Witty Profiles

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  1. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2012 7:24pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 27
    It was mid August now, and everything had been going perfectly fine.
    The weather was starting to cool down, but it was still warm enough to swim during the afternoon.
    The sad thing was that school was going to begin in just two weeks.
    Addison had already dragged Gerald and I to the mall several times, buying everything she wanted for the start of school.
    I haven't seen Harry much for the past week.
    We were suppose to go to the movies and hang around the beach yesterday, but he had to cancel for some family emergency.
    The only time we spoke was through the phone, and those didn't last too long.
    I was beginning to worry if Harry had been trying to ignore me, but Gerald and Addison assured me he wasn't.
    It seemed as if they knew something about Harry that I didn't.
    It was now a Thursday night, and I had just finished up washing the dishes.
    My phone vibrated agaisnt the kitchen counter, as I rinsed the soap off of my hands.
    I headed over to my phone, as Harry's name lit up on the screen.
    My heart began to beat faster, as I quickly pressed the green answer button.
    "Hello?" I asked casually, trying not to seem to eager to hear his angelic voice.
    "Hi, Colby." Harry said through the phone.
    "Hey Harry, what's up?" I asked, leaning my back against the counter.
    I heard a distant pause, before Harry spoke up again.
    "I know it's pretty late now, but could you meet me at the beach in fifteen minutes?"
    I bit my lip, not liking the urgent sound in his voice.
    "I've got to go now, but be at the beach at nine-thirty, okay?" he clarified.
    I gulped, but nodded. "Alright, I'll see you later."
    Harry hung up quickly, just as I groaned.
    My dad suddenly appeared into the kitchen, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
    "What's wrong, kiddo? Turn that frown upside down." my dad winked.
    I faked a gag, as a smile appeared on my face.
    My dad's dry and sour humor was amusing to me.
    "Dad, I'm going to head out to the beach, okay?" I smiled sweetly, already stuffing my phone in my pockets of my black hoodie.
    "Did you finish the dishes?" he raised an eyebrow.
    "Yes." I chuckled, giving him a peck on the cheek.
    It was ten o'clock, and I was wondering if Harry was going to show up.
    I've been waiting at the beach for him for thirty minutes already.
    I kept checking over at my phone, wondering if I should call him or not.
    The sky was almost pitch black, and it didn't help that it was so windy tonight.
    Suddenly, a finger jabbed against my shoulder, as I spun around.
    Harry gave me a grin, but I noticed dark circles forming under his sea green eyes.
    "Sorry I'm late." he apologized.
    I shrugged like it was no big deal. "Psh, you aren't that late. I was thinking that you were going to cancel on me, again."
    Harry's face turned dark and blank, as my heart dropped to my gut.
    Had I really just said that out loud?
    I bit my lip. "Uh, I didn't mean it like that, Harry. S-sorry."
    Harry shook his head, as his brown locks sprang away from his face.
    "It's no problem. It's my fault, anyway."
    We spent a moment staring at each other intently before I looked away.
    "So, uh, what's so important that you had to call me out this late?" I asked.
    Harry let out a sigh, before surprising me.
    He took my hand, interwining our fingers.
    "I'll tell you later. For now, I just want to have fun."

