Witty Profiles

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  1. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    The text you never sent
    Have you ever wanted to text someone saying
    'I miss you',
    then erased it and wrote 'what’s up' instead?
    Or have you ever written a long paragraph in a text
    and you wrote down how you felt,
    & wanted to send it to someone special,
    but maybe you were afraid you weren’t gonna get a reply
    cause you made it awkward,
    so you just drafted it or erased the whole thing
    & didn’t bother texting them at all?

  2. smallchick105 smallchick105
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2012 4:35pm UTC
    I am who I am
    I'm weird. I'm lame.
    I run into stationary objects.
    I trip. I spill tons of crap.
    I scream about random&stupid things.
    But despite all of that;
    I actually like the way I am.
    (( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))

  3. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2012 4:35pm UTC
    'I like you.'
    Just three words,
    I’m afraid to say to you.
    I’m dying for you to know, but I’m afraid,
    I’m afraid you wouldn’t feel the same,
    or that you won’t talk to me anymore.
    Just three words I want to tell you,
    but I just can’t...

  4. CaliLyn80 CaliLyn80
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    Chapter one
    Seeing it
    Everyday after school at exactly three o’clock I go out for a walk on the back roads of my town. But today seemed strange. A random street I have never seen before is there. It was a dark, strange, tingly, feeling road it made me feel eerie. So I was curious, and I Gabby Green a fourteen year old girl, is known for walking and exploring in my town of jasper, Alabama. So I start to walk down the dimly lit road. I passed maybe twenty houses. Ten on each side. I reached the end of the road. I was about to turn around, because all there was, was a dark blob at the end of the road, so as I slowly turned around I hear a very old rickety door. It sounds like it hasn’t been open in years! I quickly turn around and stare into the dark spot at the end of the road. I can barley make out the front door sliding slowly opening! I start to walk to the steps. Once I reach the first step the porch light flickers on and off. It startled me so much I jumped back and almost fell so I looked up as I regain my balance and see the curtain on the second floor in a window close quickly. All I saw was a pair of dark blue eyes with black surrounding the face, like they took a bath in fire place ashes. Watching me, waving quickly and franticly at me. Then out of know were they disappear. I slowly walked up to the stairs and I reached the top. I was in the yellow hallway, the porch light stops flickering and shuts off, then the front door quickly slams shut. Blowing a big gust of wind and making dust go every where. I was alone! Well as alone as you can get in a creepy, old house. I could see, as my eyes adjusted, and the hallway is bright yellow, bright as day. Doors! Nothing but doors maybe thirteen doors give or take. Stairs, I found a set of dark dusty steps. I walk towards them. And slowly walked up them. I reached the top and it seemed like I was walking up the stairs forever. Doors! More doors. Maybe five or six doors. But only one of those doors got my attention. It was bright red and cracked open. I wanted to run down stairs and out of that house forever, but I didn’t I stayed. That decision is what haunts me to this very day.

  5. smallchick105 smallchick105
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 5:23pm UTC
    wanting a boy to
    give you a piggy back ride
    but being afraid you're too heavy.
    Just me? Haha

  6. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 4:56pm UTC
    That moment when
    you see something
    you didn’t want to see
    and your heart drops.

  7. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 4:37pm UTC
    Being friendzoned sucks
    You're always there for them,
    giving them advice, making them happy,
    and just being you.
    The sad thing is that,
    you're only noticed by your sweetness and kindness but,
    they just never feel like you're the kind they need.
    Being labeled as only “bestfriend” sucks
    when you want to be nothing but,
    more to them.

  8. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 4:42pm UTC
    You’re so cute
    Every thing you do makes me smile.
    Every thing you tell me, makes me giggle.
    Every time I hear your voice, my heart melts.
    When you tell me something sweet,
    my heart beats one hundred times faster.
    Everytime I see your name pop up on my phone,
    I can’t help but to squeak out in excitement.
    You are just so cute,
    I can’t handle it..

  9. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 4:50pm UTC
    I only
    waste time
    of you.''

