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Member Since: 31 May 2011 07:46am

Last Seen: 11 Dec 2011 06:20pm

user id: 178843

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HEY THERE LOVELY(; This is an example of what a typical CSS coded layout would look like... well at least the ones that i makee ;D

As I said before, I'm not a pro at this but I don't believe my layouts suck.  I have both CSS coded layouts and just plain old witty layouts.  The CSS coded layouts include a comment/search box layout but the plain old witty ones don't. Think of CSS layouts as layouts with like the whole package kind of.  CSS layouts are kind of finicky so if yours doesn't fit right of whatever tell me about it about I'll (try to) fix it. If you're one of those confident people that think they can do anything then by all means have a go at it and try to fix the coding.  More layout details are explained under the Layouts tab on my website.  As for requests follow these simple steps:

    1. Your name and witty screen name
    2. The color theme for your layout
    3. The picture URL or picture idea that you want
    4. Titles for scroll boxes
    5. A quote that you want me to put on the layout
Honestly, it might take me a while to finish your request and you might be better off with a Premade Layout.
Hello there people of the world.
I make layouts.
[W E L L  D U H ]
Anyhoo, I'm here to make layouts, fanart,
and preety much everything else.
Keep in mind that I'm not the greatest at this nor the fastest.
That's pretty much the rub.
Enjoy my layouts <3

I make both Premade and Requested layouts.  The Request form is under the layouts tab on my website (link is up in the navigation bar), on my website just scroll over it and Request Form will pop up.  The necessary information needed in a request form is listed on my home page a.k.a. The Deal.  Adding layouts to your profile is simple.  After copying the code to a layout you are interested in, go on your witty account, go to 'Edit Profile' and click 'Source' in your profile editing window, then paste the code in there.  You can then edit your profile by clicking on Source again.  This brings you back to normal editing mode; the kind of editing window that you use  on quotes.  If anything is wrong with your layout contact me on here or on my website.  I hope you like my layouts(:.

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  1. Eternity_Layouts Eternity_Layouts
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 7:41pm UTC
    now at EternitY_LAyouts!
    Check 'em out ;D
    [ There pretty smexy ]

  2. Eternity_Layouts Eternity_Layouts
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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