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Member Since: 7 Dec 2011 09:35pm

Last Seen: 20 Jan 2013 10:50pm

user id: 248180

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Amber's what people tend to call me... im 14 years young, and i get sung the happy birthday song on October 12th :) I'm the youngest of 3 kids. whattaheadache.I love Drawing, Writing, and i have the IDK.Coolest? taste in music ever. I lovelovelove LMFAO and Eminem. If you bring up any other bands that I love, i can and WILL have a discussion about them. You have been warned. I love my friends to death even if i dont always show it. I'm deathly afraid of being abandoned, and... peanuts ._. their creepy. and also sometimes of being with friends I am never with anymore. but at the same time i rush into rust into stuff falling too hard, too fast. I own a pet doggy named Mela<3 who is THE most amazing doggy in the world. i guess im special:) i love bagels, i think way too much about what other people think of me, but im trying to learn to just be me. Im insecure, even if i act confident. I was wrong. if you actually took the time to read this, I question the amount of free time you have....oh and ILY!!<3
  1. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 4:50pm UTC
    [ Doc Scratch is a great host. ]

  2. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 3:10pm UTC
    ~Life on the bus~
    Being the last one off is boring 8D so here is what I do to pass time! (It also annoys bus drivers ;D)
    A couple of friends and I. . .
    Aggravation realibation, aggravation this is how it goes. . .
    First you take a garden hose stick it up your brothers nose, turn it on, full blast, oh crap.
    Aggravation realibation, aggravation this is how it goes. . .
    Then you take a bowling ball, role it down the isle. Hits the wall, hits your head, oops your dead.
    Aggravation realibation, aggravation this is how it goes. . .
    Then you take a paperbag, stick it over your head, suffocate, suffocate, oops your dead.
    Aggravation realibation, aggravation that is how it goes. . . . .. . .............
    Old lady bus driver. . .
    Yeah, that song NEVER gets old (:

  3. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 7:15pm UTC
    You know what? If your to scared to be friends with me IRL because your scared your 'popular friends' will think your a loser, don't even think about being friends with me on Facebook.
    Yeah, just a tip for you.(;

  4. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    Teacher: "Ok everyone. Get out your books and read! Be quite too!"
    Me: "Wait for it... Wait for it..."
    Cousin: "What for what..."
    Cousin: "Woot woot.!" ^(o3o)^

  5. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    *Daylynn and I are sitting in FlamingIceCube's room at 9 pm*
    FIC: "Dont follow me, I'll brb."
    *5 seconds later...*
    ME: "Imma follow her."
    *walks into the other room*
    Me: ._. "Ducky pj's!"
    DAY: xD
    FIC: D:<
    True story... xD

  6. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 11:03am UTC
    My friend doesnt know how to FistBump (;

  7. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    I Feel Like...
    I Have Lost Someone Very Imporntant To Me.

  8. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 9:07pm UTC
    Left for dead.
    Chapter 2.
    Taking action.
    I walked down the perch and slowly walked past the den my father was in, seeing my mother wanting to cry, but being strong, my fathers arm hanging off the table with blood all over it. I could figure the clan was starting to find out about my father, because they were all quite, didn't stop to give a gesture, and no one outside grooming each others coats.
    I kept walking until I reached the den that father always disappeared in, above it was a hanging plank that was carved from a long time ago saying 'War Office: Keep out.' with a few more words under it about generals and high officers only. I walked in.
    "What is a small kitten doing in a big place like this?"
    An old looking cat with long drooping whiskers and an old dust white color pelt with black highlights. Not releasing he was the old general, and my fathers mentor, I pushed him out of the way and jumped in the middle of the crowd of elite fighters, and the current general. I froze, seeing all the old and higher ranked fighters looking at me, but I spoke out, yelling a bit.
    "I want to help you in the war!"
    The whole room was silent, then blurted out with purrs, hissing and laughing. They also called me silly names for being so little and saying that.
    "Awe! Look at the little kitty!"
    "So cute!"
    "HA! She thinks she can fight like us, adorable!"
    The only one quite was the current general. His name was Blackheart. He was selected general because as a child he was quite skilled, better then my father really. He is known to not have a heart when it comes to fighting. He stood up, tall, with his black fur shining under the light of the small hole at the top of the den. I looked up at him, bowing my head slowly, a little scared of him, I spoke again, but my voice more cowardly now.
    "Sir, I, I only wanted to help... I want to... avenge my father for being attacked like that, thats all..."
    He walked closer to me, and picked me up by the scruff, I felt like I was lifted 100 feet off the ground, he held on to my scruff hard, unlike mother and father. He walked out the door, the old general following, he threw me down and spoke with a rusty and harsh tone.
    "Do you know, what you just did? You just made your father look like a fool! Why cant you be like your older brothers and sisters! There so mature, and can at least act like they don't know about there father! There not running around looking for vengeance, and if any on the assassins hear about this, they will come for you next. Now get out of here, go back to your den little kitty."
    He walked in the war office again, following the old general. I turned around and started walking, then tears started to well up in my eyes, I walked faster, then ran into the den, running into the wall, and just fell over and stayed there.
    "Why doesn't anyone care about father!

