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Member Since: 11 Jul 2011 10:14pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 193645

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About Me♥
Hello, love. I see you have stumbled across my profile. Well good thing you did because it's your lucky day, if you read all of this you win...*drumroll*...well just kidding you don't win anything. So my name is Keilani, i was born in Hawaii, but i'm not Hawaiin. I just so happened to me born while my parents were on vacation. haha, I'm 16 years old, and i currently live in Maryland. GO RAVENS!
My HIM is mine. (8/9/10) amazing date, right? His name is Maddox Steele. What a manly name xP haha but we just call him Maddy. I like to say that i'm nice, but piss me off, anddd you're going to wish you never met me.  
So i'm going to write stories on Witty,i've been writing since i was about 10, and now i get to share them with the world.
First Story: Witty Camp :)
Second Story: E-Girls

Witty Camp Characters♥
X0neverlettingyougoX0 - Name:  Trisha
bloondiiebabiie98 - Name: Alyssa
LeahBettinax33 - Name: Leah
getreal502 - Name: Sam
Onebigfairytale - Name: Grace
GrabSomeoneSexyTellEmHey - Name: Francie
Legittlyinsane - Name: Cassidy
Hannahlovesxox - Name: Becca
Thanks, ladies, for being a part of my story!♥
I'll probably start this on Thursday or Friday :) Maybe sooner.

  1. ImFindingNemo ImFindingNemo
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2011 2:04pm UTC
    Witty Camp:
    Chapter 4: Francie's POV
    We were all standing down by the gate to Camp Witty. We couldn't believe that this was about to happen. A boy allowed in Camp Witty? Personally, i thought that was weird, and i knew i wasn't going to like it. Steve wrote out the boy's username on his nametag. It read "JamesBrass". Steve walked the boy up to a seperate cabin on the other side of Camp. Us girls ran back to the cabins.
    "I thought Camp Witty was JUST girls?" I questioned.
    "That's what I thought too" replied Sam "Won't a boy in Camp Witty cause a lot of drama? I thought drama wouldn't be tolerated here?..."
    We didn't know what to do, we sat in the meeting room in silence until Steve came back.
    I saw Steve walking up the sidewalk to our cabins. I jupmed up. He walked through the door.
    "Hi Steve!" We all yelled in unison.
    "Hello, girls, I know this camp was originally for all girls, and that's what it said on the permission slip. I will have to notify your parents that a boy has been let in to Camp Witty. If your parent's don't agree, then don't worry i will send the boy home. Is that okay with you girls?" Asked Steve.
    "I guess so." "Sure" "I guess it wouldn't hurt" We all said.
    But me, i didn't like the idea. I'd rather stay with JUST my witty girls. All the girls headed back to their cabins.
    Except me. I stayed in the meeting room, wondering what was about to happen next. But i guess i didn't have to wonder because "JamesBrass" would explain it for me. Just as i was about to go back to my room he walked through the door.
    "Hey, i'm James, I hope it's okay that i'm staying here."
    "Oh..hi James...I'm Francie. Yeah..sure. It's fine...i guess."
    "I'm not trying to cause drama, but you have to understand that boy's also go through the things you girls go through, and i just thought maybe Camp Witty would help me escape, ya know?"
    He seemed sincere, but how could i know for sure? Maybe this was just a scheme to get with girls. I don't know. I just knew that i couldn't fully trust this boy.
    -Feedback;first story

  2. ImFindingNemo ImFindingNemo
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 4:13pm UTC
    Witty Camp:
    Chapter 3: Leah's POV
    I couldn't believe Alyssa lost her admission letter. I felt so bad for her. Now she might have to go home. Then i would lose my cabin mate...that would be awful. I had to go help her find it. I ran down to the entrance only to find a boy, he was standing on the outside of the gates. Steve and Alyssa were staring at him. I was about 20 feet behind them so i couldn't hear everything Steve was telling the boy. But i saw a piece of paper in the boy's hand. "Oh my goodness...that must be her letter.." i whispered to myself. I ran back to the cabins. All of the girls were in the meeting room, worried for Alyssa.
    "There's a boy at the gate!" I yelled.
    "A boy? Isn't Camp Witty for girls?" replied Francie.
    "Yeah, that's what i thought too." said Cassidy.
    "Well i don't know but there's a boy and I think he has Alyssa's letter!" I said.
    "WHAT?!" said the girls in unison.
    We all ran down to the gate. The girls couldn't believe what i had told them, but now they knew it was true.
    "Oh my gosh." "What is happening?" "Who is he?"
    Questions were going through everyone's minds.
    I saw Steve pull out a nametag. He was writing on it.
    What was he writing? Alyssa ran up to us.
    "Steve's letting this boy in..."
    -Feedback;first story

