Witty Profiles

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  1. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 10:48pm UTC
    Tell everyone if you know God performs

  2. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 3:14pm UTC
    Chapter 9
    Tyler's p.o.v
    "It's been three d.amn days!!! Why isn't she waking up!" I yelled at Cody who just stared out the window from where we sat in Star's carefully painted bed room. Three days had passed since Star shoved me out of the way and took the fatal bite to the neck that was aimed at me. She had healed, obviously, she had been a mess when I ran into the house with her. Her clothes had been shredded by Devan's sharp claws when he latched onto what should have been my neck. My sister, Jasmine, came in and brushed the tangles from her hair and changed her clothes to one of her father's old T-shirts and let Cody and I back in. Devan wouldn't come near her room, or rather the entire second floor, if he wanted something he jumped from the third floor, where he has slept in the small guest room there since his bed room is on the second floor, onto the old trampoline in the backyard below and then went where he needed or got what he wanted from the first floor. "Tyler calm down it happens when something shocks her Devan attacking shocked her brain and forced her into sleep. This happened when she saw Mama and Daddy shot down right in front of her by a hunter that was targeting her." Cody said still gazing out onto the snow covered yard like it held every answer in the world.
    "Wait...what??? Why would they target her, she was five then...who would kill a five year old little girl?" I asked shocked that someone would ever try to hurt the one girl who thought I was worth enough to pull me from my dark hell of life at Uncle Roger's and Aunt Donna's and to save John and Jasmine too. The one girl that, well, that I fell deeply in love with from the moment I opened my eyes to see her ice blue eyes filled with worry gazing down on me what seemed like years ago but was truly only about two weeks. She ran through a blizzard with me on her back, healed wounds I had, took away scars that haunted my mind in nightmares, rescued my younger siblings, she gave us all a second chance...she couldn't leave me now...she just can't.
    "Our parents were the strongest Alpha's in the world many wanted them dead especially when Star was born, she has the mark of a true Alpha and the daughter of the two strongest Alpha's in the world so many attempts were made to make our parents step down from Alpha threats to Star. They died doin' the one thing they swore they'd always do, protect their only daughter Midnight Starsong. They passed we took their promise upon ourselves and protected little Star with all we had we trained her combat with out younger cousins after pack training. She is all we have left nothing is gonna take her away from us." Cody's voice broke through my thoughts. The sun was setting now, he's get up, kiss Star's forhead and go to his room for the night, and that's what he did. Since I'd been here I've been in Star's room so after sunset I'd gently kiss her lips, whisper a soft "I love you", phase, and curl up along side her and if I'm lucky peacefully sleep until morning.
    ~The Next Morning~
    Star's p.o.v
    My eyelids fluttered open to mid-morning light filtering in from my large window across my bed. I slowly rose up into a sitting position just as Tyler's eyes opened after sleeping through the night, peacefully it seemed. He hadn't looked my way yet so he didn't see me awake and sitting up until after he had phased back and stretched out yawning. When he finally saw me his eyes widened and he closed them tightly and shook his head side to side and opened his eyes to mae sure he wasn't just dreaming. He realized I wasn't a figment of his imagination and with tears flowing unnoticed down his cheeks he whispered, "You woke up...thank God you woke up!" with that he pulled me to him and hugged me tightly where soon I was gasping for breath. He loosed his grip just enough for me to breath and yelled loud enough to be heard even outside, "She's awake!!!!!!!!!" what shocked him after that was the first one into my bedroom was Devan who instantly pulled me from Tyler's arms and hugged me tightly sobbing into my shoulder whispering "I'm so sorry" repeatedly. "Bubba...Boo it's okay, I'm okay, shhhh it's okay, bubba, it's okay it was an accident" I whispered trying to console him as sobs continued to rack his body. He kept sobbing into my shoulder hugging me tighter once he realized I forgave him which to me there was nothing at all to forgive it was all just an accident. He finally calmed down and stopped crying, he released me when next thing I knew there was Cody and I was crused against his chest him hugging me like I was the only thing that kept him alive. For about the next half hour I barely breathed since then every one was tightly hugging me. They finally all walked out of my room, leaving me and Tyler alone again.
    I had barely taken a step towards my bed to lay down when he pulled me against him and kissed me.

