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Member Since: 23 Dec 2009 09:18pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 96688

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  1. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2010 1:25pm UTC
    The Basics:
    Name: kacey..(:
    Nick Name: kace..?
    Age: thirteenn..(:
    Birthday: february 19thh.
    Birthplace: jacksonville, north carolinaa.
    Current Location: my dining roooom.
    Eye Color: hazelll..(:
    Hair Color: black or dark, dark brown..(:
    Height: five, fivee..(:
    Weight: like one-hundred..?
    Lefty or Righty: leftyy!<3
    Zodiac Sign: picies..(:
    Drive: do video games count?(:
    Color: pink and yelloooow..(:
    Number: seven and twenty-onee.(:
    Band: jonas brothers<3333(:
    Music: whatever is on the radiooooo.(:
    TV Show: don't really have onee..(:
    Movie: the outsiders<3
    Kind Of Movie: comedy, romance, reality..(:
    Cartoon: spongebob<3
    Sport: badmitten, texting..(:
    Fast Food: hate it all!
    Food: sour patch kids..(:
    Ice Cream: chocolate chip cookie dough or girl scout samoaaaa.(:
    Cereal: trixxxx!
    Candy: sour patch kids!<3
    Drink: rasberry iced teaaaa..(:
    Quote: live, laugh, learn, love.<3(:
    Do You:
    Have Any Siblings: onee.(:
    Have Any Pets: eight totalllll..(:
    Have A Job: gonna volunteer work this summer..?
    Have A Cell Phone: yeahh!<3
    Have Any Fears: dying before my time comes..
    Have a favorite team: eagles..(: i'ma philly fan!
    Have a favorite holiday: my birthday.<3
    Sing In The Shower: not reallyy..?
    Want To Go To College: yezzir.(:
    Like Your Parents: they're the only ones i got, so yeahh..(:
    Have Any Tattoos: negative on that one..
    Swear: sometimes.. shh!:D
    Ever Been In Love: nahh..
    Cheated: nadaa.
    Single: right now.
    In A Relationship: was in decemberrrr..
    Have A Crush On Someone: uhm, not reallyy..
    Been Dumped: that's why i'm singleee..
    Dumped Someone: yeahh..(:
    This Or That:
    Fruit Or Veges: fruittt..(:
    Black Or White: blackk..
    Lights On Or Off: dependss..(:
    TV Or Movie: bothh..(:
    Rock Or Rap: both againnn..(:
    Chocolate Or Vanilla: for what? milk, ice-cream, etc.
    French Toast Or French Fries: ugh, tough one.. both?
    Strawberries Or Blueberries: blackberries..?
    Cookies Or Muffins: cookies!:D
    Winter Or Spring Break: winter 'cause of christmas!<3
    Hugs Or Kisses: hugs; i like to keep my own spit in my mouth, thank you..
    Have You Ever:
    Danced In Public: all dayy..(:
    Smiled For No Reason: all dayy..(:
    Laughed So Hard You Cried: all dayy..(:
    Talked To A Stranger: all dayy..(:
    Partied Till The Sun Came Up: no.
    Gotten A Ticket: can't drive..?
    Been Arrested: nopee.
    Been Convicted Of A Crime: nahh..
    Been In A Wreck: yepp..(:
    Been Out Of The Country: sadly, no..(:
    Random And Silly Junk:
    Ever TP'd Someones House: maybe..(:
    Egged: i wishh..:D
    How Many Laguages Do You Speak: english and i can count to ten in spanish!:D
    Who Do You Compare Yourself To: myself..?
    Ever Regret Anything: a lot!
    Like Being Tickled: by who..?(:
    What Are Your Goals: to be happy<3(:
    Are Your Fingers Tired: never.(:
    Tired Of This Survey: not reallyy..(:
    Happy Now: mhmm..(:

  2. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 2:18pm UTC
    grab your phone...
    got it? mhm
    What kind of phone do you have? pantech matrix
    Whos the first person to come up under the letter M? Ma Housahh!
    Whos the last person you called? Aunt Missy
    Who is the 2nd person to come up under D? Dan D
    Whos speed dial 2? Ma Housahh!
    Whos the third person who comes up under J? Jeremy G
    Who was your last received call from? Aunt Missy
    Whos your speed dial number 4? no one
    What does your banner say? me and rachel!<3(;
    How many messages are currently in your inbox? twelve
    What do you have as your background? me and rachel
    Whos speed dial number one? voicemail
    Whos the 5th message in your inbox from? Bobbi Jo P
    Whose the first person who comes up under B? Brandon W
    How many bars of signal do you currently have there? five
    Who was your last message from? Bobbi Jo P
    Whos the 2nd person under A? Alyssa H
    Who is the ninth person on your missed call list? Carla A
    What does the 5th message on your outbox say? Heyy.(;
    what does the 9th message in your inbox say? I think I am...
    Who is the first name in your contacts? Aerie's A-List
    Who is the last person in your phonebook? Zack H

