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Member Since: 8 Jan 2012 02:57pm

Last Seen: 16 Jun 2012 02:52am

user id: 261564

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  1. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 4:49pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    Jake was one of my closest friendz until Jamie came. Jamie acted like a nice gjrl and pretended to be one of my friends. One time Jamie asked me who I liked, and I said Jake, but instead Jamie told Jake that i liked him, and that week Jamie asked him out. Jake knewthat i liked him, and he still knows now. But anyway Jake said " Hey Evelyn, hows things going?" I said" Oh nothing really, we just came today to find a cute dressfor Jamies party, do you want to go with me?" Jake said "Sorry Evelyn, im still with Jamie, so basically im going with her." i said " Oh ok, well bye, and it was nice talking to you. " then jake left.
    it made me feel kinda embarrased that Jake just said that to me. I almost cried after that, knowing that hes still with thatmonster. Any way i went back in the store, and returned my dress. Adria asked me why i returned it, but i said " Im going to make my self look sexi so that I could tryto get Jake. Adrian said, smartplan!! After i bought the most cutest, sexiest dress, i went to mac makeup and tried on makeup for the first time. I thought i looked pretty. Then i remembered that Jamie had a hottub in her backyard so i had to get a bathing suit. then i got my bellybutton pierced. IT HURT SO MUCH!! But i know for a fact that this will make jake like me. alot..

  2. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 2:00pm UTC
    love or,lies
    Hi, my nameis Evelyn, i am 16 years old, this all started when a boy named jake came into my life.
    I was 14 when it started. Not knowing anything of the teenage years. My mother was over protective. She never wanted me to go out. But it started at school. I was with my best friend named Adrian. Adrian has been there for me ever since kindergarten. So, the "cool" kids at school were having a flashback party, and it was onlythe kids who went to our elementary school a long time ago. Jamie, the prettiest girlin school was handing invatations out. out. She gave one to Adrian and looked at me with the stink eye. After school she handed me on and i was so suprised i was actually going to her party!! She told me to wear something nice. So after school me and Adrian decided to go to the mall for the party on friday night. Adrian was very beautiful,tall, and skinny.
    She picked out this pink short pink dress and i picked out a blue one. it was the same thing. Then suddenly we bumped into jake while exiting the mall.
    |should i go one?? and thnks for reading

  3. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 7:34pm UTC
    Fave this if you're on witty right now!
    Comment if you just favorited

  4. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2012 11:03pm UTC
    Me : I love u!
    ___: I love you too!
    Me: I know right? Its like the best vowel ever!!

  5. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 11:16pm UTC
    Where is the love?

  6. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:22pm UTC
    That awkward moment #1
    When you say something, and somebody responds with... So?

  7. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    Teacher: The reason why we had to switch seats, was because someone was being noisy, and I'm not gonna name any names.
    Whole Class: * Looks at me and friend*
    Me: -__-

  8. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    And who else remembers

  9. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2012 8:10pm UTC
    Favorite for Temple run

  10. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2012 8:04pm UTC
    the heart is a muscle
    and what do muscles do when they're torn?
    they grow back stronger

  11. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 10:44pm UTC
    When l grow up,
    I want to still be friends with my bestfriend,
    and be that awesome adult that her kids love.

  12. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 10:32pm UTC
    When someone says "prove it" & you can't prove it.

  13. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 1:07pm UTC
    Weird Thought
    In 100 years
    Facebook will have millions of unactive accounts
    of dead people.

  14. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 11:29pm UTC
    When I have kids im gonna make them watch 2012 and tell them I SURVIVED THAT

  15. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 5:06pm UTC
    There once was a bear& a rabbit that hated each other. One day they found a genie in a lamp who said he would grant them each 3 wishes.The bear went first and he said,"I wish to be the only male bear in this forrest." And he got his wish.
    The rabbit said, "I want a motorcycle helmet." And he got his wish.
    The bear went up and said, "I wish to be the only male bear in the U.S. and all the rest were female." And he got his wish.
    The rabbit said, "I wish I had a motorcycle to go w/ that helmet." And he got his wish.
    The bear said, "I wish I was the only male bear in the world, and all the rest were females." And he got his wish.
    Then It was the rabbit's turn, and he said, "I wish that bear was gay."

  16. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 5:04pm UTC

  17. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 3:48pm UTC
    5 weeks ago: temple run
    4 weeks ago: cinnamon challenge
    2 weeks ago: yolo
    1 week ago: kony
    this week: draw something
    Not my quote

  18. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 9:35pm UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  19. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2012 9:48pm UTC
    Fave this if you watchhhh
    Justin Chon
    Victor King
    Sean Fujiyoshi
    Chester See
    Andrew Garcia
    Ahhh Asians

  20. Helloandhi Helloandhi
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2012 6:56pm UTC
    That awkward moment when...
    you go to the bathroom. Take a number 2, then realize, theres no more toilet paper left...


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