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 2:36pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Ten
    "Are you ready yet? I made reservations at Olive Garden!" Fynn yelled up the stairs.
    I didn't say anything back, because I was done, so I walked down the stairs.
    "You look gorgeous." Fynn's jaw basically dropped.
    "Thanks!" I said with a bright smile.
    Our date, went amazing. I couldn't believe how nice he was.
    When we got home, Lexi was sitting on the porch.
    "What are you doing!?" I said confused.
    "Josh is trying to open windows, because you weren't home, and I don't have a key, remember!"
    I god, I forgot all about that.
    "Sorry Lex..." I said as I opened the door.
    "JOSHHHH!! NESSAS HOME!" Lexi screamed as she walked through the door.
    "....And so is mom."
    What was she doing here, she worked till 11 I thought..
    "Why aren't you working.." I asked.
    Then, she started yelling, about how she works, and we aren't supposed to leave while she works.
    "Oh well. It happens!" Lexi said, making everything worse.
    I turned to Fynn.
    "I'm so sorry babe. Call me later."
    "Of coarse."
    And then he kissed me goodbye, infront of my mom.
    Yeah, its short, I know. I'll make up for it next chapter. Love youuu guys for reading thiss. xxxx

  12. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2012 11:20pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Nine
    "And....Done!" I basically screamed in Lexi's face as I finished her outfit, and makeup for her date.
    I turned her around to face her mirror.
    "Hey, Ness, I look so good, thank you, really I mean it, thank you."
    "Anytime Alexis. Your look beautiful, I hope he's the right guy for you."
    Right as I said that, the door bell rang.
    "EKKKK! That must be him!!!!!" Lex screamed, I bet the whole neighborhood heard her.
    "I'll go answer the door, you stay here."
    I ran down the hallway, and down the stairs, I went to open the door, thinking it was Josh, Lexi's boyfriend.
    There was Fynn, standing there with flowers, and I looked like sh/t.
    "Eh. What are you doing here?"
    I was completely clueless.
    "I wanted to see you.."
    "But you weren't in school today.."
    "Because I was ashamed to show my face, everyone knows we went on a date, and everyone knows, you ran away after I kissed you.."
    "But thats not what happened at all! You kissed me, and when I pulled away, Paris was standing on the sidewalk, crying"
    We talked for about 10 minutes, and I finally let him inside.
    About 5 minutes after I let Fynn in, Josh showed up.
    "So, I hear your here to get my little sister.." I said trying to embrass him.
    "Eh, yeah, I am."
    He was studdering. This is hilarious.
    "Stop it Nessa!" Lexi came running down the stairs, nearly flying out the door.
    "Be back by 11! Thats when mom gets home!"
    "Thank you Nessa!"
    And that was that, she left, on her first date, and I was home alone with the boy of my dreams.
    It was only 6 pm.
    "Come on beautiful, go get dressed, I'm taking you out to dinner!"
    Fynn, was not only hot, he was the nicest person ever!
    I love this chapter, like so much. It's so cute. I hope your liking the story!

  13. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 9:01pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Eight
    I ran away, after we kissed.
    There was fireworks, but then Paris showed up. I felt horrible,
    I ran inside.
    My mom was actually home.
    "Who's the boy Ness."
    "No one."
    And I ran upstairs,
    I went and talked to Lexi.
    "Hey Lex, can I talk to you?"
    "Yeah come on in."
    "I just kissed Paris' ex boyfriend, I've liked him since day one of Kindergarten, he said he dated Paris to get my jealous, and it obviously worked, but Paris actually liked him, and when he found out I liked him he dumped her, and I just went on a date him with, and kissed him, and when I pulled away, Paris was standing on the sidewalk balling her eyes out."
    That was a mouthful, but I need to get it out.
    I talked to Lex, for about 3 hours, by then I was exhausted so I went to bed.
    I woke up at 6, and beat Lexi to the shower, and when I got out, I checked my phone, 2 messages,
    one from Fynn,
    and one from Paris.
    "Hey babe, tonight was amazing, your amazing, I can't wait for the next date." That was obviously from Fynn.
    The next one, was harsh.
    "What the hell Nessa, I liked him, and you knew it, and you still went on the date with him. Btw. Lose my number."
    Oh gosh, she deffinately hates me.
    I did my hair, and got dressed.
    School went by fast because neither Fynn, or Paris were there.
    I went to my car at the end of the day, and I drove Josh to his house, and then drove him.
    "Hey, uh, Nessa, will you help me get dressed for my date?"
    Did I hear she right, Lexi has a date, and she wants me to help her get ready!?
    "OH MY GOD YES!"
    This chapter is my favorite so farr. There isnt any drama, but I like it. Loll. So I hope you like the story so far!

