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Member Since: 28 Mar 2011 10:48am

Last Seen: 4 Oct 2011 07:25pm

user id: 161254

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  1. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 1:55am UTC
    FORMAT CREDIT GOES TO: FormatRequest

  2. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 1:46am UTC
    She turned to me and said:
    "Consider this my goodbye to the world."
    and then she jumped.
    Onto my trampoline :)

  3. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 1:38am UTC
    If he told me out loud that he cared, I must've missed it.
    But when he holds out his arms for a hug, it feels like he's screaming it.
    format by: FormatRequest... or is it? JK :)

  4. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 1:34am UTC
    So today,
    I'll wear sweats and a sloppy, messy bun.
    Lace my Converse up tight,
    won't fall off when I run.
    Find a purse, wear no make up.
    Won't make the mistake of, waiting for approval from them.
    Because today I am my own person.
    Format by: FormatRequest

  5. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 1:31am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 1:26am UTC
    As always, this quote won't get more than a few faves.
    Here is bottle, here are some pills
    drink them and take them,
    and cry against your will,
    he'll come and apologize,
    but it'll be too late.
    This time your dangerous life will kill you,
    and he'll feel he's to blame.

  7. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 1:51pm UTC
    Every body, go read this:
    you won't be sorry.
    *This will not spam you or anything. Please, help me convince this girl to move her story to Witty so everyone can enjoy it!!

  8. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2011 8:31pm UTC
    How I used to spend my weekends:
    Shoveling peanut butter into my mouth and watching musicals.
    How I spend them now:
    Clubbing with my friends, and driving around my block just to listen to the radio.

  9. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2011 12:47am UTC
    I've been told,
    "When a guy likes you, he is mean to you."
    "When a guy likes you, he is really nice to you."
    "When a guy likes you, he ignores you."
    "When a guy likes you, he shows off to you."
    "When a guy likes you, he flirts with you."
    "When a guy likes you, he flirts with other girls."
    So, what does a guy do when he doesn't like you?

  10. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2011 6:57pm UTC
    Cross Off the Things You Have Done
    Graduated high school
    Kissed Someone
    Smoked a cigarette
    Got so drunk you passed out
    Rode in a police car for something you didn't do
    Rode every ride at an amusement park
    Collected something really stupid
    Gone to a rock concert
    Help someone
    Gone fishing
    Watched four movies in one night
    Gone long periods of time without sleep
    Lied to someone
    Snorted cocaine
    Failed a class
    Dealt drugs
    Been in a car accident
    Been in a tornado
    Done hard drugs
    Watched someone die
    Been at a funeral
    Burned yourself
    Ran a marathon
    Cried yourself to sleep
    Spent over $200 in one day
    Flown on a plane
    Cheated on someone
    Been cheated on
    Written a 10 page letter
    Gone skiing
    Been sailing
    Cut yourself on accident
    Had a best friend
    Lost someone you loved
    Shoplifted something
    Been to jail
    Dangerously close to being in jail
    Skipped school
    Skipped class
    Had detention
    Got in trouble for something you didn't do
    Stolen books from the library
    Gone to a different country
    Dropped out of school
    Been in a mental hospital
    Been treated in a mental hospital
    Watched the “Harry Potter” movies
    Had an online diary
    Fired a gun
    Had a yard sale
    Had a lemonade stand
    Actually made money at a lemonade stand
    Been in a school play
    Been fired from a job
    Taken a lie detector test
    Swam with dolphins
    Gone to sea world
    Voted for someone on a reality TV show
    Written poetry
    Read more than 20 books a year
    Written a 30 page essay
    Gone to Europe
    Loved someone you shouldn't have
    Befriended someone you shouldn't have
    Used a coloring book over age 12
    Had surgery
    Had stitches
    Taken a taxi
    Seen the Washington Monument
    Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once
    Had a drug or alcohol problem
    Relative to someone who had a serious alcohol/ drug problem
    Been in a fist fight
    Suffered any form of abuse
    Gone surfing in California
    Had a hamster
    Pet a wild animal
    Used a credit card
    Did “spirit day” at school
    Dyed your hair
    Got a tattoo
    Had something pierced
    Got straight As
    Been on the honor roll
    Known someone with HIV or AID

