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Member Since: 3 Jul 2011 06:13am

Last Seen: 5 Feb 2012 08:23pm

user id: 190085

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  1. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2011 6:32pm UTC
    ♥ A relationship is for two persons .
    Some idiots just can't count!

  2. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 4:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 3:51pm UTC
    You know, sometimes when people grow, they grow apart.

  4. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 3:43pm UTC
    I lost the entire left side of my body, I'm all right now.

  5. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 3:40pm UTC
    I was wondering why the baseball was getting bigger, and bigger..
    Then it hit me.

  6. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 4:53am UTC
    Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty.Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty.Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty.Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty. Beautiful. Smart. Honest. Funny. Amazing. Cool. Great. Lovely. Cute. Awesome. Hot. Insecure. Fantastic. Wonderful. Sexy. Happy. Loved. Confused. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Clever. Pretty.

  7. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 6:33am UTC
    That awkward moment when, you're about to hug somebody sexy and you
    headbutt the mirror.

  8. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 12:52pm UTC
    Hi, I'm lonely
    //////////////// Please write in my guestbook ♥.

  9. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2011 5:05pm UTC
    So, there's this boy..
    He's amazing.
    The end.♥ ♥

  10. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 5:06pm UTC

  11. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2011 8:09am UTC
    I think Ke$ha and Edward Cullen are related.
    - They both sparkle, right?

  12. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2011 3:29pm UTC
    You're prettiest when you're happy :) ♥

  13. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 3:17pm UTC
    Tapping someone on the shoulder,
    pretending it was'nt you.

  14. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 12:25pm UTC
    jocked from facebook :
    ♥I'm fat, single and ready for a pringle.

  15. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 4:10am UTC
    »Don't be so serious. If you can't laugh at yourself, call me..
    I'l l l a u g h a t y o u ! ♥

  16. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 3:55pm UTC
    Out of 6,823,000,000 people in the world,
    I ran into you.

  17. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 12:49pm UTC
    I might look calm,
    but in my head I've killed you three times.

  18. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 6:25pm UTC
    I hope you step on lego brick

  19. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 3:46am UTC
    Hold on..
    I'm searching for a f•ck to give.

  20. CreateAnAccount CreateAnAccount
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 5:39pm UTC
    Nothing lats forever, so live it up! Drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take cances, & never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted.♥


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