Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. CaylenNadineX CaylenNadineX
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 5:58pm UTC
    there's always that one guy
    who you'll never be able to have, but after all this time, you still have feelings for them. ♥

  3. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    Mom: Can I see your witty?
    Me: What witty?
    Me: *clears internet history, throws laptop against wall, flees to Mexico and changes name to Juanita*

  4. Kayleebabyy Kayleebabyy
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 12:50pm UTC
    You are so stupid. Dont you realize that he doesnt care about you. Dont you realize he doesnt care if you get hurt. He has said the same thing to eight girls before you. What makes you think he will treat you different. You are in a new relationship almost every week. And you will never be respected by a guy until you learn how to have respect for yourself. You're only going to get played.

  5. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 3:47pm UTC
    Unlimited texts ☑
    People to text ❒

  6. iLoVeHimHeLoVeShEr iLoVeHimHeLoVeShEr
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 1:26pm UTC
    I miss you so much...Everytime I see your picture tears come to my eyes..Why? Because it makes me realize that I need you more than you'll ever need me.

  7. almostforever almostforever
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 5:02pm UTC
    I HAVE

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. ourlastsummer ourlastsummer
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2012 11:22pm UTC
    Don't ask the question
    if you're not prepared
    for the answer.

  10. Kayleebabyy Kayleebabyy
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 12:01pm UTC
    reasons why I
    never be lesbian
    Taylor Lautner
    Zac Efron
    Adam Levine
    Joe Jonas
    Nick Jonas
    Justin Bieber
    Zayn Malik
    Harry Styles
    Niall Horan
    Josh Hutcherson
    Liam Hemsworth
    Matt Damon
    Leo Dicaprio
    Ralph Macchio
    Chace Crawford
    Louis Tomlinson
    Jackson Guthy
    Logan Henderson
    Tim Tebow
    Enrique Iglasias
    Bradley Cooper
    Ryan Renolds
    Blake Shelton
    David Henrie
    Jake T. Austin

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. lexidanielle_xo lexidanielle_xo
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 4:25pm UTC
    Please don't give up on me.
    Don't worry niggggga, I got you.

  13. lexidanielle_xo lexidanielle_xo
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 10:08pm UTC

  14. lexidanielle_xo lexidanielle_xo
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 11:45pm UTC

  15. lexidanielle_xo lexidanielle_xo
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 12:42am UTC
    i hate who you've become.

  16. justlikegravity_ justlikegravity_
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 11:24am UTC
    When I was little, I used to sing in the shower. Now? I make life decisions in there.

  17. Teal_Penguinn12 Teal_Penguinn12
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 5:51pm UTC

  18. Teal_Penguinn12 Teal_Penguinn12
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 6:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. Teal_Penguinn12 Teal_Penguinn12
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 7:43pm UTC
    My heart races everytime I talk to him..

  20. Dancer3582 Dancer3582
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 8:48pm UTC
    Be Truthful.
    A - Available? Not as of tonight. ♥
    B - Birthday? September 26, 1998
    C - Crushing on? My boyfriend Kyle. ♥
    D - Drink you last had? Water.
    E - Easiest person to talk to? Katie Dumont.
    F - Favorite song? Set Fire To The Rain- Adele.
    G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? Sour gummy worms.
    H - Hometown? Springvale.
    I - In love with? Music
    J - Jealous of? Nobody anymore really.
    K - Killed someone? In video games ;p
    L - Longest car ride? However long it takes to get to Disney Land in Flordia.
    M - Milkshake flavor? Chocolate.
    N - Number of siblings? Two, practically 4 though.
    O - One wish? To have a really good relationship with Kyle. (;
    P - Person you texted last? Emma.
    Q - Question you are always asked? Who do you like?
    R - Reason to smile? Amazing boyfriend, friends, wonderful family.
    S - Song you last listened to? Chasing Pavements-Adele.
    U - Underwear color? Pink and blue
    V - Violent moment you had? I have no idea.
    W - Worst habit? Biting my nails.
    X - X-rays you had? None.
    Y - Yoyos are? awesome.
    Z - Zodiac sign? Libra. (:


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