  3. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 4:17pm UTC
    Insult my best friend?????
    B/tch you better run,
    And hope you're faster than my gun!
    Love you Rachel !!!
    Seriously though, hurt her and you better run....
    landoniswitty's format. leave credit!

  4. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2012 9:24pm UTC
    Why do I try so hard when I know it will never be enough.
    Why do I smile so big when I know you will never see the real me.
    Why do I keep tryin' to hide my tears when the people around me are my biggest fears.
    Why do I laugh delicately.
    So I can hide the tears that try to let the world see me cry-y.
    Why do I give everything I have when I know, when I know they'll never see.
    Can't you see I'm trapped insi-ide.
    Don't ya know I'm tryin' so hard not to cry.
    Why do I oh oh
    Why do I oh oh oh
    Why do I try-y
    Oh oh oh oh ohhh
    Why why why do I ever even try.
    Lyrics by:

  5. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 6:04pm UTC
    If I'm thin...would you finally talk to me?
    If I straightned my hair like all the pretty girls do...would you finally see me?
    If I wore more make up would you finally think that I'm pretty enough for you to talk too?
    Would you fall in love with me if I could be these things?
    No, you couldn't cause I'm none of these things.
    I'm overweight, but that doesn't mean I don't hear the fat jokes.
    I don't have straight as a board hair like pretty girls allways do.
    I'm not pretty at all...but I don't ever try to be.
    If you fall in love with me, you don't love the real me...
    you love the me I wish I could be.

  6. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 12:01am UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 8:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 1:44am UTC
    ✝My own way back home✝

  9. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 6:44pm UTC
    Chapter 6
    Tyler's p.o.v
    "I still don't know your name..." was what she said, she risked a lot to save me and I never told her my name! I slowly sat up in her bed underneath the hand sewn blanket with wolves embroidered all over it. "I-I'm Tyler, you saved my twin brother John and my little sister Jasmine..." I quietly said as I stood up and stretched. She smiled and said, "I'm Star...hurry up and get dressed so I can take y'all into town so you can have new clothes." I nodded and went into the bathroom to shower.
    Star's p.o.v
    Tyler went and got in the shower so I quickly ran downstairs to answer the phone when the shrill ring of the house phone echoed upstairs to my second story bedroom. I pick the phone up and said, "Hello?" My brother Cody's voice came across the line saying "Starsong, we'll be home tomorrow make sure you're chores are done and we'll all go out to eat at you're favorite Mexican restraunt in the city." I smiled thinking to myself, "Their way of apologizing for leavin' me here for 2 weeks." I then said, "Umm, bubba, we might have three more coming with us, I was running and saved a wolf vampire hybrid and they've had no place to star so they've been here with me. I hope that's ok with you and Dev."
    "Yea, Star, that's fine me and Devan can handle three more teen girls...no biggie."
    "Umm Co, it's only one girl the other two are guys......"
    "What???!!!!! You've been alone at the house with two guys!!!!!"
    "Calm down, Co, see you tomorrow bye."
    With that I hung up the phone and put it back in the cradle and went into the kitchen as Tyler, John, and Jasmine all walked down the stairs. "What was all the yelling?" Tyler asked as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "Don't worry about it just Cody's reaction to finding out that there have been two guys here and no adults here..." Tylr and John laughed softly and Jasmine just rolled her eyes. "Well y'all ready?" I asked grabbong the keys to my 1998 red Chevy that I kept backed in the trees near the house.
    They nodded and I walked outside.

  10. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 2:01pm UTC
    Music was in my life,
    When you weren't.