  2. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 8:01pm UTC
    Clique wars.
    **Sequal to Mascara**
    Chapter 1
    "Emma, wake up!" My mom screamed from downstairs.
    I jumped out of bed right away, and saw that it was already 6:30.
    Just my luck, I thought to myself. Waking up late on the first day of highschool.
    I went to my closet and picked out a pair of white shorts and a loose sparkly purple tanktop. I then went to the bathroom and applied my makeup.
    I decided to go a little dark today to make it match my shirt.
    I ran a brush through my long blonde hair, and then straightened it.
    When I finished, I walked back to my room and slipped on a pair of flip flops and a necklace Josh had given to me.
    I grabbed my phone and bookbag, then hurried downstairs.
    "Come on mom, let's go!" I nagged.
    "What about brekfast?" She asked sternly.
    "I'll eat at school.." I mumbled as I walked out the front door making my way to the car.
    My mom still didn't know about my anorexia.
    When I got to school, Alaina and Macy were waiting for me at the front doors.
    We had all promised eachother that we'd walk in together for the first day of highschool.
    "I feel like I havn't seen you guys in forever!" Macy said anxiously.
    Alaina and I laughed.
    "You saw us yesterday dork." Alaina teased.
    When we got to second hall, we all stopped before entering.
    We all took deep breaths and gave eachother nervous glances.
    "Ready?" I asked a little unsurely.
    They both nodded their heads silently.
    We then made our way through the doors and down the hallway.
    Heads shot up as we all walked in perfect stride with eachother.
    Girls gave us the b*tch stare, and guys eyed us from head to toe.
    "Well that wasn't so bad." Alaina said happily as we reached our lockers.
    I laughed in agreement.
    I threw my stuff in my locker.
    Then suddenly, a pair of hands were cupped over my eyes.
    "Guess who?" asked a deep voice.
    My lips curved into a smile as I pulled the hands off, knowing it was Josh.
    I turned around and smiled at him.
    He returned the smile, and then kissed my forehead.
    Trevor and Mason soon showed up, and we all started talking.
    "Does anyone have literature 2nd period?" I asked curiously.
    Before anyone had the chance to answer, Macy's jaw dropped in awe.
    "W-who are they?" Macy stuttered in amazement.
    I turned to where her eyes were focused.
    "Who is wh-" I stopped.
    There in the doorway of the hallway, stood Avery Madison.
    I thought I had forsure gotten rid of her forsure when I had moved to California.
    She and her plastic friends made their way down the hallway.
    Each of them wore shirts that made their boobs stick out, and shorts that were so short, their a$$e$ hung out.
    We all just stared at them as they made their way down the hallway.
    No one said a word.
    Eventually, they got down to where we were standing, and they all opened vaccant lockers.
    Wow, I thought to myself.
    Of all people, I get stuck with the locker next to a b*tch I hate.
    How typical.
    Anyone want to be notified when the next chapter's up? Coment herrreee♥
    Most of the character pictures are up on my profile.♥
    ps. Those of you who haven't read my previous story, might not understand some of the names. But no big deal.(: Read that if you want? It will help you understand the story better♥
    {{ Feedback? It would mean a lot to me.♥ }}

  3. VRMstories VRMstories
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    Country Girl.
    Chapter 13
    Slowly and soothingly I breathed in and out.
    My mind was in a state where my thoughts had scattered around my head, slowly disappearing.
    Every single memory slowly fading away as I became more absent to the world.
    The swaying hot wind pushed up against me like a wildfire, trying to catch my attention but failing.
    Peacefully the suns hot rays and the hay stack I was sitting on seemed to disappear.
    The only thing entering my left ear was silence, and everything consuming my mind was exiting out of my right ear.
    The loss of feeling to my body made me feel like there was no reality.
    Everything I had ever known was just an imagination.
    As I became in center with only the meditation I was trying so hard to stay focused on there was one memory blocking my full escape, the memory of last night, how close I came to kissing those coral lips.
    There was a sense of regret for not kissing him.
    But a sense of relief for not losing my first kiss to a boy who’s probably lost his virginity.
    My shoulder felt a tap on it, then everything that was slowly burning into ash of my mind had been refurnished back into a thought slowly misting its way around my head.
    Reality had pushed upon me once again, forcing me to come out of my numbness to the world.
    I turned to see who had broken my connection with the unreal world.
    But as soon as he saw my face flushed with anger those green eyes pleaded in sorrow.
    “Oh, it’s only you, well what do you want?” My voice seemed fragile since it was gone only moments ago.
    “I just wanted to apologize for last night, for almost kissing you.”
    Why was he apologizing?
    “Listen Grace,” He took a seat next to me on the hay stack, “I didn’t mean to force you into almost kissing me, I don’t know what came over me last night and I’m really sorry.”
    “It’s fine, you don’t need to apologize.”
    The situation seemed to get more awkward as the conversation went on.
    “But I’m sure you’ve kissed plenty of guys, so that thing last night must’ve been dumb to you.”
    “Consider you my almost first kiss.” I got up off the hay and walked to my horses stable.
    Zach followed as I felt his hand secure on my back.
    “Well then consider this your first” His hand gently touched my cheek as he lifted up my chin.
    There was a force between our mouths, like a magnetic pull, directing us towards each other.
    When our lips finally touched, they moved back and forth, as though they were dancers preforming the tango.
    We both slowly pulled away, then he looked me directly in the eyes with a serious glance on his face.
    “How was that, for a city boy?” His mouth formed into a curve of a smile showing his teeth.
    I couldn’t help but laugh and smile with him.
    Maybe this summer wouldn’t be as bad as I expected.
    *first person to favorite ill follow? Anyhow hope you guys liked this one(:

