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Member Since: 29 Dec 2011 07:56pm

Last Seen: 3 Oct 2014 07:48pm

user id: 257014

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Hi My name is Jazzy J and i am the sweetest most loving young woman you can ever meet in this world today. I find myself having a heart of gold as I look out for others more than i look out for myself, I am a very giving person and i thank my god for making me that way.A smile on my face is the key to a happy day, I love to make people laugh and smile because that is the way i find my happiness. LOVE, LIVE, and LEARN and you will ride any storm there is :) xoxox shout at girl when you got the time, my ears are alwyas open.
  1. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2014 11:24am UTC
    No more time for sadness and anxiousness, time to live life the way its supposed to be, with no regrets ❕❕❕❕😉😉

  2. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 1:13am UTC
    On the verge of giving up??what do i do?LOST INSIDE

  3. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2014 11:58pm UTC
    Soccer is my life and passion and when im in the goal, I see my life as a soccer game. My friends, enemies and family are out on the field their trying to get to that ball. The more the ball is on my side my enemies control it and try to reach to me but my friends deny them. If that ball passes my friend the last line of defence is my family an if that ball passes my family and gets to me i am in danger, and it is at that time i must decide whether i am going to be defeated or if i will be victorious. :)

  4. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2014 11:49pm UTC
    Families are the ones you choose!! and the way you feel, when someone that close to your heart says something that makes you feel unstoppable is like no other.

  5. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2014 2:19am UTC
    Its feels like long day when your sick :(

  6. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2014 10:17am UTC
    What happened to it would never happen again?? what happened to i will always remember what happened and i will make sure that its differnt this time??I believed you even though i knew your heart, and i know what happens to it when your in love. I know what my job is as your friend to make sure your okay even if im behind dark curtains. Im told all these thing day by day from people I dont even know, about things you said or others you rather being around than me. I'm not upset i undertstand your my bestfriend your my sister i get it, you have someone to commit to now and thats okay i just wish sometime you would remember the little girl that you used to get in trouble with, or ride around in the car messing around with people or the little girl that used to know things going on in your life shes still here,she hasnt gone anywhere. I find myself reaching out to you, doing whatever it takes to get your attention and im just brushed off aside. soon ill be just that other girl you used to know but i just hope that you know this other girl still protects you and keeps you out of trouble. I knew this was going to happen he told me and i didnt listen because i thought different, I thought that things could only repeat itself once. I dont know if you know but your my last strong hold my last will that tells me its okay, but now im down to nobody, im down to walking on the streets with my headphones thinking about walking into the next vechicle coming behind me. When i figure out that love is all i need it makes every problem seem so small and what ive been searching for so long is in my hands but as this point, love is no longer evident just a shattered heart. I <3 you no matter what, just live your life J.... My life is a CD and you scratched it a bit " you picked it up in bright daylight and you scratched it" lol :).... I'll Stand By You.Goodbye

  7. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2014 9:47am UTC
    We sit and worry about what we can change. Time and life waits for no one move on..... if you have given yoru everything then thats all that matters.

  8. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2014 12:06am UTC
    "Sometimes the mountain ive been climbing is just a grain of sand, and what ive been searching for forever was always in my hands" Sometimes is just too late, sometimes we cant fix it and then when its done and we figure out love is all we needed after all it makes that hurt seem so small. i guess the damage has been done and im just tired of living...thats it

  9. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 12:38pm UTC
    If life was a movie
    I would play the role of gods little angel.

  10. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 12:26pm UTC
    Life hurts sometimes
    No one said it would be easy
    :Sometimes the storm is over:
    :But it won't stop raining!!:

  11. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2012 11:51pm UTC
    Your clothes is pretty
    your shoes are cute
    youare very beautiful
    all the boys love you
    but theres one thing that you forgot
    what does your heart say about you!!!!!

  12. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2012 12:54pm UTC
    I may be weak
    your spirit strong in me
    my flesh may fail
    but my god you never will

  13. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 7:29pm UTC
    Just like a sugar cane, i may be hard to peel but when you get to the inside im pure sweetness.

  14. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 7:15pm UTC
    If there is one thing i would want to bring back, it would be the first time i met you.
    So that i could regret it.

  15. Freedom500 Freedom500
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    She is running a thousand miles and hour in the wrong direction.


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