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  1. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    My first kiss went a little like--
    lol wait i haven't had my first kiss

  2. foreverisalie foreverisalie
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 8:56pm UTC
    I just want a guy
    to text all night until I fall asleep.

  3. __OneDirectionerForever__ __OneDirectionerForever__
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    9 year old in 2012: Short shorts, A&F, Hollister, Tank tops, VS bras and undies, stuffed bra, IPhone, Ipad, Vera Bradly, Died hair, a lot make up, and 500 dollar manicures, Getting drinks and drunks and saying YOLO every 5 seconds.
    Me when i was 9: Hannah Montana shirt, high school musical sneakers, jeans, messy hair, and screaming 'Roxie like a puma!!!' every 5 seconds. Getting sugar high on kool-aid.

  4. cheerchic9711 cheerchic9711
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    Strangers think I'm quiet,
    my friends think I'm outgoing,
    my best friends know I'm insane.

  5. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2012 5:21pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #809
    Selena was challenged to smell a few perfumes
    and name it, but failed to recognize
    Justin's own Someday perfume.

  6. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 5:54pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #389
    Justin is a huge Tupac fan. He has posters
    of Tupac all over his room in Canada.

  7. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 5:50pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #388
    A part was written for Justin to play a character in
    a Pee Wee Herman Movie, but it isn't known if Justin
    will actually be in the movie.

  8. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 5:46pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #387
    Justin said during his time off, he will
    "Think, Pray and Grow up."

  9. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 5:02pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #386
    Justin said he is taking a well-needed 30 days
    off from work before making his new album.

  10. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 4:53pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #385
    There is a solid gold sculpture of Justin's
    head that is worth $1 million dollars.

  11. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 1:20pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #384
    Justin said "Two people can look at the
    same thing and see it differently."

  12. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 1:16pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #383
    Justin said "I've got my eye on a few things to
    spend my money on. I've got my own bank card but
    I'm really good with money. I don't spend too much at all."

  13. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 10:54am UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #382
    Justin said "People think I'm some sort of product,
    but it's not true. I am an artist. I've been playing tons
    of instruments. It'd be cool to play bass one day."

  14. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 10:42pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #381
    Justin once said "Nothing ever got my pulse racing
    in a good way like hockey. Well, nothing except
    Beyonce, but that wasn't until I was 12 or so."

  15. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 10:36pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #380
    For Selena's birthday, Justin took her to
    a donut shop, and then for dinner to a
    Japanese restaurant.

  16. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 3:31pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #379
    For Selena's birthday, Justin had them launch green
    fireworks at Disney Land because it's her favorite color.

  17. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 2:41pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #378
    Justin says he's thinking about college, but is too
    focused on his music career right now to
    make it a priority.

  18. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 2:37pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #377
    Justin says "I don't need people feeding my
    ego and saying how wonderful I am. I just need to
    be true to myself."

  19. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 2:32pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #376
    Justin says the only sport he doesn't play is
    baseball because it's too slow for him.

  20. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 2:27pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #375
    The Never Say Never: Director's Fan Cut
    is expected out on August 23rd in North America.


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