  11. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2011 2:57pm UTC
    I remember every detail.
    The way they walked home together, hand in hand.
    The way they stopped on our doorstep.
    The way he pulled her in by the waist for a hug.
    Her arms went around his neck gracefully, as if they'd done this a thousand times.
    Their hug was long and tight.
    Their kiss came immediately after.
    It was a long kiss. A beautiful kiss.
    Too bad I couldn't enjoy the beauty of their relationship.
    I was six, I listened to everything my dad said.
    I told him my sister was kissing some guy on our porch.
    I didn't know why I did that. There wasn't really anything in it for me.
    Now, I regret it every time.
    I wish I could've seen what she ended up like if I didn't do that every time she kissed a boy.
    Because she's kind of bitter.

  12. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 9:10pm UTC
    Don't you love it when he texts you?
    Him: Hey
    Me: Hey there
    Him: Wassup?
    Me: Just homework.
    Him: I gtg to basketball practice. Luv u.
    Me: Luv u too.

  13. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 8:15pm UTC
    PART 4
    I thought it was hilarious. Yes, I know it's rude to say, but it had to be said. If you were there, you'd agree with me. Sam was okay.
    Yes, Sam got the part!
    Yes, Grace didn't!
    Graceful is, wait for it, a TREE! No lines. She just stands there for a few scenes. Then, in the last scene she's in, she goes "Shh!" as the people exit the scene.
    Okay, I have to admit, I love being a stage hand. It's fun. I don't have to do anything but design sets the first few rehearsals. Then, once all the designs are done, I get to fulfill my duties as "Director of Props and Art" and tell people what to pain on giant slabs of cardboard. Easy.
    Sam has been practicing non-stop. He hasn't been over to Graceful's house (I should know, I'm stalking him) in weeks. They haven't haven't had a single moment of PDA in weeks!
    It's fantastic!!!
    Now, to go in for the kill.

  14. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 4:43am UTC
    Everything in school is always so dramatic....
    I kind of like the drama and the suspense. It's like cable, but I don't have to pay for it. :)

  15. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 2:47am UTC
    PART 3
    Can I tell you a secret? My sister has a crush on Sam. Apparently, Sam had a crush on her. I mean, who can really compete with their perky younger sister? I obviously can't. I wondered why she went to boarding school. In the middle of the school year.
    She hadn't done anything wrong as far as I knew, yet on the jet plane she went. Poor girl, shipped away like a... well a flat rate box.
    But the note said otherwise. They'd both done something wrong.
    Have you ever kissed a guy in a butterfly garden? Have you? If you have, you know what I mean when I say: The world around you kind of disappears. Like, um, when you watch a really intense movie. You feel like you're actually there.
    Well, butterfly gardens and kissing isn't a good pair up for me. I mean, I had an awesome time making out with all of Sam's yummy-ness, but I felt like we'd be together forever. Maybe that's what my sister was thinking when she....
    Let's just say, Sam's a father, and it isn't Grace's. God. My sister and her beliefs. She thinks that a mixture of Paula Abdul and God can get her through anything. I mean who says that everyday? Who has "Paula Abdul+God= safe and secure!" on a poster in their locker? Raise your hand. Okay, I see a few people. Oh, and you in the back. And, of course, my sister.
    Did I mention she's younger? I mean who steals their older sister's boy candy and gets pregnant?
    Even worse, Sam knew all about it. Once I loved him, I could know that we're kind of going to be family. Hopefully, the fact that he was the father of my nephew would extinguish our undying love for each other.
    What if every girl on the planet dated an older or a younger guy? Everybody would probably have somebody.
    * *** * *** * *** *
    I will never forget the look Sam had on his face when I was kissing another boy the next day. Actually, I got lucky. We were rehearsing a play together. And just as the kissing scene happened, Grace and Sam showed up on the scene. Lucky for me, I didn't need to be a good actress. I was only there to be a stage hand. That way, I wouldn't have to buy tickets to see the show.
    Anyway, as I was kissing and amazingly hot drama club member, Sam and Graceful appeared.
    "Oh, hello, Sam. What brings you to the theater?" I ask, smoothly.
    "Grace and I are trying out. Are you?" Sam replies, staring down my rehearsal buddy.
    "No, I'm a stage hand." I flash Graceful a huge, fake smile. The director announces that the auditions are starting. I turn to Sam and Graceful and say sweetly,
    "Break a leg."

