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Member Since: 1 Nov 2010 07:17pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 131399

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My real acount is TiaBieber. I use this one for writing stories. I will only write them if I know people are reading. So please comment or fave if you think I should keep going. thank you


Tiny Hand With Animated Rainbow Hearts
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2011 1:12am UTC
    WHY ME?!?!?! Chapter 7
    I ran the rest of the way to school, it wasn't that much. Reaching the school yard I frantically searched for Amy. You see when I was in 5th grade, I met Amy. She was the only one who understood me, for a while. We would be the ones people would laugh at because we were different. We danced and sang and played pretend and made videos and did stuff like trade clothes in the middle of the day. We did not give a crap about anyone who thought we were weird. We knew we were weird. We wanted to be weird. Like me, her biggest dream was to have an adventure and we would search for one every chance we get. It is now years later and we still want the same things. I had to tell her what had happened because she would be the only one that would believe me. That I knew for sure.

    posted a quote
    April 11, 2011 1:06am UTC
    WHY ME?!?!?! Chapter 6
    There is no way I can get to school in one piece and actually learn something after THAT. Panic spread over me. I didn't know what to think. First off, I was scared, still. Second, relieved to be back. Third, shocked and confused for the same reason everyone would be if they had just gone through what I did. And fourth, I have never felt happier in my life. Had I just been in a different dimension? This is the type of excitement I have been waiting for forever! My life has always been boring and I have always loved reading those fantasy and adventure books or watching the movies and hoping that someday, something completely awesome would happen to me. Now I realize ,I have to get to school. I need to tell Amy.

    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 6:29pm UTC
    WHY ME?!?!?! Chapter 5
    Wishes. That is what it was all about? But I had questions!!! Was there limits? A certain amount of wishes maybe? How did I get here? Who controlled this place? WHY am I here? Is this all a part of my imagination? How do I "wake up?"
    My mind struggled to think of what to do next. And then it hit me: What if I wish myself back home? I closed my eyes and imagined myself walking to school on the same road I have known for years. The stop signs, stores, streets, people, all formed into my mind. I opened my eyes - nothing. I was still in the weird meadow of green which surrounded me as far as I could look. But suddenly, the grass sank into the dirt and the dirt slowly turned to concrete, the trees seemed to move, and I could faintly hear the familiar sounds of the busy street back home. It all became clear and I was back.

    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 1:07am UTC
    WHY ME?!?!?! Chapter 4
    Scream with no sound, cry with no tears, and hurt with no pain.
    I hit the bottom, hard. My feet landed first and I felt no pain. I realized it was what I wished for. NO PAIN. But there was hurt. I was trapped. I did not know where I was, or if I was going back. The land around me was green. Trees, grass, and plants filled all the space. I searched for any sign of animal life - nothing.
    Then I tried this: I wished.
    If I wished for no pain and there was none maybe I could wish for something else. I closed my eyes and just thought:
    I wish I had a big bowl of ice cream.
    Opening my eyes I stumbled backwards because where I was standing, a huge bowl, and I mean huge, of pink, white, and brown appeared. It was at least 10 feet tall. I could feel the cold air radiating off of it and wished it away. It was gone. Just like that.

    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 12:57am UTC
    WHY ME?!?!?! Chapter 3
    It was not real. I partially believed I was still daydreaming and the purple bus was all part of it too. I was afraid to step anywhere around me once I saw the glistening silver clouds under me. Yup...clouds. Not street, not sidewalk, but clouds. There was nothing above me. Nothing to the sides. Stranded in the middle of absolutely no where. It looked like Heaven, how I imagined it at least, but felt weird. I was not flying and I could definitely feel the pain in my arm which I had just pinched. I was scared, completely, but the feeling of being here was different than anything I have ever felt. My stomach was in a whirl and my brain was screaming to get out of my head. My heart thumping at least 100 beats over the regular limit.
    What now? The first thing I did: take a step forward. The cloud wrapped around me and I sank, slipped, fell, flew.

