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Member Since: 29 Sep 2011 08:46am

Last Seen: 18 Jan 2012 03:18pm

user id: 222176

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New profile. http://www.wittyprofiles.com/author/LivingDisaster Cheers. xo.
  1. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 11:38pm UTC

  2. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 11:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 11:30pm UTC
    || PEACE || LOVE || FAITH || HOPE ||

  4. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 7:46am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 7:37am UTC
    s p e a k
    t h e t r u t h
    but I guess
    that’s a
    f o r e i g n
    to y’all.
    - Lil Wayne.

  6. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 1:44am UTC
    If my ceiling fan could hold my weight, I
    would never be bored again.

  7. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 3:52am UTC
    I love those type of friendships that don’t require a lot of effort. We may not see each other as much as we want to or talk as much as we used to, but it doesn’t change the fact that we’re friends no matter what. They can do their own thing and I can do my own thing. What’s important is that whenever we do see each other again, we can pick up right from where we left off without making it awkward. Any friendship that works out like that is a friendship worth having.

  8. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 4:39am UTC
    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr.

  9. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 8:06am UTC
    My best guy friend & i made a pact today.
    If were both still single by the time we are thirty,
    we will get married.
    he's amazing.

  10. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 8:01am UTC
    I told him there was a beautiful girl behind him.
    He looked me in the eye & said,
    "But you're not behind me?"
    & that is why i love him.

  11. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 4:37am UTC
    1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
    2) Describe your relationship status.
    3) Who are the most important people in your life?
    4) List of your 3 favorite movies.
    5)What annoys you more than anything?
    6)What's your favorite book?
    7) Describe your personality with five words.
    8) What do you do for education/work?
    9) What's your favorite TV show?
    10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
    11) How many quotes have you made so far?
    12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?
    DAY 1
    The most important people in my life would have to be my friends. they have been there for me when nobody else has. i love them to bits!

  12. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 3:40am UTC
    1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
    2) Describe your relationship status.
    3) Who are the most important people in your life?
    4) List of your 3 favorite movies.
    5)What annoys you more than anything?
    6)What's your favorite book?
    7) Describe your personality with five words.
    8) What do you do for education/work?
    9) What's your favorite TV show?
    10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
    11) How many quotes have you made so far?
    12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?
    DAY 2
    My relationship status. i honestly dont even know anymore. I mean, on one hand ive got josh & Brayden, & on the other, ive got Jesse. Now i know that i should just give up on jesse cause there is no way that we could ever be together again, but i love him, more than anyone before. Josh is nice, but hes just not my type & i swear, he is the king of mixed signals. Now Brayden is just a player, i know it, but i just cant stop myself from wanting to try it with him. Oh well, i shall have to learn the hard way.

  13. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 3:40am UTC
    1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
    2) Describe your relationship status.
    3) Who are the most important people in your life?
    4) List of your 3 favorite movies.
    5)What annoys you more than anything?
    6)What's your favorite book?
    7) Describe your personality with five words.
    8) What do you do for education/work?
    9) What's your favorite TV show?
    10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
    11) How many quotes have you made so far?
    12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?
    DAY 2
    My relationship status. i honestly dont even know anymore. I mean, on one hand ive got josh & Brayden, & on the other, ive got Jesse. Now i know that i should just give up on jesse cause there is no way that we could ever be together again, but i love him, more than anyone before. Josh is nice, but hes just not my type & i swear, he is the king of mixed signals. Now Brayden is just a player, i know it, but i just cant stop myself from wanting to try it with him. Oh well, i shall have to learn the hard way.

  14. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 3:40am UTC
    1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
    2) Describe your relationship status.
    3) Who are the most important people in your life?
    4) List of your 3 favorite movies.
    5)What annoys you more than anything?
    6)What's your favorite book?
    7) Describe your personality with five words.
    8) What do you do for education/work?
    9) What's your favorite TV show?
    10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
    11) How many quotes have you made so far?
    12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?
    DAY 2
    My relationship status. i honestly dont even know anymore. I mean, on one hand ive got josh & Brayden, & on the other, ive got Jesse. Now i know that i should just give up on jesse cause there is no way that we could ever be together again, but i love him, more than anyone before. Josh is nice, but hes just not my type & i swear, he is the king of mixed signals. Now Brayden is just a player, i know it, but i just cant stop myself from wanting to try it with him. Oh well, i shall have to learn the hard way.

  15. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 5:28am UTC
    A year has past since i held you last,
    But i cannot say i have been swayed,
    out of loving you.
    Is this what it feels like when it's true?

  16. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 7:19am UTC
    You know all those little fights we had over
    w h o l o v e d w h o m o r e ?
    Yeah, well i'd just like to say
    i t o l d y o u s o .
    Cause you've moved on, and im
    s t i l l i n l o v e .

  17. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 6:57am UTC

  18. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2011 10:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2011 10:41pm UTC
    I'm a good enough person to
    forgive you .
    But I'm not stupid enough to
    trust you .
    Because trust is like
    glass - once it's broken ,
    it's hard to fix .

  20. ICanFeelThePressure ICanFeelThePressure
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2011 7:45pm UTC
    1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
    2) Describe your relationship status.
    3) Who are the most important people in your life?
    4) List of your 3 favorite movies.
    5)What annoys you more than anything?
    6)What's your favorite book?
    7) Describe your personality with five words.
    8) What do you do for education/work?
    9) What's your favorite TV show?
    10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
    11) How many quotes have you made so far?
    12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?
    DAY 1
    {[I am not a word, I am not a line,
    I am not a girl that can ever be defined.]}
    So, my name is Teneale. Im 5teen years young. Im about 5ft with brown curly hair. I love to surf, read, write and sing. Best artists in the world are Paramore, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Dr Dre and 50 Cent. I dont have a bestfriend, never really have. I have two little sisters and an older brother. That is all.


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