  3. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 2:06pm UTC
    Your Name- Kacey.
    Nicknames- Kace, babe, hun.(;
    ~*HAVE YOU??*~
    Been kissed? yes.
    Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no, but i want to.
    Been on stage? yepp.
    Gotten in a car accident? yes, wasn't fun..
    Death Valley on horseback? no..?
    Stayed home? yeahh, like all the time.
    Made homemade fudge? yezzir.
    Seen the Eiffel tower? do pictures count?
    Shampoo: fruity smelling.
    Soap: the body wash stuff with the little bead things.
    Color: yellow and lime green.
    Day: saturdayy.
    Night: saturdayy.(i like saturdays)
    Band: uhm, i like about a zillion different ones..
    Season: summer!<3
    Commercial: hahah, this one dr. shcoll's commercial. ;D
    Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope.
    Do you have a crush on someone: mhm.
    Do you have a best friend? yepp.(;
    Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite friends? i only have family on speed dial.
    Who’s your funniest friend? uhm, haleyy.
    Who do you go to the mall with the most? familyy or bestfriends.(;
    Who do you e-mail the most? my cousin.
    Who have you known the longest of your friends? ashley and alyssa for the same time.
    Who’s the loudest? me, but alyssa is close behindd.
    Who’s the shyest? mikaylaa.
    Whose parents do you know the best? haley's.
    Who do you go to for advice? no one really..
    Who knows all your secrets? ashleyy.
    Who do you get the most surveys from? surveys..?
    Who are you jealous of? none of themm.
    Who do you cry with? i cry alone.
    What is your usual quote? my laugh.(;
    Cried? no.
    Eaten fluff? no.
    Helped someone? don't thinkk so..
    Bought something? nope.
    Dissected something? no..?
    Cut your hair? no.
    Worn a skirt? never!
    Worn a tie? no.
    Been mean? probablyy.
    Been sarcastic? mhm, all the time!(;
    Gone for a run? no.
    Gone for a walk? it's coldd..
    Gone to the movies? nope.
    Gone out for dinner? yes. wait, no..
    Been kissed? yeahh.
    Felt stupid? mhm.(;
    Said “I love you”? yeppers.(;
    Written a letter? no.
    Written a paper? nope.
    Taken a test? no.
    Met someone new? i don't think so..?
    Moved on? be more specific please.
    Written in a journal? no.
    Watched your favorite movie? no..):
    Talked to someone you have a crush on? does texting count?
    Given someone a present? no.
    Missed someone? yes.
    Hugged someone? yes.
    Had a nightmare? no.
    Fought with your parents? maybe.
    Fought with a friend? nope.
    Been Scared? nope.
    Showered? last night.
    Ate a meal? i ate a snack like ten minutes ago..?
    What are you wearing right now? pajamas.(shorts, tank top, shirt)
    Are you tired? kinda.
    Are you lonely? yes.
    Are you happy? yes.
    Are you wearing pajamas? duh!
    Are you hungry? not really.
    Are you eating? not anymore.
    Are you talking to someone online? not at this momentt.
    Are you ready for this survey to end? no, i'm bored..
    How long did this survey take you? uhm, was i supposed to know?
    *Do you want all your friends to do this and send back? no thanks.
    >>>>FAVORITE STUFF>>>>
    Type of sandwich: subwayy.
    Coffee or hot chocolate? uhm, hot chocolatee.
    Cold or hot? hot.
    Lace or satin? satin.
    Red or blue? blue.
    New or old? depends.
    Here or there? here. i live in the momentt.
    boys or girls? boys. wayy less drama.

  4. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2010 8:06pm UTC
    Your 8 names;
    Your Real Name:
    Your "Gangsta" Name:
    (first 4 letters of real name plus dizzle)
    Your Detective Name:
    (favorite color & favorite animal)
    Yellow Whale
    Your Soap Opera Name:
    (street you live on & middle name)
    21st Lea
    Your Star Wars Name:
    (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name)
    Your Superhero Name:
    (2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
    Lime Green Root Beer
    Your Witness Protection Name:
    (one of your parent's middle name)
    Your Goth Name:
    (black & the name of one of your pets)
    Black Fiona

  5. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2010 6:08pm UTC
    Can you name 13 guys off the top of ur head?
    1. Gage
    2. Caleb
    3. Zack
    4. Kyle
    5. Micah
    6. Randy
    7. Dan
    8. Timmy
    9. Nick
    10. Danny
    11. Mark
    12. Joey
    13. Zach
    Have u seen 4 cry?
    mhm, he's my brother.
    Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
    hahaha, no!
    Are you good friends with 13?
    Do you think 5 is cute?
    not at all!
    something about 1....
    he's my bestfriend and i love him!<3(;
    How did you meet 12?
    7's fav color
    uhm, i don't know..? blue?
    What would you do if 6 confessed if they liked you
    he has a girlfriendd, but i'd be like "aw, sorry but i dont
    like you.."
    2 single?
    Where does 7 live
    don't care.
    What do you think about 2?
    my ex and now he's my second bestfriend.
    Worst thing about 5
    can get really annoying..
    whos 11 going out with?
    no one.
    what do you think about 3.
    hilarious, but isn't very trusting..

  6. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2010 5:41pm UTC
    Sign If You Love Justin Drew Bieber

  7. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 1:56pm UTC
    and dayum..
    i wish i thought
    of that quote firstt
    think it's on here, but i like it(;

  8. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 1:49pm UTC
    && this is for all the
    quotes that might
    never be in the top
    weird color choice, but i
    don't care..(;

  9. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 10:11am UTC
    &i want a guy that
    would choose me over
    his xbox anyday<3
    i know it's alreadyy on here.. favoritee?(;

  10. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2010 12:54pm UTC
    only two more years to live..
    so let's live it upp
    and rock it outt! (;
    -credit to whoever, feel
    free to change it upp.
    credit you if you likee. (;

  11. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2009 4:05pm UTC
    i.love.you very important words to some..
    _kindaa lazy on the color, but whatev.. (;

  12. CuteGirlyy721 CuteGirlyy721
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 2:39pm UTC
    OMG! OMG! OMG!
    ..wait i kinda forgot.. (;
    ~sorry, kinda lazyy on the colorr. (;


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