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Member Since: 26 Aug 2009 04:06pm

Last Seen: 9 Jun 2012 06:24pm

user id: 87519

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  1. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2010 5:32pm UTC
    I miss those days where boys had cooties...
    where I wished to be a mermaid when I grow up...
    where my stuffed animals could talk...
    where a kiss from mommy could make all the boo-boos stop hurting...
    where everything was so much simpler.

  2. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2010 5:57pm UTC
    you make fun of me
    you tease me
    you have a sick mind
    you make me late to all of my classes
    you swear at me
    you try to trip me when i walk by you
    and oddly enough...
    I find every but of it charming...

  3. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2009 1:41pm UTC
    If someone asked me who I would vote to be president,
    i'd say Pedro Sanchez.

  4. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2009 1:32pm UTC
    "Are you gonna eat your tots?"
    "Can I have them?"
    -Napolean Dynamite

  5. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2009 3:49pm UTC
    my best friends and i are so tight . . .
    we put spandex to shame.

  6. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2009 8:07pm UTC
    My band teacher was giving us a lecture one day on how people neglect their instruments. Here's what happened-
    Band teacher: I hate to see poor, innocent, instruments, sitting in a corner of a hallway, never being played. Imagine if you were that instrument... no one ever played with you, they ignored you, and forgot about you. It makes me want to cry. So please... play your instruments!
    Trumpet player: I take mine for walks.

  7. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 1:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2009 7:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 1:11pm UTC
    i was walking down the hall one day, talking to my crush. i was telling him a funny story about when i went on vacation last summer. but i hadn't noticed that he walked away in the middle of my story. then i realized i was talking to myself for the past few minutes. then i thought, "am i that boring? or am i just an oblivious idiot?"

  10. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 12:53pm UTC
    Why can't people
    look past faces,
    look past clothes,
    look past height,
    look past weight...
    look past what's on the outside,
    and look at what's on the

  11. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 12:33pm UTC
    I just don't get it...
    ya know that indestructible black box on every plane?
    why don't they just make the whole plane out of that?

  12. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2009 7:02pm UTC
    You gotta admit...
    feels awesome

  13. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 8:48pm UTC
    smile everyday, no matter what mood you're in...
    do the things that scare the living crap out of you...
    if you mess up, laugh...
    when in doubt, dance spontaneously...
    every time you're walking down the street, say hi to atleast one person you've never met in your entire life before...
    pursue your passion and chase your dream...
    everyone has their own opinion, including you, so try not to give a crap about what anyone else thinks...
    life is too short...
    so liveitup

  14. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 8:14pm UTC
    Romeo save me,
    I've been feeling so alone.
    I keep waiting for you,
    but you never come.
    Is this in my head?
    I don't know what to think.
    He knelt to the gorund,
    And pulled out a ring and said...
    I shot the sherif!
    But I didn't shoot the deputy!

  15. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 7:55pm UTC
    All of my bestfriends know
    that i may be obnoctious sometimes,
    and that i may talk alot.
    that i laugh at everything,
    and that i can be gullible.
    that i can be embarrassing,
    and i can be slightly annoying.
    that i can be sweet,
    and i can be a tad sour.
    that i can make them laugh,
    and i can put a smile on their faces.
    that i will always be their for them,
    and that i will never let them down...

  16. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 6:23pm UTC
    Girls Night Out!
    Let's go to the spa...
    to have people we don't even know rub our bodys.
    Let's get a facial...
    to have people say "You'd have a nice face if you actually took care of it!"
    Let's get our nails done...
    to inhale intoxicating fumes and spend $50 on something you can do at home.
    Mhm... Nice Girls Night Out.

  17. HannahBanana1x1o HannahBanana1x1o
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 5:22pm UTC
    guys are so flippin' lucky;
    they don't have to wear high heels,
    they can get away with wearing no shirt in public,
    and most of all....
    they don't have to shave their legs.
    but wanna know why girls are lucky?
    on a dinner date,
    we don't have to pay.


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