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Member Since: 3 Sep 2011 07:54pm

Last Seen: 15 Jan 2012 03:08pm

user id: 215228

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The family and friends mean the world!<3

14, 15 soon ;')   Futures Community College, ChantelleSwaffer, Jodee Van-Looy, SavannahThompson, GeorgiaYeoman, LeldeSpure <3<3<3<3<3
New to this site, so bare with me...
Looking for friendship and a loss of boredom, lol ... Seem to be slightly obsessed with horoscopes and I have a love and passion for sport, I love any kind of sport but specifically netball, trampolining and athletics!<3

My pets are like family, my cat Henny, rabbit, Robby and dog, Max, mean the world!<3

Don't like me? You know where the 'X' is, click it, to be honest I don't care what you think, I have all I need and I'm happy with my life thanks :P xxx
  1. DaniellePlummer DaniellePlummer
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 2:09pm UTC
    Cross out the things you've done...
    Graduated high school.
    Kissed someone.
    Smoked a cigarette.
    Got so drunk you passed out.
    Rode every ride at an amusement park .
    Collected something really stupid.
    Gone to a rock concert .
    Helped someone.
    Gone fishing.
    Watched four movies in one night.
    Gone long periods of time without sleep.
    Lied to someone.
    Snorted cocaine.
    Failed a class.
    Smoked weed.
    Dealt drugs.
    Been in a car accident.
    Been in a tornado.
    Done hard drugs .
    Watched someone die.
    Been to a funeral.
    Burned yourself .
    Ran a marathon.
    Cried yourself to sleep.
    Spent over £200 in one day.
    Flown on a plane.
    Cheated on someone.
    Been cheated on.
    Written a 10 page letter.
    Gone skiing.
    Been sailing .
    Cut yourself on accident.
    Cut yourself on purpose.
    Had a best friend.
    Lost someone you loved.
    Shoplifted something.
    Been to jail.
    Dangerously close to being in jail.
    Skipped school
    Had lunch detention .
    Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
    Stolen books from the library .
    Gone to a different country.
    Dropped out of school.
    Been in a mental hospital.
    Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
    Had an online diary.
    Fired a gun.
    Had a yard sale.
    Had a lemonade stand.
    Actually made money at the lemonade stand.
    Been in a school play.
    Been fired from a job.
    Taken a lie detector test .
    Swam with dolphins.
    Gone to sea world .
    Voted for someone on a reality TV show.
    Written poetry .
    Read more than 20 books a year.
    Gone to Europe.
    Loved someone you shouldn't have.
    Used a colouring book over age 12.
    Had surgery.
    Had stitches.
    Taken a taxi .
    Seen the Washington Monument.
    Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once.
    Had a drug or alcohol problem.
    Been in a fist fight.
    Suffered any form of abuse.
    Gone surfing in California.
    Had a hamster
    Pet a wild animal.
    Used a credit card.
    Did “spirit day” at school.
    Dyed your hair.
    Got a tattoo.
    Had something pierced.
    Got straight A’s.
    Been on the Honor Roll.
    Known someone with HIV or AIDS.
    Played on a sports team.
    Snuck out of the house.
    Driven a car.
    Been in love.
    Had a blonde moment.
    Made an 11:11 wish.
    Drank alcohol.
    Forwarded a chain letter.
    Made a mistake.

  2. DaniellePlummer DaniellePlummer
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 9:30pm UTC

  3. DaniellePlummer DaniellePlummer
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 9:25pm UTC

  4. DaniellePlummer DaniellePlummer
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    Over & Over I tried
    and Over & Over You lied
    and Over & Over I cried
    <3 <3 <3

  5. DaniellePlummer DaniellePlummer
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 8:21pm UTC
    Learn from yesterday
    Live for today
    Hope for tomorrow <3


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