Witty Profiles

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  1. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 12:42pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 20
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    Gavin and I sat at a table, eating a Valentines day special together.
    "Come on, we're going somewhere." Gavin told me.
    "Where?" I asked.
    "But where?" I eagerly persisted.
    "Somewhere" Gavin repeated.
    I groaned at his response, well aware that it was no use to keep on trying.
    Gavin paid the waiter, and walked me out to the car. Getting in the front seat he looked to the side at me.
    "Put this on." He said handing me a blindfold.
    "Where are you taking me?!" I yelped.
    "Somewhere Taylor. Just put it on." Gavin breathed. I could tell he was getting annoyed, so I followed instructions and just felt the car ride along.
    It wasn't a very long ride, no longer than twenty minutes. But then again, time flies when you can't see anything.
    Gavin shut the car off, and when he did I felt it. A part of me was scared, isn't this exactly what killers in the movies did?
    "Gavin. Please tell me where we are." I breathed
    "Shh. Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." I felt a huge relief wash over me. I trusted Gavin.
    "Take my hand."
    Gavin leaded me over to a spot that felt familiar. He took the blindfold off of my head.
    "What's this?" I asked
    "This is where we first met"
    I am soo sorry for my mess up with the end in the last chapter, that was not how it was supposed to end. Once again, I am sorry.
    Yeah yeah, this is short I know its because stupid witty and character limits so I had to split it in half.
    The second half of this is already posted, hurry up and get to it!
    "Where do you want these boxes?"

  2. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 12:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 11:05am UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 18
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I felt Chloe's lips against mine and it took a few seconds to figure out what was going on. This wasn't Taylor, this was her best friend, and she just betrayed her. As soon as I went to get Chloe off of me, I heard Taylor cry out. Her face made my heart break.
    "Taylor, I can explain." I told her.
    "Go ahead!" She yelped through her tears.
    "I didn-" I tried to say.
    "Taylor, he kissed me. Right on, just like what happened with your other boyfriends, he just kissed me. You should get rid of him." Chloe lied.
    My jaw dropped.
    "Taylor! I-"
    "See, there he goes again, trying to pass it off as my fault. Tay, we've known each other since third grade. Do you really think I would stab you in the back like that?" Chloe said. Chloe's eyes got glassy, and I could tell this was all just a show. I would never hurt Taylor like this. Never.
    "Taylor. Listen to her. Do you really think, that all of your boyfriends would kiss her. Would I ever hurt you? I just promised you the other day that I never would. You know me well enough." I finished. I was lucky if she would believe me over her best friend. Taylor closed her eyes, letting a few more tears spill over her eyelids. This was breaking my heart, seeing her in so much pain.
    She took a big breath before opening her mouth. "I-I-I-I wi-will be ri-right back. In the m-mean time, keep y-your lips o-off of h-hers." Taylor stuttered. She walked into the bathroom, and I heard the sink start.
    "What the hell, Gavin?!" Chloe whispered.
    "What? Your the one that practically ate my face, how are you doing this to her??"
    "Psh, tons of practice. I thought you were smart enough to figure that out. Plus, you're cute and I'm way better than her. Why do you think I stick around with her, she somehow always picks up the good guys. And, for the record, I haven't had such a great kiss in a long time." Chloe put her hand on my cheek, just the way Natalie used to. I broke up with Natalie, and I don't want Chloe.
    "Stop." I told her.
    "Shh." She whispered. I felt her lips touch mine, once more. I gently pushed her off of me.
    "Stop! Taylor is your best friend and I don't know how you are doing this to her, but that is a great girl, and its no wonder she gets good guys! Seriously, you are hurting and I can't stand it. Go find yourself your own guy, and stop hurting Taylor. You call yourself a good person? A good person wouldn't do this to anyone." I forgot to whisper. I was practically yelling. I walked away in anger, walking out of Taylor's apartment. I found a wall a little ways away and just put my forehead on it. I was so mad, how could you do that to your best friend?
    I sat there for a few moments, just thinking. Then suddenly, I felt arms fly across me.
    "Chloe. Get off of me. I told you, I love Taylor." I ordered.
    "I love you too." Chloe's voice didn't sound the same. It sounded...familiar. I spun around, picking Taylor up into my arms.
    "Thank you." Taylor whispered.
    "For what?"
    "For standing up for me. If it weren't for you I probably would've never figured it out."
    "Yes you would've. You're a smart girl." She blushed, and I put my hand on her cheeks. Wiping away one last tear that she had shed.
    "So what happened to Chloe?" I asked.
    "Oh, so you're interested now?" Taylor said sarcastically.
    "Oh yes, very interested. Who wouldn't love a girl that fantastic?" I said in a gayish voice.
    (I mean no offence to anyone gay, supports gay people, or are friends with anyone that is gay. I fully support it, I would not purposely be rude that way.)
    Taylor giggled at my remark, and I held her in my arms.
    "Really though, what happened?" I asked.
    "Well, I was standing right in front of the bathroom door when you were yelling at her. I also saw her putting her hands on you. Then you left, and I just followed you."
    I smiled.
    "Thank you." I planted a kiss on her lips as I finished.
    "Uhm, hello?" I heard Chloe say. Taylor broke the kiss and we both looked up.
    "Yes, my dearest best friend, Chloe. Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot that I'm not friends with people that suck face with my boyfriends and steal them." Taylor said. I put my arm around her, proud that she was standing up for yourself. Chloe scoffed.
    "You're really going to believe him? Over your be-"
    "Shut the hell up with the lies, Chloe. I saw you putting your hands on him." Taylor crossed her arms. Chloe's lips curled into an S shape, probably trying to come up with another lie.
    "Ta-" Chloe started.
    "Pack your things and get the hell away from me."
    Yay, Taylor stood up for herself!
    I am curious, because I can't post as often anymore, would you guys like it that when I can post that I post 2-3 chapters that day? Just to like, hold you off for a couple days. That wouldn't be all days, just some of the days I can post I'd post more than one. Opinions?
    *Keep commenting to be notified. c:
    "Happy Valentines Day."