  9. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2012 8:01pm UTC
    I'm afraid of 17 out of the 72 common fears.[ ] the dark[x] staying single forever[x] being a parent[ ] giving birth[x] being myself in front of others[ ] open spaces[x] closed spaces[ ] heights[ ] dogs[ ] birds[ ] fish[ ] spiders[ ] flowers or other plants[x] being touched[ ] fire[ ] silk[ ] the ocean[ ] failure[ ] success[ ] thunder/lightning[ ] frogs/toads[ ] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad[ ] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom[ ] rats[ ] wind[x] jumping from high places[ ] snow[ ] rain[x] crossing hanging bridges[ ] deep water[ ] heaven[ ] death[ ] being robbed[ ] falling[x] clowns[x] dolls[x] large crowds of people[ ] men[ ] women[x] having great responsibilities[x] doctors (including dentists)[ ] tornadoes[ ] hurricanes[x] incurable diseases[ ] sharks[ ] Friday the 13th[ ] ghosts[ ] poverty[ ] Halloween[x] school[ ] trains[x] odd numbers[ ] even numbers[ ] being alone[ ] becoming blind[ ] becoming deaf[x] growing up[x] creepy noises at night[ ] bee stings[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals[ ] needles[ ] blood[ ] dinosaurs[ ] the welcome mat[ ] high speed[ ] throwing up[ ] falling in love[ ] super secretsIf you repost this, at the top write," I'm afraid of _ out of the 72 common fears."If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend counseling.If you get more than 20, your paranoid.If you get 10-20 your normal.If you get 10 or less, your fearless.People who have no fears are liars.

