with the rest of her gang, was Remy Green. She had a deep look of disgust on her face but she still look amazing. Her long brown hair was tied into a neat pony tail. She had a heep load of make-up on. Her emerald green eyes stared at me in disbelief and her peach pink lips curved into a hateful smile. "I mean seriously I was sure Starbucks had a no animal policy!" the rest of the group burst into a huge fit of giggles, making all the other customers in the store turn their heads. "I've lost my appetite already," a particularly short girl in the back said "I mean I can't eat and look at that aswell!"
    More laughter.
    "Kayla, are you even going to talk to us?" Remy yelled, as if I couldn't hear her in the first place, "It's rude to ignore people!" Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet and making my way to Remy in quick long strides.
    "Awrh look she's angry!" Remy sneered. This was followed be an echo of 'ooos'.
    I kept walking, my half full cup of hot chocolate, gripped tightly in my hands. Remy's glare was still on me but the look in her eye had changed slightly. It was as if she was actually intimidated.
    I walked right up to her face and looked her in the eye.
    "What?" she said through gritted teeth.
    I rose my hand and poured the content in my cup all over Remy's head.
    I watched the smooth brown liquid slide down the front of her face, hair and back.
    The whole of her group were open-mouthed in shock. "You b/tch" one of them managed to gasp. However Remy remained silient for a few more seonds before digging her nails into my arm and pulling my head towards her lips. She whispered into my ear, slowly and clearly. "If you think this is over, you couldn't be more wrong"
    And with that she strutted out of the door, her friends running right behind her.
    More? Is it good?


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