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. livsbestfriendryan livsbestfriendryan
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 11:10am UTC
    at my school
    No one would actually come up to me and tell me that they hate me, they would just think it to themselves and tell everyone they hate me because I'm "gay" My only problem is I'm not and theres nothing wrond with being gay or lesbian it's just not exciting when someone mistakes you for being one of them because when they treat me like I am gay, I feel like I am. I don't feel like I'm gay, I just feel like I'm not one of them and that I'm not welcome so basically now when someone tells me "Oh I thought you were gay" or "Are you gay?"
    I just respond with "No, but I get that a lot"
    Society can on try to tear me down
    if you read this thank you so much I love you♥! It was just a vent

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. ElizabethSSSing ElizabethSSSing
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 3:51am UTC
    Witty sisters please I need your help!
    My Mom said that if I get a lot of faves, as in if I get over 50 faves, then she will let me keep an adopted puppy, she is little, she is yellow, she has big blue eyes, and she lives outside, because that's where the shelter is :(, please help me save her, it's very cold outside, and it's snowing, and her mother doesn't care for her anymore, so she has no more warmth at night, even though I won't be able to keep her inside the house, she will be connected to the house, in our basement which is warm and she will have everything she needs, and I would stay with her there all day. And if you all don't believe me, after I get 50+ faves, I will take a picture of me and her for proof, please help save a life :( I hope that I'm not asking for much.Long but worth it.
    Stay Beautiful ♥.

  8. 9living8 9living8
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 9:47pm UTC
    i saw
    a picture from last year...
    he was with her.. just the thought of me letting him walk away like that makes me want to puke.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 9:17pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 21
    The sun was beginning to setting, but the party on the yacht was still going on.
    People were now turning up the music and dancing on the deck.
    I was sitting alone on a sunchair, leaning agaisnt the back of the chair.
    I watched as Alex and Addison danced freely around the deck, laughing at every movement.
    "Colby, do you mind getting the drinks out from the fridge?" Gerald called out, from the opposite side of the deck.
    I sighed, as I perked up from my chair.
    I staggered towards the screen doors, which led to the inside of the yacht.
    As I began to close the screen door, a hand stuck out to stop me.
    I looked up to see Harry's rosy lips curved into a soft smile.
    "Do you want help? Beer bottles are heavy." he smiled.
    I bit my lip to prevent from smiling back, as I nodded.
    We headed to the kitchen, as I opened the fridge.
    I handed Harry two large boxes of beer.
    Harry brushed his fingers with mine as I handed him the boxes of beer.
    My fingers began to tingle with an anticipating feeling, as my face flared.
    To prevent him from seeing my flushed face, I turned back to face the fridge.
    I grabbed two boxes of soda, one Coke and one Sprite.
    I avoided looking at Harry as we headed back out to the deck.
    Harry lifted his boxes effortlessly, while I struggled.
    We settled the drinks on a table, as everyone began rushing to the table to get themselves a drink.
    Harry and I were trapped in a small crowd of thirsty dancers.
    Harry immediately reached for my hand, interwining our fingers.
    My eyes widened, as Harry pulled me out of the crowd.
    "Are you okay? Did anyone push you?" Harry worriedly asked.
    My breath was held in, and I found myself unable to speak.
    I decided to shake me head, as my eyes slowly fell downward, staring at our hands.
    I gasped, as my eyes shot back up.
    I saw Harry noticing that our hands were still held together, tightly.
    He swiftly pulled away, as his face turned into a shade of crimson pink.
    I bit the insides of my cheeks, trying to convince myself that he was not blushing.
    "S-sorry." he muttered, shaking the hair away from his eyes.
    I took in a small breath. "It's no big deal."
    I found myself lost in Harry's blazing blue green eyes, as the world that revolved around us disapeered.
    I quickly snapped out of it, as a gust of wind blew across my face, sending my hair flying behind me.
    "I-I should go." I uttered, brushing by him.
    His hand shot out, holding my shoulder, spinning me around.
    I held in my breath, realizing how close we were.
    I could smell Harry's spearminted breath, and hear his light breathing.
    I looked around, thankful that no one was near us, since everyone was out having drinks and dancing farther down on the deck.
    "Colby." he breathed.
    Shivers were sent down my spine; I loved the way he said my name.
    "H-Harry." I stuttered.
    "There's been something I've been meaning to tell you."
    Merry (late) Christmas to everyone!
    I didn't have much time to go on yesterday, since it was the holidays.
    But, I hope everyone had fun! :) Thank you for the 4000 followers, you are all beautiful and amazing!

