Witty Profiles

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  1. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 2:45am UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    5 Boys
    4 British
    3 Single
    2 Taken
    1 Band.
    One Direction
    format by sandrasaurus

  2. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 12:55am UTC
    Lou's bum
    Harry's Hands
    Zayn's cheekbones
    Nialls Teeh Before Braces
    Liam's Birthmark
    Unlikely things
    About 5 boys
    That I Obsess over
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  3. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 8:10pm UTC
    The concert
    Chapter 15
    We all went to the park to get Emma off of Nialls mind. Fortunatley it worked. It was a little around ten when we all went to bed. Niall and I climbed in the top bunk and I fell asleep on his chest. This time when I woke up, he was still there.
    "Boys!....and girls....It's time to get outta bed! We're doing an early concert today! About noon you're performing than we're leaving to Minneapolis." Paul yelled, "Oh, Niall, you have a visiter!"
    No! I just got him and now she's already here to take him back?
    "Niall..." I tried to fake a smile, "Niall, Emmas here."
    His eyes flew open and he jumped out of bed.
    "Ashley... I'm sorry I didn't know she was coming. If I knew sooner I would have told her not to I'm-" I cut him off.
    "Niall, it's okay. I trust you. It's her I don't trust." I said pointing to the door.
    He gave me a kiss and gave me the 'don't worry' look and walked out of the bus. I didn't know what was going to happen. Was he going to tell her about me? Was he going to tell her to go home? I wish he would. But knowing Niall, he's probably not going to. He's probably just going to say that they are just friends and nothing more.
    I layed there for about ten minutes then decided to go look outside. I couldn't find the hairbruush so that gave me an excuse to go talk to him.
    "Hey Niall do-" I started.
    I looked up and saw something I wish I didn't have to see.
    Niall kissing Emma.

  4. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 7:14pm UTC
    The concert
    Chapter 14
    I put my arms around his next and he put his hands on my waist and the crowd went crazy. We both pulled away and looked into eachothers eyes. I saw the other girls walk out on stage with the boys. After they did their kissing thing we turned to the crowd, bowed and walked off stage.
    "That was crazy! I was so nervous! How do you guys do that al the time?" Cindy asked.
    "You guys walk ahead we'll meet you in the bus." Niall said grabbing my hand and pulling to the back wall.
    "What is it Ni-" He kissed me, hard. When we were finished he hugged me and whispered into my ear,
    "I love you Ashley. I'm never going to leave you."
    I smiled and felt a tear run down my cheek. I have never been so happy in my life. Everything was going the way I had hoped. Nothing absolutely nothing could ever ruin this for me.
    "I love you too."
    We walked out and went back on the tour bus to find everyone playing guitar hero.
    "Hey Niall, some girl from Ireland called for you. She said that her name was Emma." Lou said not looking away from the screen.
    Nialls face turned white as a ghost and he was wide eyed. He grabbed his phone and ran to the back and shut the door.
    "Liam... Whats up with Niall?" I asked sitting on the couch.
    "Before we went on tour, Niall was dating this, girl, Emma. I think he actually loved her. He would call her everyday and tell her how everthing was going, but than one day Emma broke it off. Said him being away was too much. Niall didn't talk for days, he rarely smiled. Than he met you. When he saw you at the concert that was th first time he smiled in months. You really are something special Ashley." He said putting his arm around Emily.
    Niall walked out of the room with a blank expression on his face.
    "Niall... What happened?" I asked standing up.
    "She's coming." He said staring at nothing.
    Great. I knew exactly what was going to happen.
    She's going to try and get Niall back.