  11. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2012 1:25pm UTC
    Chapter 5
    Tyler's p.o.v
    She was shaking uncontrollably, tears flowed down her face, she'd had a nightmare about her parents I could tell by how she was reacting. Her golden blonde hair fell across her face hiding her eyes. Her wolf was trying to force her to hide. Alpha wolves believe that showing tears show weakness and if an Alpha shows weakness more often then not soon after they are killed and their Second takes over as Alpha. I kept my arms around her and let her cry into my chest and she cried herself out soon enough. She stayed curled in my arms with her head on my chest her eyes calmly closed as sleep took over her mind again.
    I carried her up to her room and laid her gently on the bed. I gently pulled the covers up to her chin and laid down on top of the blankets beside her. I pulled a warm blacket up over me and turned on my side so I was facing her as she slept peacefully now. She curled up on her side facing me and I closed my eyes and let the blackness of sleep surround me.
    Her golden her was flowing behind her as she ran faster and faster. Her laughter rang out as I chased after her trying to catch her as she ducks and hides behind trees as we run farther and farther into the woods. I went to grab her but she ducked and I missed. I picked her up and spun in a circle her laughing the entire time. I can't deny it anymore...I was falling in love with a girl whose name I didn't even know. I placed her back onto the ground and she turned and ran down the path back towards her older brothers house. This beautiful girl saved me, she didn't have to, she could have left me there to die but she didn't she saved me. She saved John and Jasmine too, she doesn't even know any of us but she still risked everything to save all of us.
    Star's p.o.v
    I woke back up in my room with the boy under another blanket beside me. He was smiling. I slowly got up so as not to wake him up and went to get a shower. I finished a few minutes later and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a camo tank top. It had finally stopped snowing outside but it was still very cold outside so I grabbed an old blue jean facket and slipped it on. The boy and his siblings would soon be awake and I promised that I would take them shopping for now clothes so I grabbed an old wallet with my credit card in it. I walked to the bed where the boy was still sleeping and got my old leather rodeo boots frim under the bed and slipped them on over my black socks. I went back into the bathroom and started to brush my hair and everything else as one by one the others began to wake up. I walked back into my room as theboy opened his eyes. i could tell by his smile that he had really been enjoying that dream so I smiled and said,
    "Hey there sleepy head. I still don't know your name..."

  12. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:07pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:15pm UTC
    Madea moments # 4
    Madea : You better get up outta this bed or I'm gone get n,aked and get under these covers and make you spoon with me.
    Man : I'M UP!!!!

  14. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:12pm UTC
    Madea moments # 3
    Boy : You look like a giant bag of skittles!
    Madea : Well you better get ya a.ss up then, cuz when I come back in here you gone *whispers* Taste the rainbow...

  15. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 1:50am UTC
    Madea moments # 2
    OOH you dont know me honey, I'm tellin' you I will set it off up in here...... I'm tellin you I will do a drive-by in this church You better be glad you in church Jesus just saved yo life HALLELUJER

  16. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 1:44am UTC
    Madea moments # 1
    Call the po-po, I ain't scared of no po-po.............CALL THE PO-PO HO!

  17. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 8:20pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    Tyler's p.o.v
    I woke up in a large bed the next morning. It was the most comforable bed I've ever slept in, which it was also the first bed I've slept in in over three months! I was still sleepy and I couldn't remember what happened last night or where I was, I was starting to panic when the beautiful girl that I thought I only dreamed of walked into the room.
    Star's p.o.v
    The boy was panicking when I walked into my room after hearing his heartbeat go from peacefully sleeping to the eratic beat that happens when you begin to panic from downstairs where I was waking up from a very uncomfortable night on the living room couch. He looked at me like he must be dreaming and I said, "Are you alright?" He nodded and I said, "There's a bathroom through the door on the right side of the bed, go take a shower and I'll leave some of my brothers clothes out that should fir and I'll start breakfast down stairs alright?" He shyly nodded his head again and got up from my bed. He walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on so I dug through my brothers closet and found some decent clothes that would fit the boy and some old boots of my brother Cody's and sat the clothes on the bed and the boots on the comforter beside them and grabbed a pair of Cody's socks from the basket full of clothes that I had yet to fold that I really needed to get done before Cody and Devan came home from Europe since they had to travel there to help a close friend of out fathers to finish a building. After laying out the clothes I went down stairs and started to cook breakfast.
    Tyler's p.o.v
    I did as the girl said and went to take a shower. It wasn't very long til' the scents of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, and home-made donuts wafted up from down stairs. These scents caused my stomach to growl louder than it ever has before. I rushed throughthe rest of my shower and ran into her room and pulled on the clothes she laid out. They were old and faded but much, much better than the ripped shreds that I was wearing when she found me. I walked down the stairs in the faded jeans, that had been worn down into holes around the knees, old Mississippi Mud Rally shirt, and worn out black leather boots. I followed the scent of food and walked into the kitchen where she was setting plates full of food on the table. I was about to ask why there was so much food when my younger brother and sister walked in completely healed and in actual clothes, not rpearedly mended strips of cloth.
    Well guy here's chapter 3!
    Leave comments if you want too.