  11. VRMstories VRMstories
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 3:14pm UTC
    Country Girl.
    Chapter 11
    My favorite night of the week, Friday.
    Every Friday all of my friends and I go to the Café, but the best part was that it’s karaoke night.
    Usually my shyness covered up any intensions or thoughts of going up on that small stage to share my voice.
    But tonight would be the time for me to go up there, and sing.
    Zach had really helped my confidence to be able to sing in front of other people.
    Him being one, my family being the rest.
    My thoughts were interrupted by a rusty soothing voice, “Are you really going to sing tonight?”
    My eyes locked with the dark emerald green eyes as I nodded, “I really am, but if I get booed of stage, then I’m blaming it on you!”
    My head turned back to the road as I parked the car next to the café.
    Mandy, my best friend smiled and waved at me, when she saw Zach her jaw dropped.
    Her arms were wrapped around her boyfriend, Max’s waist.
    Zach and I both exited the car and greeted my friends.
    “Everyone this is Zach, Zach this is Mandy, Max, Brandy, Jeremy, Sophia, and Layla.”
    “Errr- hi everyone.” He responded in a confused voice.
    As they were all walking into the building Mandy grabbed my arm and stopped me, “Is this really Zach? The guy that’s been staying at your house for a week and then the rest of the summer!?”
    “Yes it is, and no we haven’t done anything, and no I don’t like him!”
    She rolled her eyes and looked back at me, “But he likes you”
    I looked at her in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
    “Every time he talks to someone he looks back at you and smiles”
    Then I rolled my eyes at her, “So what? That doesn’t mean anything, we’re just friends.”
    “Mhm, that’s was Max used to do to me, and now we’ve been together for a year”
    She didn’t know what she was talking about, slowly my legs walked into the building to get away from this awkward and uncomfortable conversation.
    They we’re all seated, Zach saved me a spot next to him, so politely I took it and thanked him.
    “Grace, are you ready to sing?”
    “No, i-I don’t want to do it anymore.” My nerves were taking over my body, shaking immensely.
    “Please, you’re going to do great” Zach squeezed my knee in reassurance.
    Slowly and hesitantly I nodded, I was ready.
    The microphone went on with a screech as the manager Joe got on stage.
    “Well howdy cowboys and gals, who wants to take this mic for a swing first?”
    My hand raised into the air.
    “Okay Miss with the brown hair, you’re up”
    The palms of my hand were sweating, as I got on the stage I announced the song I was going to sing, “I’m going to be singing, God Gave me you by Blake Shelton.”
    My friends started clapping as they heard me, then I slowly started to let my voice play throughout the room.
    “I’ve been a walking heartache, I’ve made a mess of me. The person that I’ve been lately, ain’t who I wanna be. But you stay here right beside me and watch as the storm blows through. And I need you”
    When everyone knew the chorus was coming up, they clapped along.
    “Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt and for when I think I lost my way. There are no words here left to say, it’s true; God gave me you, Gave me you”
    For the rest of the song my eyes were only on Zach.
    And his were only on mine.
    Surprising, I liked it.
    But he just isn’t my type.
    *long chapter! Hmmm, I’d like to hear what you think, should they be together? Or should there be more drama until they are? Comment and tell me!