  4. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 10:36am UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 17
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    What Gavin said put me into shock. I tried to speak but nothing would come out. I smiled at him, and once again tried to say something else.
    "I-I think I am t-too." I stuttered. Gavin smiled at me, slowly closing the door behind him.
    I put my back up against the door, just standing there with a big grin planted on my face.
    Today Chloe was arriving here. I would pick her up at the airport and bring her here.
    "Taylor!!!" Chloe squealed.
    "Chloe!" I shouted.
    We haven't seen each other in three years, and we were still best friends. It's amazing having such a great friend like her, she's fantastic. I don't think anything could get between us. She still looked as amazing as ever, she's such a beautiful girl. How she can look this good after being on a plane for several hours blows my mind. As well as how she was comfortable with what she was wearing. A blue tube top with a brown belt in the middle, casual flare jeans, and cutout heels. She had curled her hair, as usual, and did a smokey eye with glossy lips. She looked amazing.
    I felt strange wearing my white tank top, floral scarf, skinny jeans and heels... I had just brushed my hair, nothing special.
    "Come on, lets get back to my place so we can talk. Gavin's going to be there in a little bit." I explained, carrying her suitcase with me. She was only staying for a week, but she had packed like she was staying for two months.
    I drove her across town first, she was amazed. She's never been to New York before, so this was the perfect visit.
    "It's beautiful here!" Chloe squeaked.
    I laughed at her remark as we pulled into my apartment parking lot. Chloe's jaw dropped when she saw it.
    "You live here?" Chloe said in surprise.
    "Where'd you get the money? It must be super expensive!"
    "Ohh." Chloe said.
    I led her up to my apartment and her jaw, once again dropped.
    "You live here?!" Chloe exclaimed
    "Yes, come on, Gavin's going to be here in a few minutes." Chloe gasped.
    "Ooooooooo! I get to meet him!!?" Chloe screeched.
    "Yes, you'll get to meet him."
    Chloe and I sat on my bed, talking until I heard a knock on the door.
    "Come in, Gavin!" I yelled. Gavin appeared and I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt my cheeks get hot and a smile spread across my face.
    "Hey, beautiful." Gavin said.
    I laughed. "I'm not."
    "Taylor! Do not ever lie again!" Gavin yelled. I felt my cheeks go hot again.
    "Gavin, this is Chloe. Chloe, Gavin. I'll be right back, I'm going to get us some water." I walked away going downstairs. I hope Gavin and Chloe get along. it would be awful if they didnt. I grabbed three bottles of water, racing back up the stairs hoping that they werent arguing. I opened my door, dropping the bottles of water as I saw Chloe's lips locked with Gavin's. I felt a part of me want to scream and a part of me wanted to fall and cry.
    "Chloe! Gavin! Oh my go"
    *Once again, I am sorry for not being able to post as often. I'm really trying to post as often as I can, so if you enjoy this story please dont give up on it because I cant post very often. I'll really try to get back to posting every day.
    Comment saying you want to be notified to be notified.
    "Taylor, I'm sorry, I just-"

  5. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 2:28pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    I don't know the next time I'm going to be able to post. I won't have internet access. Sorry guys. I still love you, and as soon as I can I will post. Sorry again.