  3. ImFindingNemo ImFindingNemo
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 2:53pm UTC
    Witty Camp:
    Chapter 2: Alyssa's POV(bloondiiebabiie98)
    I put my things down in my cabin and walked out to the meeting room. Steve was calling for admission letters. I ran back to my room to get my letter. Mom told me she put it in the left pocket of my bookbag. "Oh my gosh. The zipper's open. This can not be good." I searched through my whole entire bookbag, not there. "It must have fallen out" I mumbled to myself. I walked back out to the meeting room.
    "Steve..." i said in a quiet voice.
    "Yes, Alyssa?" He replied.
    "My admission letter is missing, i swear i had it on the way here, i swear! I don't know where it is!" I started to tear up, this could ruin camp witty for me.
    "Alyssa, Alyssa! Calm down! It'll be okay, i'll send someone out to check the grounds for you, don't worry it'll show up"
    "But what if it doesn't?!"
    "Then...you'll have to leave Camp Witty...I'm Sorry."
    I stared at Steve with my eyes full of tears then i ran to my cabin and bawled my eyes out into my pillow. My cabin mate walked in. Her nametag read "LeahBettinax3".
    "Hey, it'll be okay, i promise, we'll find it!" Said Leah.
    I couldn't speak. I was so choked up. She then gave me a hug and assured me it would be fine.
    I knew i could always count on my witty girls.
    "ALYSSA!" yelled Steve, from the other room.
    I ran into the meeting room.
    "YEAH?!" I replied.
    "Come with me."
    Steve and I walked down to the entrance. A boy was standing on the outside gate of Camp Witty. My letter was in his hand. How did a boy get it? Camp Witty is for girls.
    "Hello" said the boy. I had a feeling this was not going to end well.
    -Feedback;first story

  4. ImFindingNemo ImFindingNemo
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 2:34pm UTC
    Witty Camp:
    Chapter 1
    "Wow" said Sam "This place is stunning."
    A crowd of eager girls walked onto the campgrounds of "Camp Witty"
    "This is going to be amazing" said Francie as she stared in awe at the beautiful campgrounds. There was a huge gate at the entrance. You had to use your witty password to enter. On the other side of the gate there was a tall man. He had a dinosaur t-shirt on, and his nametag read "Steve". He pressed a button and the gate suddenly opened. "Welcome to Camp Witty, girls! I'm Steve, and i'm the head camp counselor. Follow me to your cabins."
    Alyssa was trailing behind the rest of the girls, taking in everything. The flowers, the trees, everything was amazing. "I love it already" she mumbled. Alyssa looked ahead and realized she was very far behind the rest of the group. She sprinted ahead, as she was running a note fell from her bag, it was her admission letter to Camp Witty. She finally caught up with the rest of the group and they were already at the cabins. They were gorgeous, all stone with their nicknames imprinted in steel above their doors. "LeahBettinax33" Leah said aloud "That's me!" All the girls proceeded to find their cabins. Once they were all settled in Steve called them in to the meeting room.
    "So, as i already said, my name is Steve. I created camp Witty in hopes that you girls will find inspiration in eachother. To forget about home for just this month, forget about all those boys who broke you hearts, and all that drama.Drama won't be tolerated here at Camp Witty. If drama arises, you will be sent home"
    -Feedback;first story

  5. ImFindingNemo ImFindingNemo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2011 10:43pm UTC
    Hey Witty Girls
    So i'm going to be writing a story, and it's called Witty Camp. I know this sounds a lot like the story about the Witty School. But i'm going to make it totally different, and this gives you girls a chance who weren't able to be characters in witty school to be a character :D I'm not trying to jock her idea, so please no hate. But i need characters! I think i'm going to do POV's, so can only do so many, so the first couple (about 5 or 6)to comment that they want to be a character will be the POV's, other's willl be random characters throughout the story. Comment♥


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