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 9:56pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 20
    The past two weeks have been better than ever.
    Jason and I never went on a second date, since we both figured we weren't meant for each other.
    Addison, Gerald and I have been getting along perfectly fine, I literally saw those two everyday.
    And, Harry and I have been on neutral terms.
    We saw each other every other day, usually at the beach.
    I never stopped liking him, though.
    I would never be able to fall out of love with his cheeky grin, eccentric blue eyes with green specks, and his humor that never failed to make my day.
    But, it was now July 23rd, midway through summer.
    Today was also the day I finally got to meet the infamous Lyssa, the girl Gerald always spoke about.
    "Are you ready for the party?" Addison asked, as she applied a coat of mascara, staring intently at the bathroom mirror.
    Addison had come over to my house earlier today, so we could both get ready for the little party that Gerald was going to throw for Lyssa.
    The party was going to be small, just for all of Gerald's friends that Lyssa knew; I was an exception.
    The party was going to be on a yacht, which was courtesy of Gerald's uncle.
    I nodded, as I admired the way my new tan looked agaisnt my violet blue romper.
    I fluffed out my loose curls, as I slipped on a pair of white sandal wedges.
    Addison drove to the beach south of Los Angeles, where Gerald's uncle's yacht was.
    From the parking lot, we could see that most of our friend's cars were already there, meaning we had to where late.
    We hurriedly rushed up the stairs of the yacht, and onto the dock.
    There was a transparent screen door, where we could see our little group of friends laughing and taking shots.
    Harry's eyes met mine was Addison and I walked in the yacht.
    I blushed when he gave me a small smile.
    I noticed that he wasn't with Dani.
    My eyes rotated around the room, searching for bleached hair, but it was no where to be seen.
    Dani wasn't at the party.
    "Oh, they're here!" we heard Gerald calling.
    A tall, beautiful brunette stepped out, with her sparkling brown eyes glistening.
    "Addison! It's been months!" she cheered, wrapping her arms around Addison.
    She pulled away, and gave me a gentel grin.
    "And I'm guessing you are Colby, huh?"
    I chuckled nervously, as I nodded. I was shy when it came to meeting new people.
    "It's nice to finally meet you." she sweetly smiled, giving me a quick squeeze.
    Now that everyone who was invited showed up, we began to take off into the ocean.
    Everyone rushed out to the deck, where we got a clear view of Los Angeles.
    As everyone stripped into their swimwear and jumped in the pool that was on the deck, while others tanned on the sunchairs.
    I went to the kitchen, searching for something to drink.
    "What are you doing here?" a angelic voice asked.
    I looked up from the fridge, and found Lyssa smiling down at me.
    "I'm just looking for a drink." I explained, taking out two cans of Coke, one for her and one for me.
    "Thanks." she nodded, popping open the can.
    We lounged in the kitchen, as I found out that she was a year older than Gerald, and wanted to become a singer.
    "So, tell me, what's this about you and Harry?" Lyssa asked out of the blue.
    I choked on my soda, as my face flushed.

  14. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 9:44pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 19
    "That was the worst date ever, Harry. I don't think we'll be going on double dates anymore." Dani sneered, shooting me a quick glance.
    I sighed deeply, hating the fact that I was actually agreeing with Dani.
    The date was absolutely mediocre.
    Jason ended up throwing up in the toilet most of the time, since he was allergic to the avocados that were in his sushi.
    Dani wouldn't stop whining about the raw fish.
    And Harry kept staring at me, and turning away everytime I caught him.
    Jason, who was looking a bit pale, leaned agaisnt his car, taking in slow breaths.
    I nudged his elbow, and gently smiled.
    "Are you okay? Do you still feel sick?" I asked.
    Jason weakly smiled, placing his hand behind his neck.
    "I'm fine, for now." he paused. "Sorry if this wasn't your ideal first date."
    I laughed lightly, as shook my head, not wanting to make him feel bad.
    But, with all honesty, I wish this wasn't how my first date ended up as.
    "No, it's okay." I assured.
    Jason smiled, as he placed his cold hand upon mine.
    "Do you think we could try going out, again? Just us next time?" he asked hopefully.
    The look in his eyes were so pleading, yet heartbreaking.
    "I-I'll think about it." I croaked, managing to keep a smile.
    Jason's eyes lit up, obviously buying my lie.
    "Great. Do you want me to bring you home now?" Jason asked.
    Suddenly, Harry appeared over my shoulder. "Actually, Colby and I were just about to take a walk at the park."
    I frowned. "I am?"
    I looked around the parking lot, noticing that Dani was no where in sight.
    "Yes, you are." Harry sternly said, with an amused twinkle that lit up his eyes.
    I looked over at Jason, who was furrowing his eyebrows with confusion.
    "Is that okay?" I whispered, praying that Jason would say no.
    Jason hesitated, but nodded. "It's fine. I mean, you guys are just friends, right?"
    I felt my heart drop to my gut, as my palms began to sweat.
    I nodded quickly, as I held back in my breath. "O-of course."
    I caught Harry from the corner of my eyes giving me a hurt expression, but I shrugged it off.
    Jason pecked my cheek and gave me a tight embrace, and sped off out of the parking lot of the Japanese restaurant.
    The tensions were high between Harry and I.
    The last time we were left alone, things didn't turn out too well.
    "So, when did I agree to go to the park with you?" I joked, attempting to start a conversation.
    Harry's lips curved into a sly smile, as he shrugged. "I just figured you would come."
    I chuckled, as we paced into the dark park.
    "Where did Dani go?" I asked, kicking a pebble.
    "She told me she saw a friend in the parking lot, and told me she wanted to go clubbing." he shrugged.
    "Why didn't you go with her?" I asked.
    "Because I wanted to go to the park with you." Harry grinned.
    I threw my head back in laughter, as Harry joined me.
    It was just like old times, before all the drama started.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. iloveyaahx3 iloveyaahx3
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 6:33pm UTC
    favorite if you have less than 500 quotes.
    comment if you have more.