  5. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 5:07pm UTC
    The concert
    Chapter 13
    "Just sit in the back of the bus until we get to Chicago." Paul pointed to bunk beds. We climbed into the beds and basically slept the whole ride there. We stopped at a gas station and I could have sworn someone saw me, but I didn't think to much about it.
    I slept for a couple more hours and woke up to find Nialls arms wrapped around me and his head nuzzled into my neck. I layed there for a couple more minutes smiling at how perfect this was until Louis came in and shook Niall awake.
    "GET UP! WE'RE ABOUT TO PERFORM!" Louis screamed on the top of his lungs.
    I heard Niall chuckle quietly than get up.
    "Here's a brush and the changing area or whatever is back there." He said giving me a small kiss and walked to the little kitchen area. Of course.
    I grabbed an outfit out of one of Gwens suit cases and headed back to the changing area. I put on a tanktop and white shorts. I put on my favorite hat and sunglasses, threw on my black converses and was about to walk out of the bus when I realized that there were millions of screaming fans and Niall was still in the kitchen.
    I stopped and turned around and walked to Niall. "
    What am I going to do? Where's my friends? Niall I won't be locked up in this bus-" He cut me off my givinging a me a hard passoniate kiss.
    "You'll see." He smiled grabbing my hand. We ran out the back and into the arena before anyone could see.
    It was late in the afternoon so the boys already practiced and they came back for a nap. The fans were already in their seats. Niall told me to watch from back stage with Emily, Gwen, and Cindy.
    I took my sunglasses off and went to the drinking fountain while they boys sang the last song before the concert ended, I Want.
    "What are you doing back here young lady?" A security guard asked.
    I looked up at him and I swear he could have been Pauls brother.
    "Um, Go ask Paul, he'll tell you!" I said running back over to Cindy, Emily, and Gwen.
    "Phew! That was a close one! I almost got caught by the security guard." I said
    "Well next time lets just stay over here." Emily said.
    "Before you all leave and go home tonight, I want you to meet a few people." Niall said.
    I stood there, hoping that it wasn't going to happen.
    "What the f/ck is he doing!?" Gwen said.
    "I will be right back" Niall said smiling at the crowd.
    He ran over, and grabbed my hand. I tried to pull back but he was 10x stonger than I was. He turned around and looked me into the eyes and said,
    "Don't worry, it's alright." than pulled me on stage.
    "I would like you to meet, my princess." He said, than kissed me infront of millions of people..
    What Ashley (Me) Is wearing in this chapter:D http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=53308109

  6. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 2:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 2:08am UTC
    You said that sarcastically.

  8. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 6:42pm UTC
    Bullying is a serious thing.
    I was bullied myself. It wasn't fun. I was called ugly, fat, stupid ect. At first I just ignored them. But then it slowly got to me. Than after a while I would look in the mirror and feel disgusted with myself. But than I saw people that just ignored it, they stayed strong and they basically told the bullies to f/ck off. I wanted to be one of those kind of people and after a while I did become one of those people. Yeah when people make fun of me and bully me it hurts but not as much as it did. Some people can't jut become strong like I did.
    That's why bullying needs to stop because those people that can't become strong start cutting and some of them eventually comit suicide.
    Bullying isn't just a whatever thing, it's a serious deal.
    This is nevercutyourbeautiful's challenge. Go talk to her to take it(:

  9. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 5:52pm UTC

  10. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 4:27pm UTC
    Sensa is so stupid.
    Yup. Sure. That's going to work.

  11. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 12:58am UTC
    Dear Steve,
    Please let us
    edit our quotes
    --- Sincerely,
    Spelled something wrong

  12. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 12:55am UTC
    Don't let
    the bullshit
    of today convince you
    --- that you aren't

  13. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 11:58pm UTC
    The concert
    Chapter 12
    "You girls ready?" Louis asked.
    "Yeah but Emily and Gwen are asleep. I'll go wake them up." I said walking to the bedroom.
    I heard them talking but I couldn't make out what. I walked in to see Gwen lying awake watching Titanic and Emily asleep under the covers.
    "Who's here? Did you guys order room service?" She asked.
    "Um, no wake Emily up quick and get out to the living room. Hurry." I said walking back out of the room.
    "They're coming." I said.
    It felt like I ran into a brick wall. I looked up and I did not expect to see Paul.
    "P-P-Paul! W-What are you doing here?" I said rubbing my head.
    "I kinda firgured that Niall wasn't going to leave you and your friends here so I decided to help." He shrugged.
    "But you were the one that didn't want us to come in the first place!" I was still sitting on the ground.
    "Actually managment told me not to let you girls come with us because they figured you gals would. But I haven't seen Niall this happy since the beginning of the tour!" He laughed rubbing Nialls head.
    "OH MY GOD HARRY!" Gwen screamed. She than ran and jumped into his arms.
    "Well we should probably get going." Niall said grabbing my hand and leading us out of the room.
    "Yeah, we've got a long journey ahead of us" I smiled and looked up into those beautiful eyes.
    Sorry this chapter is kinda boring/:

  14. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    Here's to the people that read the ugly quotes too.

