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Member Since: 8 Sep 2010 05:21pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 124338

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should i continue on with the story? :).
**::;.i just thought you were the one.;::**
i guess this is where i'm gunna write something about nothing so if you don't want to waste your time, you can just scroll down and read below. uh... too late:). bye.
rachel and dani. rachel and dani. rachel and dani. rachel and dani. rachel and dani. rachel and dani. WAIT, BETTER YET= dachel and rani ;D.
just the name makes me smile.
my best friend for 15 years, and still going. so many memories. lmao like the time during christmas where we started singing jingle bells to the hobo, and got money from people walking by, and gave the money to the hobo! and then getting kicked out of the mall for screaming at the easter bunny, "YOU'RE NOT THE REAL BUNNY!" and taking off his 'bunny head'. The time we got grounded for dying your hair purple. The time we went to the Beyonce concert and we had the sign that said, "FORGET JAY-Z, JBIEBER'S FREE!" And we got in trouble because those two girls in back of us had, "MRS. JAY-Z" shirts on. HAHAHAHAH that was hilarious. So many memories and so many years, forever best friends.
My name is Daniella but Dani works, too. I'm 16 but act 10 years younger. I live in the USA but love England. I'm obsessed with Auqa Sand but pshh yah kno, nbd. I jump out of cars and i'm such a rebel, i leave a message before the beep. i think About Me's are pointless little shits but i thought, what the hell, maybe people want to know about my (not-so) interesting life! i hate when people tell me what to do. I'm at times complicated. I over-think things way too much. i speak my mind. i talk to strangers. (i know, whoa imma rebel). i'll believe anything you tell me. i can make anything fun. you + me = cool f'cking kids. i put the dash in f'ck instead of the u because the u copies the n but it's just upside down. i hate copiers. don't judge me. if you do, i will hunt you down and attack you with my awesome ninja skillz. a lot of things bug me. especially when i'm having a shitty day. i give second chances but never third or fourths. you either like me or you don't. hope brings eternal misery. i get in trouble with my friends for those stupid little things that we love oso much;). don't try and change my opinion on things, i'm perfectly capable of doing that myself, duude. i'm a bad influence. i freak over those little grammar errors. most of the time, i come off as a bitch, but you should really get to know me. i can be bitchy, but i can be like SUPER nice. i do and say what i want, when i want. i don't wait around for things to happen, i chase my dreams. i talk back to people a lot. i'm fluent in sarcasm. i'm pretty chill so get to know me. Rachel's my bifffffffle. 

i write my own songs and sing. but i don't really show anyone.

   D a
tell me if you want me to continue with the story.


  1. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 11:30pm UTC
    are you awake?

  2. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 11:26pm UTC
    If you believe in love,
    And you believe in us,
    Then we can go nowhere but

  3. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 11:20pm UTC
    yesterday in home ec;
    Teacher; I'm sorry, Devan, but you didn't do your homework. You get a zero.
    Devan; Yeah. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
    Teacher; *laughs* Wow, that's appropriate for what we're learning, AND funny! I'll tell you what, i'm gunna give you a 75% instead.
    Rest of the class; WTF? O.o

  4. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 11:14pm UTC
    Caitlin's POV;
    (a/n- YES, caitlin beadles. ;D)
    Me and Justin were messing around, and then we see the neighbor walk out of her house. She was gorgeous, and i was a bit intimidated. Justin smirked and ran over. He looked back at me and i shake my head no.. But he does it any ways. He sprays the girl in the back with the water gun. I was so shocked. She turns around, obviously mad. "What the hell what that for?" He smiles. "Just having fun.. Where you off to?" "Where you should be going. SCHOOL. But now i have to change. Again." She says, angrily walking back up to her house. I run up to her, and put my hand on her shoulder. She turns around. "Sorry about my boyfriend. He's not very...mature." I say, quickly. She nods and does an obvious fake smile. "Oh, please don't be mad.." I plead. She sighs. "Fine. It's ok. Now let me get changed so i can get to school." She starts turning around, but i stop her again. "Wait! What's your name?" I ask. "Aleyah." Aleyah. I love her name. "Cool! I'm Caitlin!!" I smile. She nods and walks in her house. Wow, did that just happen? Yeah, it did. I turn back to Justin, who's laughing his butt off. "That was so not funny, Justy! We could have gotten in so much trouble! She looks scary and tough!" "You-" Laugh. "Shoulda-" Laugh. "Seen-" Laugh. "The look-" Laugh. "On her-" Laugh. "FACE!" He says. "Justy, she could have hurt me! You saw the look in her eyes!" "It's fine, i'm here to protect ya." He says, still laughing. We sit down with Cokes and Aleyah walks out again, in a different shirt. She's looking down, probably avoiding us. "Yo! GIRL!" Justin calls. Oh god. "WHAT?!" She snaps, looking up, with mad eyes. "You need to CHILL! I was just helping with the process!" He says, bursting out laughing again. She looks like she was gunna just run and attack him, but she holds herself back, mumbles and walks to school.