  16. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 1:17am UTC
    PART 2
    I suppose sneaking into Grace's room wasn't the smartest idea. But what really ticked me off was the fact that she didn't even have a diary! A super high dose of humiliation for absolutely nothing. I mean, who has... relations at 3 in the afternoon?
    Then there was the shear awkwardness of being discovered under a bed. I mean really, a closet would've been so much nicer. What tasteful, charming, and Graceful person do you know that has several empty condom wrappers under their bed? I bet you don't know that many.
    "Sorry Sam. Sorry Grace. I think I should probably go now. As much as I'd love to stay for your... er, party...." I awkwardly shimmied out from under the bed, tipped an imaginary hat, and left.
    I could only imagine the thoughts Sam was thinking at that very moment.
    Is she jealous?
    Is she crazy?
    Is she stalking me?
    Well, I hate to say this, but those things are all true.
    As I walked home, trembling, I ran my thumb over the envelope sticking out of my pocket. "Open it when you love me."
    Did I love him? Does one act of jealousy indicate that you're falling in love? I had no idea.
    I noticed that the adhesive on the envelope was starting to give. I figured it couldn't hurt to just open it. So what if I wasn't really in love? How would he know?
    I slipped the piece of notebook paper out of it's old, dirty packaging and un-folded it. I scanned the paper, then dropped it where I was on the sidewalk and ran.
    ~Should I keep going? I'm still not sure. Thanks for reading! It means a lot. If you weren't totally bored, please fav!

  17. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 10:49pm UTC
    I guess I wished I could’ve slowed time down so I wouldn’t have gotten swept up in the moment, but like a stupid, naive girl, I let my emotions cloud my judgment. We’d said goodbye at least 12 times and I was about ready to curl up into a ball and cry. He had to leave in a few minutes and he dragged me into his mother’s butterfly garden. I could tell you it wasn’t the most romantic scene for a kiss or that I wasn’t glad I kissed him, but I really don’t want to lie to you.
    I suppose I could just leave it at that, but if you’ve read this far, you may as well know what happened next.
    He kissed me. On the lips. Not a wimpy peck or a measly graze of the lips. A KISS. One that almost made my knees buckle with joy and a mushy-hearted type feeling. I kissed him back. I liked it. I enjoyed it. I wanted to do it again. This felt so right.
    Just the way his big hand rested itself on my waist, just above my butt. The way he gently pulled me in with his eyes. Not at all aggressive. Just kind, and passionate. The way he talked. His voice cracked. It was so cute. The way he walked. He wasn’t trying to be anybody but himself.
    The next time we saw each other, he handed me an envelope. "Don't open it until you're in love with me." he said. I couldn't help but feel like I'd never get to open it. He didn't do anything to make me love him, just normal things a friend would do. Give me hugs, remember little things about me. Stuff like that.
    Then he met Grace. Her name was so ironic. She was the most clumsy person I knew. He fell for her. Hard. I hated her. A lot.
    His everything was Graced-out. His locker, his phone, his profile. Suddenly, I was jealous. No, plain envious!
    I wanted to have an ace clique behind me, helping me to get my sweet revenge on her. But, no ace clique. Just a bunch of girls with no particular talents or things that popped out about them. None. Not an ace clique.
    Whatever Grace did was adorable. Grace was a goddess, while I was stuck being his 'pal' or his best buddy.
    I was still determined to get my hands on her and take her down.
    It all came in a blur. One second, I'm sneaking in to steal her diary, the next, I hear footsteps and rustling clothes outside her bedroom door.
    I dive under the bed, just in time. They threw the door open and jumped onto the bed. One by one, I saw garments lad on the floor around me. One shoe. Another shoe. A sock. A shirt. A skirt, and another shirt. Two more shoes, a pair of pants. Finally, a bra landed inches from my face. "Uh-oh." I whispered. I covered my mouth.
    "What was that?" He asked. Grace peeked her perky face under the bed and squealed. "Hope!!! What are you doing here?!?" she put her hand over her boobs and grabbed a bathrobe. "Hope? Why are you under the bed?" He asked, gabbing his pants.
    What do you think? I don't know if I should keep going or not... Anyway, if you want me to keep going, just say so. And, if you have any ideas on what should happen next, that would be great. Thanks!