  14. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Seven
    I went over to my locker, trying to avoid him, but it was kind of hard seeing how he was standing right infront of my locker.
    "Excuse me.." I said really quite.
    "Of coarse, beautiful."
    Why was he being so nice all of a sudden, because I know for a fact, he doesn't like me! He might say he does but, I know, he doesn't.
    I got my books, and he came closer,
    "Will you atleast let me take you on one date. Just one, just to see if theres something between us."
    He is so damn cute! How could I say no?
    "Fine, one date." I said trying to act cool.
    "Okay, I'll pick you up at 6, okay?"
    "Yeah, I guess thats fine."
    I feel horrible, but like he said, we had to see if there was something between us.
    I was hoping there was, but at the same time I didn't want to lose Paris.
    "What the hell was that."
    Oh no.
    "Paris, were just friends. Theres nothing between us."
    "Yeah, thats why he asked you out on a date right?"
    "Its nothing!"
    "Don't talk to me."
    Paris heard him ask me out, I said yes. I wasn't backing out either.
    Does that make me a bad friend?
    School went by fast, and when I got to my car, my sister was making out with some guy!
    "Go Lex!" I screamed, hopefully embrassing her.
    "Shut up Ness!" She was blushing now. "This is Josh, my boyfriend. Hes coming over, can he ride with us?"
    She said it like I was going to make him walk!
    "Duh! Get in!"
    When we got to the house, I did my homework, when I finished I looked at the clock, 5:00.
    Fynns going to be here at 6, so I had to get ready.
    I picked out the cutest outfit.
    I looked adorable.
    He got here right on time.
    "You look beautiful, as always." He always knows what to say.
    He took me out of ice cream,
    I got strawberry,
    he got a fudge sundae.
    When he brought me home, he walked me to my house,
    he kissed me.
    The fireworks exploded.
    I pulled away, I saw someone walking by the house,
    there was Paris,
    balling her eyes out.
    Little bit of dramaa huhh? The writing looks weird down here because my computers being dumb.
    But I hope you like itt! Love the few people that are actually reading thiss.♥

  15. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 3:44pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Six
    Once he said he liked me, I hung up. He couldn't like me, he didn't even talk to me until today.
    We've gotten partnered up in class, a few times, but I barely talked.
    He texted me and 5 minutes later,
    "Nessa, why'd you hang up? Do you not like me?"
    What do you mean do I not like you. Of coarse I do. But I didn't want to lose Paris.
    "I don't know right now, its complicated."
    He didn't text me back, so I went to bed.
    I stared at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep.
    I finally fell asleep around midnight, I heard my alarm go off so I got out of bed, and ran to the shower beating Lexi again.
    I took the longest shower after, because Lexi didn't come and knock on the door,
    when I got out, I realized it was still dark out, usually its light out.
    I walked over to my phone.
    5:00 o' clock in the morning.
    You have got to be kidding me.
    I saw I had 4 new messages, and 3 missed calls, all from Fynn.
    "Ness, I like you. I've waited so long to tell you I didn't know how, and now you dont like me."
    "Ness, answer me, I need to hear your voice."
    "Well, I guess your sleeping, goodnight beautiful.<3"
    "Good morning.<3"
    I had to be dreaming, I have waited for cute texts from him, for ever.
    But not when Paris is his ex, so I ignored the texts and went downstairs before I got dressed, and made a big breakfast because I had the time.
    I went upstairs and picked out the cutest outfit ever.
    I sat on the computer until Lexi was ready, we drove to school, and I walked to my locker, and Fynn, was standing infront of it.
    I'm going to be putting the outfits on with Polyvore from now onnnn. Well, I hope your liking the story.. Love youuu.xxxx

