Witty Profiles

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  1. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 11:04pm UTC
    *Wakes up && Checks Phone*
    No New Messages
    *Does Chores && Checks Phone*
    No New Messages - ________-
    *Showers && Checks Phone*
    No New Messages "WTF".?
    Gets Mad, && decides to watch a movie.
    *Late Night, Decides to Check Phone*
    11 New Messages
    "Oh now they text me.!!
    *Opens texts && sees that all of the are "FWD this or you'll die tonight" messages*
    - ___________________________________________________________________-

  2. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 10:58pm UTC
    "The amazing feeling when....
    You just took out your sheets from the dryer && they smell so good && feel so warm that nothing in the world can stop you from burying your face into those sheets."
    **Am I the only one that wants to go get my sheets, throw them in the dryer && put my face in them Right. Now.?

  3. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 10:23pm UTC
    "Beauty might bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty" <'33

  4. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 10:19pm UTC
    "I'm going to smile && make you think I'm happy. I'm going to laugh, so you don't see me cry. I'm going to let you go in style, && even if it kills me... </3
    I'm going to smile"

  5. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 10:14pm UTC
    "When it comes to making your dream come true...
    Just believe you can && you're halfway there."

  6. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 9:57pm UTC
    typ"Yes, very interesting. You know.? Most people don't know this, but you can put your weed in there." (points to the inside of the house sculpture)
    Click the [♥] if you know where this is from...e here

  7. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 8:06pm UTC
    First Day Of School:
    Shiny new folders, Notebooks full of paper && A bunch of pencils.....
    Last Weeks Of School:
    Ripped folders with doodles, Borrowing paper because you're all out, && Writing with a pencil you found on the floor.!
    Fav if this happens to you too(:

  8. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 12:37pm UTC
    [Click the ♥] For Eminem<'33
    [Comment] For Lil Wayne(:

  9. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    So, a couple months ago, a fire alarm rang in our school. Normally we'd all go outside by the football field, but that's when we are in class. Unfortunately during this time we were having lunch. Yeah, lunch(: No one knew what to do. We had all just gotten our lunches && we certainly didn't want to leave. So we all just decided to stay there. No one went out to the football field. Which didn't turn out as being bad because, turns out the fire alarm was turned on by a student. I still find is funny though(:

  10. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 10:19pm UTC
    Every time I text him, he asks "Who's this.?" && once I tell him it's me, he never texts back. It kills me when he does that. Because he doesn't understand how much courage it takes me just to text a simple "Hey", just for him to never text back.

  11. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 5:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2011 6:54pm UTC
    Fav If you can't wait for Jersey Shore to come back.!! ♥♥

  13. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    To All The Witty Girls [&& Maybe Even Boys] If you have some stories on your page let me know. I'd really like to read them(: && Of course if you need any advice I'd be glad to help. You just have to let me know! Trust Me! I WILL like them. I [L O V E] reading :D

  14. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 3:08pm UTC
    Type your name with your nose! and please keep it going!
    dfhyr5454iwst5aq- christa lol i suck
    qao6sswaq- alyssa haha im rong
    aqloexaq- Alexa haha
    shannon- shannon 1rite
    janine- Janine :D
    swte3ph- steph haha
    nichole-nichole YESSSSS
    ash- ash:D
    kylee- kylee=)
    amber- =D
    caereloleyu- carley =0 OH NO!
    rachel- ha! own!
    wsop0yi8aq- Sophia! haha! I stink!
    dc045raqol9- im awesome!!! hah Coralie
    vicdtorioa - supposed to be victoria.
    kristen<<< OWNAGE !
    trswgtahnj- teagan
    :Omsawkala - supposed to be makayla
    ghr4iu8ahnhba-haha brianna ;D
    emily; yay {:
    kelly - woo ! ;D
    mjatti-matti lmao<3
    km3dqttyhwan- meaghan:)
    qqmkqthea - armathea...WTH?
    brf enna hhahahaha its Brenna
    Olivia :p - oo9ifi9qa (i triedd :D 6:47 pm 11/3)
    Keep it goinggg : )
    Caswswiee-Maqry (Cassiee-Mary(:<3 ahah I
    aun stin-Austin
    keirsten = o Yeah i got it write...keirsten
    rima- hahh gott itt righht ! Rima(:
    iqw6o3ity- uhh that was supposed to say kayleigh
    ashlii-Ashlii, woo!(;
    iqn hamilton-ian hamilton DAMN sooo close
    shauna-shauna YEAHHHHH!!!!
    CORAL- coral =] im amazingg
    lkatie- Katie...so closee
    asklklie- Allie <total fail:b>
    uyqo46 - (haley) not even close....
    lauten - Lauren ahh i waaas close
    Vqjewq<< Vanessa(: At least I got the first letter right!

  15. DreamsAndStarfish88 DreamsAndStarfish88
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 3:00pm UTC
    Hey all you Witty Addicts(: This is my first quote! Its lame huh? Can someone please teach me how to create those Awesome borders? I'd really appreciate it♥ All


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