  18. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    *for girls eyes ONLY*
    Girls only.......................................................................................
    Did you know kissing ishealthy
    It's good to cry
    Chicken soup actually makes you feel better
    94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers
    Lying is actually unhealthy
    Onlyapplymascara to your top lashes
    It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you!
    89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move
    Ya but 99.99% of girls want guys to make the first move
    Chocolate will make you feel better!
    Most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing.
    A good friend never judges.
    A good foundation will hide hickeys!..not that you have any
    Boys aren't worth your tears
    We ALL love surprises!!
    Now.... make a wish!
    Wish REALLLLLLY hard!!!
    Your wish has just been received
    repost this with the title *for girls eyes ONLY* in the next 15mins and...Your wish WILL BE GRANTED

  19. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 3:43pm UTC
    I remember it like it was yesterday.
    We weren't friends or anything, we just knew each other. Our grandmothers tried to get us to hang out each summer. They played cards together on Sundays after church.
    They'd load us in their rusty old cars and drive us to the church. Plop us down next to each other, and sit in the front. We'd always sneak out together and get the refreshments early, sneaking two donuts each.
    After church, we'd ride back to my grandmother's house. The women would wipe off their make up to reveal their real, wrinkly, paling faces. Smile creases that got deeper with each passing year. Even thought we weren't hungry, grandma would always fix us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and tell us to eat them in the kitchen. We never listened. We'd run outside in our fancy church clothes and eat while we played on the swing set.
    That was years ago. Grandma was dead now. We were going to her funeral. Dressed in my mourning attire, I sat in the last row. The same row we sat in together as kids. The rest of my family sat a row ahead of me.
    I saw his family walk past me and sit next to my family. But he wasn't with him. On the other side of the room, exactly opposite my grandmother's casket, was another. I had no idea how I figured it out, but somehow, I knew it was his grandmother's. I heard footsteps behind me.
    "Mike?" I asked. I hadn't seen him in years. We were both thirteen and the last summer I was there was four years earlier.
    "Hope?" he asked, cracking a half-second smile. "Hey." he says, finally deciding it is me. He sits down next to me. "Sorry about your grandmother." I say slowly, studying him. A single tear streams down his cheek. I wipe it with my thumb. He turns to look at me. Another small smile cracks over his tough exterior. "Sorry about yours." he says, staring into my eyes.
    Suddenly, after just staring at each other for what seemed like moments, the service was coming to an end. We both stood. We waited in our separate lines to see our dead grandmothers. Then, we switched lines and saw each others. When we went back to our seats, somehow, before we sat, we both knew to run into each others arms. Both of us crying into each other in the back of the room. His crying was barely there and silent. Mine was tears rushing down, but nothing loud. We sat down holding hands.
    After the service, we meet up again near his house. "You want to hang out later?" I ask. "Yeah, that'd be cool." he says. I fish around in my pocket and pull out a pen. He holds out his hand and I write my number.

  20. HopesandDreams HopesandDreams
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 3:10pm UTC
    My bestie and I aren't like sisters.
    I don't hang out with my sister.
    I don't text my sister until 2 in the morning talking about boys.
    I don't talk about push-up bras with my sister.
    I don't feel comfortable changing in front of my sister (even if she is family)
    I don't share clothes with my sister.
    My bestie and I aren't like sisters. We're closer.


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