  16. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2012 5:34pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Five
    I met Lexi in the car, and Paris took the front. When I dropped her off I told her to text me if she needed anything. Once I got to my house, I ran up to my room, I pulled the note out of my pocket.
    I opened it, and read his handwriting.
    "Opps, forget to give you my number, silly me!"
    At the end of the note, he wrote his number. I decided to wait a little bit till I called him. I had to say, today was a lot better then yesterday, for me anyways. I went into Lexi's room.
    "Ayee girl! How was your second day?" I said, really excitedly.
    "Not as good as yours..." She said, she looked like she was about to cry.
    "Whats wrong?" I asked, usually when I asked, I didn't care, but if someones hurting my sister, there's going to be problems.
    "Well, I like this boy, and his name is Adam, he's really cute, but the thing is, he's dating this really popular girl, her names Britney. I guess they've been dating for like 3 months."
    Woah, that sounds a lot like my problems. I talked to her about Adam for about an hour, then I got two texts. One from my mom saying she wasn't going to be home for dinner. Like usual, she was always at work, since her and dad split up. The other one from Paris, "he likes one of my friends Ness! Fynn. Likes one of my friends, thats why he broke up with me."
    Woah, wait what!?
    I decided to ignore her text and make dinner for Lex and I. After dinner I cleaned up, left a plate for mom in the microwave, and went out to swim. I lived in Florida, so it was still 80 degrees here. Which I loved, because swimming always cleared my mind, I had an inground pool outside, and a hot tub inside. I know, we're crazy we live in Florida, and we have a hot tub. But after I went for a swim, I went in the outside shower to clean off the chemicals from the pool.
    I decided I'd call Fynn, and if he didn't answer, I'd just hang up, and pretend I didn't call.
    It rang one time, and he answered.
    "Nessa?" I heard his cute little voice talk into the phone.
    "I just wanted to say, I broke up with Paris. Because I like you."
    OMG. He does like me.
    how do you guys like it? Well my dads rushing me off, so I hope you like ittt. I might put another chapter on laterrr! Love you alll.xxx

  17. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2012 4:28pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Four
    School started on a Thursday, so today was Friday. I woke to my alarm singing "Its friday, friday, gotta get down on friday." What a coincidence.
    I got out of bed, beat Lexi to the bathroom, two days in a row! Lexi came knocking on the door around the same time again this morning. I got out of the shower, and ran to my room.
    Today, I decided I dress up. So I put on a plain pink hollister v-neck, with a black pencil skirt, I put on my gold flats with cute little bows on the toes. I pulled my hair back and tied it with a gold bow,
    I left it curly. I did my makeup,
    I had light brown eye shadow on and a thin line of eye liner on my eye lid, I put some mascara on, I had to say, I looked pretty adorable.
    I went down stairs, and put a strawberry poptart in the toaster. I yelled up to Lex to see if she wanted one, of coarse she did. So I put another poptart in the toaster. After we finished eatting, we went out to the car. I started it up, and we went to the school.
    I made sure not to run into the door this time. As I walked down the hall, a few boys looked at me, I got a few winks. But not by the boy I actually wanted to wink at me, he was to busy eatting my best friends face, infront of my locker.
    I walked to my locker.
    "Do you two mind?" I said, rudely.
    Paris looked at me with her huge brown eyes.
    "What the hells your problem?"
    Did she seriously just ask me that?
    "My problem is the past two days, you guys have came to my locker, and madeout infront of it, trying to make me jealous or something. You have your own lockers, and I would not like to see guys eat faces."
    Paris's face was priceless. She walked away, saying nothing.
    Fynn looked at me, and I turned away opening my locker.
    He got closer. My heart started beating faster.
    "I knew you liked me." He whispered into my ear.
    I couldn't help it.
    "And, where'd you hear that"
    "Come on Ness, we've been in the same class's since kindergarten. I see the way you look at me."
    "Well, your wrong."
    He got even closer, and whispered.
    "We both know I'm right."
    With that he was gone, he turned and walked away.
    During class, he looked over at me and smiled. He got out a piece of paper, and wrote something down. He got up to sharpen his pencil, on his way to the sharpener he handed me the note.
    I pretended it wasnt even their, but when the class ended and I got to lunch, the first thing I did was opened up the note.
    "Call me tonight. Let me explain."
    Thats all it said. I don't even have his number!
    But when I went to my locker at the end of the day, I opened it and there was a piece of paper, all folded up, on one of my binders I picked it up and went to open it, but Paris came to my locker and I shoved the paper into my locker.
    "Hey, Ness. I'm sorry."
    "It's fine Paris!"
    And she hugged me.
    "Uh girl, can I catch a ride?"
    "Yeah, thats not a problem, but why? Aren't you riding home with Fynn?"
    "Ness, he dumped me during lunch."
    That was right after 6th period, when he gave me the note.
    That's just a coincidence, it must be.
    I have a feeling you guys will like the next chappppterrr<3 Sorry I havent writen, I've been tired, and lazyyy, ahaha. But I hope you guys like it so far.! Im a first time writer, and if you want me to notify you, just askkk!(: I would love your feed back. So comment what you thinkk!(:

