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Member Since: 23 Jul 2011 12:52am

Last Seen: 28 Jun 2013 12:46pm

user id: 198279

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  1. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2013 12:40pm UTC
    Listen, I know that you're new boyfriend and all your other ex's want me dead, but hear me out on this one. I'm not going to let all the problems between us stop me from talking to you. You say you're scared for my safety and you don't want this to happen. You say you're done, but are you truly? No matter how much I'm threatened with death threats, cops, and all those other things, no matter what I'm put through, I want you to be happy. Forget about how much I am going through because of my problems and how much I get angered, I want you to be happy. As much stuff there is between us, you should be happy. Drop me from your life, fine, live your life fully and happily. You have bad thoughts, talk to me. Always here for anyone who will need help. Maybe you'll be angered at this, or maybe feel a small amount of sorrow, or any other emotion. I will never love another as much as I did love you. Love you always, and always have feelings for ya. Cut me, fine, but know that I'm always here.

  2. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2013 9:26pm UTC
    I am the type of guy who will sit and listen to you, try and help you as much as I can, without you trying to get that I'm hurting as well. If you need help, or want someone to talk to, just say, I'll be there for you no matter what. Smile :) Everyone looks better smiling. Even when they screwed up their own lives more than ever. Get over it, its in the past. Just know that others are there to help you through whatever it is you are going through.

  3. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 10:52am UTC
    im deleting my account on here. good bye everyone

  4. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 12:29am UTC
    why is it i can't get a break anymore? i pick up on one little thing, everyone has to give me crap about it. i think im just done with everyone who gives me crap and just get new friends. i can't handle it anymore. everyone else isn't surprised when someone else does the same thing, but when i do it, all hell breaks loose. im finished with everything. done with the people that give me all the grief.

  5. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:46pm UTC
    Most of you won't read this because it's too long and you don't want to read that much. Take into consideration how much feeling someone put into their quote. If you have a great idea for a quote, PUT IT DOWN!! Here is my feeling towards a subject that no one really likes to get into because it's just not right. GAYS, LESBIANS, and BI-SEXUALS. Why is it so wrong for someone to like who they like? Take the fact that the person who is any one of those 3, think about how they grew up. Just because a guy likes another guy, or a girl likes another girl, or a girl and a guy like both, doesn't mean that they are in-humane or just messed up in the head. The people who are gay or lesbian or bi-sexual are human just like you and I. They all have the same feelings for the other person just like us. Take a journey and think about how you would act if someone called you all the names they were told when they were young. Think about how they would feel for the rest of their life and how their thought process would be for how they were treated in their past. Don't diss them for how they act or anything like that. Think about yourself and how you would feel in the process. Because what you say, can't be unsaid.

  6. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 11:19pm UTC
    im just a face to look at and a person who's there for you when no one else is. i dont feel like anything else than that. i dont feel like a friend nor a brother anymore. :(

  7. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 1:30pm UTC
    ok, im not expecting a lot of faves to come off of this quote. but here it goes, i've started up smoking and i dont like that habit but yet im not addicted and can continue without smoking if i stop. i left a good friend behind and im starting up with a no talking thing between us. i started the no talking thing because we kept arguing like crazy with each other and i was always the one that started it. i hate arguing, yet i started every argument possible them them. made me upset to an extreme, but i hope everything turns out good in the end. the habits i make are really bad. if anyone out there is willing to help me, comment on this. i will accept any words that you all can throw at me.

  8. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2012 11:11am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 1:00pm UTC
    you fed me bullstuff you fed me lies
    it's ok I only cried
    you faked the laughter you faked the tears
    I found out you didn't care
    one day came and we had a bad fight
    but you told me you loved me and it'd be all right
    I forgave you and let you have another chance
    because I thought you loved me and it was a real romance
    I thought you were different and would be my forever
    when I asked if you would ever leave me you said never
    until one day came you said you just wanted to be friends
    that's when I found out everything has an end
    now I'm here all alone and upset
    wishing we had never met

  10. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 1:07pm UTC
    i have a heart problem, my aortic valve is enlarged and i have joints that are much more loose than the average person's. i've had 14 years of my life taken from me because of bullying. i was nearly thrown up against a wall when i was a baby. i've been told multiple times that i'm one of the lucky ones. i dont smoke to relieve myself, i dont drink and go to parties, nor do i cut for all the wrong that has happened in my life. if you want something to talk about for problems, i can help only a little. i can't help everyone. dont give up on life just because of the things that happen to you daily. look at your friends and have them help you.

  11. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 11:58pm UTC

  12. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 11:58am UTC
    Here's something for all those girls that are feeling sad about how they feel:
    Ladies, You're all beautiful no matter how you think you look.

  13. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 1:18pm UTC
    never get your hopes up too high, you might come out feeling sorry you did. im in the single life, and im not all that happy about it. but, thats what happens. when you want something really bad, dont let go of it easily. when it leaves, just let it go. maybe it will come back, maybe it wont. you never know. Forgive and Forget, something to live by.

  14. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 3:43pm UTC
    ok, im not deleting my account. if anyone wants me to, i can start posting more, but i hardly use this thing anyways. hit me up with ideas to talk about though.

  15. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2012 10:12am UTC
    Deleting my account. Im done with all this crap.

  16. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    Well, i hope that another snow day here in wisconsin doesn't become this bad ever again. Day started out just fine besides almost throwing up at 4 o'clock in the morning. I find out that i didn't have to shovel the driveway so that was all good. I went over to my grandparents and had to shovel a path for my grandma so that she can go visit my grandpa in the nursery, wasn't all that bad. Went to my neighbor's house and shoveled a path to their garage so the guy can take a snowblower and take care of the rest, thought i would help him out a little and be nice to them. But then the rest of the day just plummeted. I stayed inside for the rest of the day, played video games for most of the time, because apparently all guys play freaking video games. But oh well, i dont care. Nothing made my day worse than having my girlfriend break up with me. Good side is that we can possibly get together again, bad side is that this is the second freakin time we've taken a break. Now she's with some dude i dont even know, not that i should care right? wrong! I told her everything she needed to hear about how we have been for the past week, whether she listened or not, idk. I have anger issues, im wanting to put holes in the house i live in because of all the anger i've built up over the past few months, and this break didn't help at all. I am lucky to keep going online every night because the stupid service bar on my family's router keeps goin away, and all this crap keeps going more and more down the drain. I dont care what people say about me anymore, all i hope for is that no one really sees me around so that i can do what i want. Im not killing myself if that's what you are all thinking. I just dont want anyone to hurt me more than i already am.

  17. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2012 12:28am UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    I can't let you go on like this, babe. I can't see you like this anymore. You need me as much as i need you. Can we please settle what is going on and just get back together? we need to talk and get this crap beside us.

  19. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 5:49pm UTC
    I promised her a new beginning,
    I promised her a new start,
    I promise soo much and i get slammed down the next minute.
    I live off of regret, theft, lying, cheating, and all this bad crap,
    But I will change back to who I was when we first went out.
    I will be there for her whenever she needs me,
    Or if she is just needing comfort.
    I need to change because if i don't,
    I will be the reason we break up.

  20. Connoboy159 Connoboy159
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 8:27pm UTC
    Why the HELL does everyone have to go and TRY to take HER AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!
    I don't get why they want her. They can find their own Damn GF where they LIVE!
    I understand SHE is nice, sweet, and not rude, I get that, but why can't they just FRICKEN LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!
    I get talked about behind my back and THEY know that I know they are doing so, but why the HELL put all that GRIEF ON HER SHOULDERS!!!
    Can I not have a GF in peace and just fricken leave it at that?!


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