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Member Since: 19 Feb 2012 07:27am

Last Seen: 16 Mar 2012 09:00pm

user id: 275662

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Freakin' Harry Potter fan - and proud =)
Things I Love - 
Luke, Bailey, Tia,  Sam, Jessi, Gabby, Rowan, Rhiannon, Ruby, Natille, Kayliegh, Jack, Josh, Michal, Chris, Tyler, Liam, Eddy, Sam, Billy, Harry Potter, FRIENDS, freinds, family, chocolate, giraffes, Witty, Facebook, art, pancakes, England, hot places, skiing, kyaking,  sun, my Mac, my iPhone, my hair-straighteners, when my hair is alright when I wake up, One Direction, Rihanna, Rizzle Kicks, the radio, One Tree Hill, The Only Way is Essex, poeple who raed the whole list of stuff I like, chewing on ice, partys, other people's parents, Mini's, gingers, sweets, truffles, Tesco, self checkouts, hippo's, dandelions,  New Look, H&M, vouchers, money,  English Lit.,  my ear piercings, accents, rugby, concerts, Disney, old saying, new sayings, inside jokes...
Estella / 16 / English
As you may guess, I'm a BIG Harry Potter fan. Books, Films and Merchandise - you name it, I probably have it.
If I could, I would marry Ron Weasly - he's ginger, I'm ginger. He went to Hogwarts, I go to Hogwarts =P. Still, being Hermione must be awesome!
Harry Potter and Ron aren't the only boys in my life - Luke♥ We've been going out 1 year now.
I love my girls - Tia, Sam, Jessi, Gabby, Rowan, Rhiannon, Ruby, Natille, Kayliegh and of course, my all time besti - Bailey. Then, there is all my friends of the boy kind - Jack, Josh, Michal, Chris, Tyler, Liam, Eddy, Sam, Billy and Luke♥
I love Witty so much x
What else? I'm ginger, slightly weird, pretty according to all my friends, and pretty much an average teenager. I love curries - the spicier the better, and I live in Bristol. I work at Hollister on Saturday and some Sundays, and I blow the candles out on the 13th September. I love art, Harry Potter, English Lit., Luke, my family, and my friends xx
Estella xx
  1. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    PLEASE, please, pleeease read gimmesun123's story Romee and Etta. It's really awesome and she really wants some feed back...
    Thanks x

  2. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 11:57am UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #7
    Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself
    Albus Dumbledore

  3. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 12:42pm UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #6
    It's our choices, Harry, that show who we truly are far more than our abilities
    Albus Dumbledore

  4. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 12:38pm UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #5
    To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure
    Albus Dumbledore

  5. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 1:25pm UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #4
    I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me... Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.
    Albus Dumbledore

  6. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 1:23pm UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #3
    Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure
    Luna Lovegood

  7. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 12:02pm UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #2
    If you want to know what a man's like, take a look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals
    Sirius Black

  8. Harry_Potter_Quotes Harry_Potter_Quotes
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 11:59am UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #1
    Don't trust anything unless you can see where it keeps it's brain
    Arthur Weasly


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