  10. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2012 9:50pm UTC
    Left for Dead.
    Chapter 1.
    My childhood was very, sweet. I had 2 sisters, Mayspright and Lilacdrop; and 3 brothers, Darkvoid, Blueclaw and Blacknight. I, Hollowspirit, was the runt of the litter. I may have not gotten alot of attention out of all 6 of us, but it was fine for me. My father, Thunderfang, was the leader of my clan, he was a tall, strict cat, with a scar over his right eye, from long ago, and an ash pelt with a yellowish tan stripe going down his back. My mother, Lilywiskers, was a sweet, caring mother. She loved us to death. She was shorter, but beautiful, a white, creamy coat, with the most beautiful blue eyes and soft whiskers.
    It was a dangerous world out there, assassins trying to kill my father for power over our clan. The clan has been at peace for a while now, but, the thing I didn't relies was... an all out attack was coming.
    "Mother. Father" My voice was soft, and calm. "Mother? Father? Where are you?" I walked through the clan of other cats, into the leaders den. "Moth-" I stopped, when I saw it, fathers arm, it was almost torn off, his face, covered in blood. I stood there, my big dark blue, eyes watering up, I quickly turned around and ran out, bumping into Darkvoid and Blacknight. "Darkvoid! Blacknight! Father is-" They stopped what I was saying. "We know." They both answered at once. "W-what happened, how did it happen? Who did this?" I couldn't stop asking questions. "Listen. Hollowspirit, you must keep quite, if the clan gets word, then it spreads out to the forest, we are going to have a huge problem in our paws. So for now, act like you saw nothing, act like your, playful happy self." My brother let out a sigh, then walked away. "How can you be so calm about this?" I said to myself as tears soaked into my grey pelt.
    I walked to the high point of the clan, where father would always sit and show me the whole clan under our paws. "Soon, you might rule this clan for yourself." His voice echoed in my head. Lilacdrop, the oldest of the litter, came up and sat by me. "So you heard to?" Her voice was sad, and no longer had that comforting purr in it. "Who did this?" Tears started to form again. "Don't cry Hollowspirit. Father is strong, and will not give up that easily." I asked again, this time, my voice for the first time, sounded angered. "Who did this." She looked at me, then turned around to view the open clearing of the woods. "An assassin." "Just one! H-how could just one take him down like this! His arm was almost ripped off! He was bleeding badly, almost dead!" My sister looked down at me, shocked because she has never seen me angered before, but could understand at this point. "It was not ordinary assistant. It was, him. The leader of the killers, no one knows what he looks like, he is so lightning fast. He is extremely strong if he could take down father. No one knows his name, it is so secret, even his clan doesn't know. Some even say he doesn't even exist." I had my short, weak claws out and gripped the dirt under my paws. "I will kill this man, no matter wolf, cat or any other animal, I will kill him. Even if it takes all 9 lives to waste, no one will do this to my family and get away with it, no one." I seemed to suddenly turn into a different cat. My sister watched as I walked away, her eyes seemed sad, like she wanted to cry, but couldn't. I wasn't even big enough to take down any of my brothers or sisters, but I promised to take that man down.

  11. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 8:54pm UTC
    Its funny when
    You are trying to say something very imporntant.
    Theres that fly again.....

  12. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 6:41pm UTC
    Left for dead.Prolog.
    I laid there, my face, arm and sides bleeding from the attack. The assassin sat there, his long blade wrapped in his mutated tail, it was directed where I could see myself. He sat up more and looked me in the eyes, they were all black with extremely narrow, white pupils and black shadows under them. He has a metal mouth cover, the kind they put on you when you go to a mental hospital. He was so skinny, I dont know how he was still alive, his ears sat back, with a big scar cut across the left one. He lifted the blade again and swung it at me, I tried to turn over, he slashed my neck, just enough to cut it, cut off the necklace, it fell into the water, the rosey jewel on the silver cross necklace shone as it sunk to the bottom. My eyes got narrow as I rose to my feet. He cut the necklace.... T-the demon is free. I said in my mind... Blood dripped but I wiped it off, my claws came out as I looked him back in the eyes. I talked slowly, even though I was injured badly. "Dont.... attack me...." blood ran out the corner of my mouth, but I kept speaking. "You... Have killed my clan.... You might even kill me.... But you well never kill my spirit......" He looked at me with anger, but at the same time, fear."Flashstep." His voice was deep and mean, it seemed ruged like his throat was slit.He dissappeared and reappeard above me, he kicked my back, all you could hear in the dark woods... SNAP. I couldnt stand up, but I would not let him kill me, I threw myself at him and slashed his face, I held onto his mask, trying to support myself, all he did was stand and look at me. He quickly swung around the blade in my blondspot, I was hit.... I didnt get up again...Hello, Its IceColors. In my story I have created my OC's (Own characters). In the prolog, my female character (not telling the name, no spoilers! :3 ok, ok, ok, you got me - her name is Hollowspirit) meets this assassin who kills off her whole clan.(I'd tell you his name but I still dont got one 8D) Hollowspirit is out on a quest to find someone. When her necklace is removed (as you read) She will transform into the origonal evil demon that was sealed away, she was born as this evil, but the elder of her clan was able to lock it away with the necklace. And thus, this story was born.

  13. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 7:29pm UTC
    Its called knocking.
    Learn it.
    Do it.
    Enjoy it.
    GET OUT.

  14. IceColors IceColors
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 7:11pm UTC
    Dont fall in love with someone you can live with...
    Fall in love with someone you cant live without...


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