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  1. Faaay1234 Faaay1234
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 4:14am UTC
    If you dont jump,
    You'll never know if you can fly.

  2. Faaay1234 Faaay1234
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 4:11am UTC
    Whenever you feel down, just remember,
    You can shine brighter than anyone else.

  3. Faaay1234 Faaay1234
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 3:53am UTC
    You fear the loss and pain of defeat
    But still are able to stand on two feet
    You crumble and cry as much as you want
    But nothing can keep you away from the hunt
    This is what you’ve been working for
    The pride and honor as you take to the floor
    You remember the struggles and pain you had
    When all the good had turned to bad
    When behind the scenes you crumbled and prayed
    For it all to simply just go away
    The doubt and regrets of what you went through
    Sometimes just made you want to give it to
    The next girl in line that had gave it her all
    But always seemed to carry a fall
    You remember the times when you thought to give up
    But could never find a reason to disrupt
    Anything and everything that you had given to the sport
    The hearts desire and all the support
    But when the pressure builds and tears you apart
    How are you able to not depart
    How are you able to still carry a smile
    When everything inside is in a pile
    You hold your head high and never look back
    Because this is what keeps you all intact
    It’s what runs in your veins, and it’s the key to your heart
    And it’s only the beginning, only the start
    It holds a future that could never be told
    One that can shine with the brightest of gold
    The sky is its limits
    And with the mood as its guide
    As no one could ever predict how high
    One could travel with the hard work put in
    To truly become a champion
    -Shawn Johnson

  4. Faaay1234 Faaay1234
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 3:51am UTC
    When life hands you lemons,
    Squeeze them in someones eyes!

  5. Faaay1234 Faaay1234
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 3:45am UTC
    Lets live like we're alive

  6. Faaay1234 Faaay1234
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 3:35am UTC
    in themystery


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