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Member Since: 9 Apr 2011 05:15pm

Last Seen: 20 Sep 2011 11:53pm

user id: 164176

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Hello there, witty(:
i'm just here, writing stories. 
thanks for checking my page x]

please read my stories? <3
  1. Editedd Editedd
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 12:44pm UTC
    Dead & G o n e . . .
    Chapter Two
    I walked to the bathroom and checked my make-up. Perfect. Then, I saw a girl behind me, smoking.
    "Hey?" I said, putting it in question form.
    "Hey. You doin' alright?" she asked. I felt like she could see all my secrets. Even though my face showed nothing.
    "Could be better. But, I'll get over it. Just some b*tch." I shrugged.
    "Wanna smoke?" She offered me a cigarette.
    "Sure, thanks." I put the cigarette in my mouth and lit up. I inhaled and let the smoke billow out.
    Suddenly, the bell rang.
    "sh*t, I gotta go. Name?" I said.
    "Lindsey. People call me Linds."
    "Cool," I pointed to myself. "Raychelle. People call me Ray."
    "Enter your number." She held out her cellphone. I took it, and did what she asked.
    "Kay, bye." I walked out of the door.
    "Bye," Lindsey said.
    I grabbed my stuff from my locker and looked at my schedule. First Period: English. My favorite (and best) subject. You may be wondering why I would keep up my grades if this is the persona I was trying (and succeeding in) obtaining. Well, let's just say, that everyone is not always as they seem.
    "Hello, Raychelle. How are we doing today?" Mrs. C asked me, as soon as I walked in.
    "We are good," I smiled. "How are you?" I loved Mrs. C.
    "Quite fine, thank you for asking. Pick a seat." She motioned towards the rows of desks and chairs. I sat next to a cute guy.
    "Well, hello there." He grinned at me. It was James, the school player. Perfect. I'm not saying this sarcastically. I wanted to crack him first. He was the first guy to play me.
    "Oh, hey." I smiled flirtatiously.
    As soon as all the kids filed in and took seats, Mrs. C started talking about what we would be doing this semester. I passed James a note.
    Wanna meet somewhere more.. intimate? ;)
    Sure ;)
    "Mrs. C?" I raised my hand.
    "Yes, Raychelle?" Mrs. C asked.
    "Can I have the hallpass to go to the bathroom?" I smiled sweetly.
    "Of course dear." She handed it to me.
    "May I have one, too? Please, Mrs C, I really have to go." James begged.
    "Fine." She handed it over to him, too.
    We walked into the Ladie's and made sure no one was there. Then, we started to heavily make-out. He pressed me up against the stall wall and kissed almost every inch of me. We kissed some more and I gave him a BJ. Then we, ya know. But we fixed ourselves and walked out.
    I went into the classroom before him so it didn't look suspicious. We got back to class and I took good notes. Then, I got a note asking me for my phone number. I wrote it down, and passed it back.
    The rest of the day was pretty normal. But, by lunch, rumor had spread about what happened in the Ladie's during English. So, yeah, some rumors, but whatever. Not like I actually cared.

  2. Editedd Editedd
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 11:38am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. Editedd Editedd
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 11:33am UTC
    click to see this quote


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