  18. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2012 9:20pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter Two
    I woke up the next morning ready to move, I didn't get much sleep because I was nervous about starting school today. I jumped out of bed, and ran to the shower, making sure my sister didn't get their before me. I took the longest shower possible, until I heard Lexi pounding on the door. "COME ON SIS HURRY UP!"
    Lexi was starting her first year of middle school, she was a freshman, making her a year younger then me.
    I jumped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, wrapped my hair with it. I grabbed another towel, and wrapped it around my body. I opened the door and ran to my room.
    Time to pick out my outfit.
    I decided, my dash wash super skinny hollister jeans, with a baby blue, peter pan collared shirt. I slipped on my white toms, and walked over to my mirror. Time for makeup. I put a thin line of liqiud eye liner on my top lid, put on a little mascara, and a peach colored lipstick. Now, to do my hair. I left it natural, my natural hair was lose curls. I put a white bow in my hair to match my toms, and I put on a owl neckalace I got yesterday last minute school shopping.
    I grabbed my bag, and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Lexi.
    I made eggs, and toast.
    I walked into the hallway.
    "LEX I MADE BREAKFAST!" I screamed up the stairs.
    "Kay, I'll be right down!"
    We finished eating, did one last check on are makeup, and brushed at teeth.
    We didn't live to far from the school, but it was raining, so I decided to drive us to school. The driving age was 15 year old, so I already had my licence.
    We got into my baby blue punch buggy covertable, and drove to the school. Luckily we left early, because the parking lot was almost full.
    We parked and got out,
    we were walking into the school,
    and just my luck,
    I walked into the door,
    and Fynn was standing right behind me.
    Wouldn't that be really embrassing! Haha, so how do you guys like the story so far!? I would love your feed back, so comment what you think, no hate please. If you want to be notified on when I make a new chapter just comment and I will!(:

  20. dontwanttoforgetyou dontwanttoforgetyou
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 5:58pm UTC
    I Say Pinch Me.
    Chapter One
    I start school tomorrow and I'm scared, I get to see Fynn tomorrow. YAY!
    The summer went by so fast, like really fast.
    My whole summber consisted of hanging out with a few friends, Carmody, and Paris basically, my sisters. They were always over.
    They left this morning, moarning about how school started tomorrow, I know I'm scared but I'm kind of happy because I haven't seen Fynn all summer.
    One thing I haven't told you is, he kind of had a thing with Paris. My friends and I have very different personalities but we always get along, but Paris, shes beautiful. So I see why they had a thing. Carmody, is the shy one of us all, Paris is the girly girl, shes kind of a wh/re I guess you could say, and I'm the socially award one. I guess you could say I'm pretty. I have light brown hair, naturally wavy, like beach waves. I have a tan color skin. Really clear face, big blue eyes. But I'm to shy to talk to boys. Paris usually does it for me. This year that will change, I'm done being he shy pretty girl, that everyone tries to talk to but I kind of deny them. But tomorrow, I'm going to wear the cutest outfit, an outfit to catch tall the boys eyes. Just wait.
    Hiyaaa! I know the chapters short, but the next one will be longer because it's Nessa first day!!! Its a little slow right now, but it will pick up.♥


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