  5. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 11:03pm UTC
    Aleyah's POV;
    (a/n- aleyah is pronounced uh-lay-uh. she is gorgeous, and nice and tan. she has straight dark brown hair that goes down just past her shoulders. hazel eyes that change to green when she's happy.)
    Ugh, stupid alarm clock. I groan and flip over belly-down and stuffed my face in my pillow. Why does it have to be only Tuesday? I roll out of bed, but i guess my legs decide not to function and i fall on my butt. Thanks so much for cooperating, legs. I slowly get up and slowly walk to my bathroom. I undress and get in the shower, and all that crap. I get out and walk into my room in just a towel. But i look up and something catches my eye. I get closer to my window and see, "Oh great, new neighbors." I groan and get changed. (It can be any clothes you want) I peek out my window one last time and see a mom laughing with who i'm thinking is the dad or something. I roll my eyes. New neighbors always think they own the neighborhood. I mean, yeah, where we are in Atlanta is a small neighborhood, but no one rocks everyone's socks. I run downstairs. "Morning mom.. tom." Tom is my mom's new boyfriend. Yeah, my mom and dad divorced when i was like, four. I'm sixteen now. That's twelve years, right? Ah well. I was never good at math. "Morning sweetheart, have a good sleep?" "Sure did, mom." "Well get some toast and get yourself to school, honey." Tom adds, "We love you." I smile. Tom's like a brother to me. He still acts like a kid. "Love you two, too." I say, grabbing a piece of toast in my mouth and running out the door. I start walking down the sidewalk, but someone starts laughing and screaming so, i look. It's the new people. A boy, and a girl. Having a water-balloon fight. The stupid thing? They look around my age. I roll my eyes and keep walking until i feel something wet and cold on my back. I gasp and drop my bag. I turn around and see the girl's mouth in the shape of an O behind the guy, who i'm guessing is the one that sprayed me. "What the hell was that for?" "Just having fun.. Where you off to?" "Where you should be going. SCHOOL. But now i have to change. Again." I say. I start walking back into my house when a hand pulls me back. It's the girl. "Sorry about my boyfriend. He's not very...mature." I nod and fake smile, hoping she wouldn't see the fakeness. She did. "Oh, please don't be mad.." I sigh. "Fine. It's ok. Now let me get changed so i can get to school." I start turning around. "Wait! What's your name?" She asks. "Aleyah." "Cool! I'm Caitlin!!" I nod and walk in my house. Wow, did that just happen? Yeah, it did. I got sprayed by some idiotic mental kid. I run upstairs to get changed when i see Tom and my mom making out in her room. I laugh quietly and get a new shirt. I walk back out and walk to school.

  6. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 6:32pm UTC
    bet ya thought of the dude from i C a r l y : )

  7. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 6:21pm UTC
    i wanna rewind time,and
    to the
    summer of 69' ツ

  8. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 6:16pm UTC
    d o n t t r y t h i s a t h o me !
    mom, i'll be outside!?? ??

  9. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 6:10pm UTC
    i want to buy a black van
    just to follow people around to freak them out :3

  10. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 5:49pm UTC
    iless than threeyou
    < 3

  11. ImNothingToHimx ImNothingToHimx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 5:37pm UTC
    i know i'm in it when
    my favorite place is inside your hug.


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