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Member Since: 7 Sep 2011 09:12pm

Last Seen: 7 Oct 2013 03:16pm

user id: 216558

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~Linda Valerie
~You could say i'm in love <3
  1. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 6:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    Type name: Linda
    Type name with elbow: loiujdan
    Type name with chin:kluinhcxzs
    Slam face on keyboard:heygt
    yep....it happens.

  3. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 12:43pm UTC
    I see 10-12 year girls wearing make up making themselves look 16-18, wearing club dresses & heels that make them look mature, taking exposing pictures when their body ain't even fully developed, I see them talking about how guys are cute & sexy & them guys look old enough to be their fathers, I see them talk about how guys broke their hearts & how lovesick they are when they shouldn't even be worrying about boys.. What is this world coming to.

  4. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 3:03pm UTC
    4th of july, the day Americans have freedom to drink their brains and have a BBQ.
    5th of July, the day you have the freedom to majorist hangover, EVER.

  5. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 7:24pm UTC
    Spiffin' Mamaries.

  6. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 6:41pm UTC
    hey! i still manage to smile right? That means no one has managed to fully break me. :) xx.
    ~mine. xx.

  7. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 1:46pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 10:07pm UTC
    now i know "ugh another one direction quote?.. really?!" well for some of you (maybe..possily?.. idon'tknow...)
    but here it is.
    What one direction has taught me over the past 2 years:
    These 5 boys have taught me to be myself. To do what i want to do, and not let anyone tell me other wise. They have taught me to make people take me as i am, and if they can't do that...that they aren't worth your time. Louis taught me to be spontaneous and shout whatever came to mind. Harry taught me to not let others judge me. And to take critisizm no matter how hard it is..(and to love cat. lol. But i already did lolol) and that age is nothing but a number while maturity is a choice. Liam he helped me find my little kid. he love's disney and is not afraid to show it. He also taught me to not let people walk all over but to stand up for what i thought was right.Niall Taught me that no matter what people tell me to keep my head up. because there are always people who care about you. even if there are a sea of people who just wanna bring you down. Zayn he taught me to be different. He didn't seem like he fit in at the beginning of one direction. He taught me that i won't always have my insecurities. to just try and build up my self confidence, even by doing th esimplest thing.
    These 5 lovely, genuinely beautiful boys have taught me so much. they have saved my life, and tons of girls as well. By telling us we are beautiful, to respect ourselves and to demand respect back. These boys are more then a boyband. they are an inspiration.

  9. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 10:55pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 9:08pm UTC
    How am I gonna make my way back home?
    It's bad enough stranded in a different time zone.
    What happened to us?
    'Round and 'round, it never ends.
    And you don't come back,
    There's so much, so much I never said...

  11. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 8:55pm UTC
    Maybe your dick is so small because you took 3/4 of it and shoved it into your personality;*

  12. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 8:41pm UTC
    I try to be happy.
    but When everyone else constantly
    reminds me of my past,
    and what i've done.
    I can't help but break down again.

  13. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2012 11:12pm UTC
    Hi i'm val. I have really low self esteem and it all started when i was 4 years old. I have cut since since i was 6 years old. My parents call me ''Rare" and sometimes act as if i'm not their child. I've been bullied my whole life and i am criticized for every single little thing i do I might seem so giggly and bubbly in person but the truth is i'm dying inside. with every single last drop of my energy i'm smiling for you. I've had Bi Polar depression since i was in 6th grade. and A nervous disorder since i was in 5th. I trust no one barely myself. I was anorexic and bulimic for 3 years. i thrive to be perfect even though i know i can't be. Last time i cut was about 2 months ago. I'm learning to not put myself down as much. and instead of cutting drawing little butterflies on my wrists. i'm learning to be strong , and you should learn too. because you are all beautiful on the inside and out ♥

  14. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2012 11:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2012 10:38pm UTC
    The awkwar moment.
    when there is no awkward moment
    but you make one up anyway. to seem cool.
    Now that? yeah thats awkward.

  16. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 11:57am UTC
    i'm the type of girl that only looks for personality. Because judging people by their looks would just be shallow..

  17. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:14am UTC
    Yes i suffer from a lack of self-esteem.
    Freaking deal with it.
    Or go away.

  18. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:51pm UTC
    When girls say they are ugly 15% of girls mean it.They truthfully think they are ''ugly'' becuase tehy are blinded by societies version of ''beauty'.The other 85% just want attention.
    I am apart of that 15%. I honestly think i'm not pretty, or beautiful, or attractive or anything really. Partially because of society. But the rest is for lack of self esteem. Mine has ALWAYS been so low. It still is and i feel that it always will be. honestly.. I have been called an attention hoe SO many times and it drives me up a wall..
    So please. if you think your ugly and decide to say it outloud. just make sure you truely mean you think that. because everyone is craving attention these days and it's pathetic.

  19. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:29pm UTC
    Hey fellow witty people! add me on facebook if you want to! :D

  20. Doyouknowthemuffinman Doyouknowthemuffinman
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    Do you think the silence makes a good man convert?


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