  17. rjharding21 rjharding21
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 5:44pm UTC
    and i will comment something on your profile to make you smile. ♥

  18. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2011 11:44am UTC
    Chapter 24.
    (Please Read Message At Bottom!:D)
    We checked out of the hospital around 3:00 that afternoon. The doctors said I should take it easy, atleast until Christmas. That was perfect timing, because the school holiday run was on the 30th. Running had always been my first sport. Not only because I enjoyed it, but because I was good at it. Here in New York, I was always the fastest runner on our track team. I am in California too. During gym, I always outran everyone. The winner of the holiday run would win a year scholarship to the college of their choosing. I knew that with my dad in the marines, this would help my mom a lot. We weren't by any means in need of money, but college isn't cheap. It doesn't matter who you are, or how much money you have, college is expensive. When we arrived back at the room, Libby, Callista, and Isabelle, were all waiting for me.
    "Oh my Gosh Em!" Callista said pulling me in for a hug. "Thank God you're alright!"
    The others quickly joined the hug and we discussed everything that had happened. I told them about what Josh had said, and how he showed up at the hospital to see if I was okay and apologize. Everyone had a different opinion on the situation. Callista and Isabelle thought it was sweet of him to fly all the way here and apologize, reguardless of what he did. Libby didn't seem to think so.
    "I'm gonna punch that mother f**ker's headlights out when I get a hold of him." stammered Libby.
    "Woah." Giggled Isabelle. "I think she can handle wthat part herself." She said jokingly to Libby.
    Callista and I just laughed.
    "The guys are all down in Ethan's room, lets go!" exclaimed Callista.
    We all walked to the elevator, because I wasn't allowed to run yet. When we got to Ethan's, he welcomed us inside. His mom wasn't home from work yet, because it was only 4:00. Whken we reached the living room, the guys were playing video games.
    "Ooooh, I wanna play!" shreiked Libby.
    She ran over to Noah, sat on his lap, then took his controler. He probably would've pushed her off and taken the controller back if they weren't dating. Callista went over to Nolan who was sitting on the couch. It didn't take long for them to start making-out.
    "Get a room." Carson said in an annoyed voice.
    I laughed a little bit. They weren't even dating, but they both had commitment problems, which is probably why. Isabelle stayed by me, because she used to have a thing with Carson. They don't anymore, but they used to be really close. They're still friends, but not like they used to be. Isabelle was still utterly in love with Carson, and he still liked her too. They were both just to blind to see that, though. I was afraid Josh and I were going to end up like that, and I didn't want that.
    "Lets do something, this is boring!" Complained Isabelle.
    "Not yet!" Screamed Libby. "I'm kicking Carson's a$$!"
    We all laughed. When Libby got into something, she had an unbelievable amount of determination.
    Suddenly, Ethan came over and pulled me aside.
    "Emma," he said shyly. "What did Josh do to you last night?"
    I sighed a little. "A lot of things he probably shouldnt've." I said in a skeptical voice.
    "Like?" He questioned.
    "Like, things that hurt me. Mentally and Physically." I said quietly.
    "I'm gonna kick that c*nt's a$$." He mumbled under his breath, just loud enogh for me to hear.
    "Ethan, it's okay, I can handle this myself.." I said boldly.
    "Okay." Ethan responded. "But remember, i'm always here for you if you need me, okay?"
    I smiled at him. "Okay."
    Then out of no where, we kissed. All of the memories came rushing back, and I got a tingly feeling in my heart. But the wierdest part?
    He didn't kiss me.
    I kissed him.
    [Feedback?♥ It would mean a lot to me.(:]
    Who do you like more? Josh or Ethan? Also, I would like anyone that wants to be notified when the next chapter's up, to comment here. I would also like to give a big thanks to all of you that are still reading. I lost a lot of readers when I posted the model results. I kind of expected that. But this is to all of you who still read.(: I love you♥
    If you read this, and liked it, please fave(: I just wanna know how many readers I have.(:
    ♥ /Fave/Comment/Follow/ ♥

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