    posted a quote
    January 17, 2011 12:10am UTC
    Why Me?!?!?! Chapter 2
    I felt free. That's all that could describe it. Bouncing to school in my DC sneakers, my backpack slightly weighing me down, I felt as if I finally escaped the torture of home. I had a LOT of problems with my parents. I didn't even see them before I left the house. Oh well. My iPod turned onto shuffle when I hopped onto the sidewalk across the street. "Party in the USA" screw that. I shook it again, "Magic" eh sure, why not? I tried to drown out the noise of the busy street next to me. I closed my eyes and let my feet go into automatic, since I have been taking this route to school for 9 years now.
    I pictured myself under a tree. A huge drooping tree, all around me was grass, and further out was a meadow. On the other side, a forest. More like a jungle if you look towards the center. To my right was a beautiful house with a huge porch and many windows. I could feel the soft wind and I pulled my lime jacket on tighter.
    "BEEEEEEP" was all I heard and it was enough to take me out of my daydreaming and make me realize that a big purple bus was headed straight for me. I had walked right onto the street! I quickly jumped back as the bus zoomed by inches from my nose. My heart pounded as I walked backwards onto the sidewalk and tried to figure out what had just happened. I usually walk straight towards school. Never have my feet taken me anywhere else and if they did, I would have noticed myself walking off the sidewalk. I looked around to see where I was exactly and gasped.

    posted a quote
    November 2, 2010 6:40pm UTC
    WHY ME?!?!
    Chapter ONE
    "Ugh! Kristina GET OVER HERE NOW."
    "WHAT?!, are you serious?! CLEAN IT UP!"
    "When will you learn NOT to leave all of your cut up pieces of crap on the floor?"
    "When you learn to be less ugly..."
    "EXCUSE ME?!"
    "I THOUGHT SO." my goodness, WHY must little sisters be SO annoying? She left all of her pink paper diamonds on my bedroom floor. I hate having to share a room with her. It's so hideous. Her Twilight and SpongeBob posters cover every inch of the wall designated to be hers, and she makes fun of my Justin Bieber posters. I can't wait to get my own room.
    "I don't want to clean it..."
    "Well you have to."
    "No" and she leaves slamming the door behind her. So now I'm stuck cleaning up the mess she made AND feeling sorry for myself.
    My name is Teodora. Yea i know what you're thinking "who names their kid Teodora?" ANSWER: my parents.
    I believe my parents had me so they can torment me for ever. First, they give me this name. Now they have cursed me with the meanest sister alive. What's next? I don't even want to know...
    Me and my tall, skinny, ugly self came to America when I was 3. Now I am a 14 year old living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I think that's what it was...Oh well...who pays attention to History anyway? Well if you go to Gravy School... I doubt you'll find anyone.
    As I finished picking up the dreaded paper, I heard a knock on the door. Marko. My 4 year old brother. The only one who cares to be polite, and he's 3 years younger than little Miss Attitude. I love my brother; I wish there were more people in the world like him. Those who aren't afraid to give you a hug when you're hurt. I probably shouldn't start getting into details. My eyes are already tearing up.
    "Who is it?" I say in a sing-song voice.
    "TIA!" My brother’s way of telling me to hurry up. My nick-name. Well I should probably get ready for school. I'll go the same way I usually do. Just have to brush my teeth and quickly tie my already wavy hair into a tight but sloppy bun. I take my showers at night; I find it to be much more efficient. Splashing the cool water on my face gets me pumped for the rest of the day.
    I grab my iPod. Turn on some Justin Bieber, and slip my jacket on over my aero polo that matches my blue basketball shorts. I'm the type of person who doesn't give a crap if I'm wearing knee- high socks with something sporty. People should mind their own business.
    This is how the morning of the most exciting day of my life started, as I head out to school. Or so it seems.


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