  15. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 8:31pm UTC
    Dear Steve,
    Please make an 'Other' catagory.
    Don't know what to put my f/cking quote under

  16. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 5:36pm UTC
    I'm wide awake
    and I can see
    The perfect
    --- sky is

  17. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 12:00am UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 6:14pm UTC
    The concert
    Chapter 10
    "Well? How'd it go?" Zayn asked.
    "Go ask" I smirked.
    Then the door swung open and Paul and a couple other security guards walked in.
    "Escort these girls back to their own room." He pointed to us.
    "Um, we're not going anywhere." Emily said crossing her arms.
    "Oh yes you are. You gals are not going on the tour with us." He said with a devilish smile.
    "Wait!" Niall said as one of the security guards grabbed my arm, "Let me take them back to their room." He said walking over to us.
    "Fine. But make it quick." Paul said walking out the door.
    The security guards let go of us and left with Paul.
    "Come on." Niall said grabbing my hand.
    We walked to Gwens room in silence.
    "Tell Harry... I... I love him for me." She said with tears in her eyes as she walked through the door with Cindy and Emily.
    "Bye...Niall..." I said crying into his chest.
    "Don't cry. We're coming back to get you." He said looking into my eyes.
    "What? When?" I said wiping my eyes.
    "Tonight." He said.
    Sorry this chapter was so short! It was supposed to be in the last chapter but the HTML was too long so I had to cut it short.

  19. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 5:40pm UTC
    The concert
    Chapter 9
    "Wait what!?" Gwen looked stunned.
    "Yeah. They're going on the tour with us!" Niall said from me behind me.
    "Oh my god!" blurted Harry, "You really think managment will...uh.. let them come with us?"
    "Who gives a flying f/ck!" Louis yelled, "I got me some new friends!"
    Cindy jumped up with Zayn and did her little 'Happy Dance' and kissed Zayn. I started laughing because Zayn just looked so stunned.
    "Hey Ashley.." Niall whispered in my ear.
    "Yeah?" I whispered back.
    "I know I've only known you for a day, but I think I want you to be my girlfriend..." I could hear him smiling.
    This isn't happening. This can't be. Niall James Horan can't be asking me this. The boy that I've wished would notice me for 2 years is asking me to be his girlfriend.
    I turned around and looked into his beautiful eyes.
    "This can't be happening.." I said. I could feel a tear fall down my cheek, than another , than another.
    He wiped it away and whispered "Oh yes it is." than he leaned down and kissed me. It wasn't any makeout scene it was just a small kiss.
    "Boys hurry up!" Someone yelled from outside the door
    "Dammit it's Paul!" Louis mumbled
    "Well what are we going to tell him?" Gwen asked.
    "F/ck I don't know!" Niall said running his hands through his hair.
    "Guys, calm down, I'll handle this." I said walking towards the door.
    "No! Ashley-" Niall started but I was already out the door.
    "And who might you be?" Paul asked, crossing his arms.
    "I'm Ashley, Nialls girlfriend, My friends, Gwen, Cindy, Emily, and I are going with you guys on tour." I said satisfied.
    He chuckled.
    "Who the hell said you girls could?" He laughed again.
    "Um, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis." I said in a 'duh' kind of tone.
    "I don't think that's going to happen." He said
    "I do." and that was it. I turned around and walked back into the hotel room.

  20. ImNeverGivingUp ImNeverGivingUp
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 3:35am UTC
    Girls are just magestic f/cking creatures.
    -Jenna Marbles


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