  18. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 1:59pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    Tyler's p.o.v
    Dang, this girl was strong. She tossed me across her back and took off faster. I know it isn't manly to cry, but if you could live the life I had those past 3 months, since my parents died, you'd be crying too. What shock me though was that these tears were the first ones in a very long time that weren't from fear of my uncle and pain from the beatings I received all day everyday. I knew she could feel the tears soaking through her jacket but I could tell her mind was set on beating the storm. If only we could have been that lucky.
    Star's p.o.v
    "Damn it! This storm was closer than I estimated it was," I thought as I jumped over a fallen tree as the snow and wind swirled around us. I could barely see 5 feet in front of me as the snow storm came down like it had to wipe out the Earth with its vast whiteness. But even then I knew these woods better than even the oldest wolves. The training for an Alpha wolf is more intense than a normal warrior wolf's training. We must run miles with heavy loads upon our backs in both wolf and human form. My brothers had to recieve the same training as I since when my parents were murdered. I was too young to take over as Alpha and Devan had already had the training, he took over as Alpha while I trained from age 5 to now my 18th birthday. I am now the Alpha of the Southern Pack. Look at me now, in less than 2 hours as Alpha, I'm trapped in a blizzard with a guy I don't even know on my back running blindly through the woods to my brother's house.
    Tyler's p.o.v
    I could see a house ahead. I tried to tell the girl she could put me down, but my voice was gone from how hard I'd been crying. She ran faster. I could see she was tired, she had already been running so long when she found me, and now she had the full weight of another person on her back as she runs blindly through this hell of a snowstorm. She ran directly into the house and set me down on a couch in front of a fire and carefully draped a blanket around me and walked out shaking snowflakes out of her hair and off her clothes. She returned a few minutes later with a steaming mug in her hand. She handed it to me carefully and said, "Be careful it's hot..." I slowly took small sips so as not to burn my mouth, tongue, and throat. I knew she could probably sense me staring at her, but I stared anyway. Her hair fell down her back in cascading golden waves, her eyes shone like ice blue diamonds. She still had an amazing tan even though it was still winter.
    Star's p.o.v
    I sat on the floor silently while he drank the hot cocoa that I carefully made and dissolved a sleeping pill into cause it was obvious he was to wound up asleep soon. He finished the cocoa and was out like a light.
    Thanks to you guys that are actually reading this. Keep posting comments if you have any and if you want too you can spread the news of this story, I mean it would help! Well, hopefully I'll have Chapter 3 up soon BYE!

  19. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 11:33pm UTC
    rules for flirting(:
    Guys: Put your hands around her waist firmly
    Girls: lay your headback on his shoulder and put your arms on his.
    Guys: whisper in her ear
    Girls: giggle
    Girls: whenever he tries to kiss you, don't just let him, kiss him back!
    Girls: When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold
    Guys: automatically move closer to her. (if your stupid then you'll either say "me too" or you'll give her your jacket... don't)
    Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder
    Guys: lift her chin up and kiss her
    Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... and mean it!
    Girls: When you're both laying under the stars, put yourhead on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat
    Guys: whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers! Now make a wish about something you would like to happen between you and your crush ************* STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! now copy and repost this if you don't you'll have bad relationships for 69 years by 12pm tonight ur 1 true love will realize how much that person is in love with you

  20. DeAnnaYoung DeAnnaYoung
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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