  6. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2012 10:13am UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 16
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    "Taylor, I'm so sorry."
    "Gavin, I'm so sorry." We both said in unicon.
    "No, it was my fault for getting into that fight with Cole. I should've kept my cool and I didn't. I was angry, and it got the best of me. I should've paid attention and not fought with him because it was immature and was not respecting you. I'm sorry for not calling you back. That was immature I was just afraid you wouldnt accept my apology and I woukd embarrass myself, which was childlike and I should've sucked it up and been a man. Please forgive me." Gavin finished.
    I was astonished. He wasn't angry with me at all. He's even apologizing, for what I thought was all my fault. I didn't know what to say to him, think Taylor think!
    "Uh..Uh.. Gavin, don't apologize. I'm not mad at you. I thought you were mad at me." I responded.
    "What a stupid response" I thought to myself.
    "No, no, I'm not mad at you. I miss you, thats it."
    "Gavin, I-"
    "I'm really sorry and its all my fault." Gavin cut me off.
    "No, no it isn't. I forgive you, stop apologizing."
    "Thank you, so much Taylor." Gavin thanked. I could hear the desperation in his voice, I felt so bad. I wish I had called him earlier.
    "Don't thank me." I paced around my apartment.
    "Hey, why don't you come over?" I asked him.
    "Sure, I'll be over in five minutes."
    I heard a knock at my door, and without even looking I just fell into his arms. I'd missed him more than I thought I did. Two months after I had met him and we'd kind of come far.
    I felt him lift me up, carrying me bridal style to my bed. I looked at him, and when our eyes met my stomach felt strange. Kind of, butterflies strange. It didn't hurt though, nothing like that. It actually felt, warm and like it was right. Like it was supposed to be there for some reason. I can't really describe it, it just feels...amazing. That's really all I can say, it's just an undescribable feeling.
    My smile widened as he held me tight, things were going back to normal, or as normal as they could get. He sat down on my bed, and I sat on top of him, putting my head in the crook of his neck.
    "You smell good." I breathed.
    "You feel good in my arms." Gavin, cheesily, said.
    "That was cheesy." I giggled.
    "Don't you like cheese?"
    "That was too." I laughed, hard.
    "But yes, I love cheese." I told him.
    "I thought so." Gavin remarked.
    We stayed there, for hours. Just talking and laughing. Like we used to.
    "Gavin?" I asked.
    "Why did you get into a fight with Cole?" I was very curious, I hadn't had an answer.
    He hesitated before answering, trying to find a good way to put it.
    "I was just angry." He finally answered.
    "Why?" I asked.
    "Because, he hit you. Not only the day before that, but so many times before. No girl deserves to be treated like that. No matter what, you don't hit a girl. It just isn't right. Also, you mean a lot to me. And to know you were treated that way breaks my heart."
    "It wasn't his fault that he hit me, I deserved it most of the time. Pl-"
    "No, Taylor. Stop saying that, it was not your fault at all. It was completely his fault, never make excuses for him." Gavin ordered.
    "Thank you, Gavin." I said, partly speechless.
    He kissed the top of my head.
    "Hey, its getting late. I'm going to go home." Gavin told me.
    "Okay." I hopped off of him, leading him over to the door.
    "You know how you asked me why I got into a fight with Cole?" Gavin asked.
    "Yes, why?"
    "Well, there's one more reason." Gavin whispered.
    "What's that?" I smile
    "I think I'm falling in love with you"
    *****I am now doing a new notification system as it is hard to keep up with who I need to reguarly notify. From now on, to be notified you need to comment saying so on every chapter.
    I am also going to do a teaser everytime, despite how many favorites this gets.
    "Chloe! Gavin! Oh my god!!" I screamed

  7. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 5:51pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 15
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    I walked back over to my phone, my heart beating extremely fast. I don't know why I was so nervous. I picked it up, answering it.
    "Hello?" I asked.
    "Taylor! Hey!" The voice said.
    "Oh, its you. Hi Chloe." I said disappointed.
    "Why so sad!? I havent talked to you in forever, whats your address?!" Chloe asked.
    I gave her my address, uncertain of why she wanted it.
    "Why do you want it?" I asked her.
    "It was going to be a surprise but I'm such a blabber mouth and am too excited to not tell you. I'm coming to visit you!!" Chloe squealed.
    "Really? I asked unsure.
    "Yes, Taylor! It's been so long and we have so much to talk about! I miss you so much its not even funny! How are you these days, anyone special?" Chloe went on and on.
    "I know, Chloe. I miss you too, and I feel bad that i haven't talked to you in a while. I'm sorry. I'm doing fine, I broke up with Cole and-" Chloe cut me off.
    "Thank god! I can't stand the fact that the two of you were together for over a year! And don't apologize, I understand you've probably been busy under the covers!" Chloe screeched.
    My eyes widened. "Busy under the covers? Haha, no not really. I am going out with a great guy but I screwed it up. Cole showed up and the two of them got into a fight and I yelled at Gavin so h-"
    "Gavin?! Hot name!!" Chloe cut me off. Again.
    I laughed. "Yeah, I guess. We haven't talked for five days, I was actually planning on calling him in a few minutes." I lied, but now I was going to. As soon as I was off the phone with Chloe.
    "Awh, I'm so sorry. Good, call him. I can't wait to see you though. I bet you are even prettier than you were before." Chloe said.
    "Me? Pretty? Have you looked in a mirror recently, Chloe? You are gorgeous." I explained.
    "Oh please, stop it. You've always been prettier than me." Chloe countered.
    "Thank you, but we will have to agree to disagree on that one."
    Chloe and I talked for hours, I walked around with my hand in my pocket. It was nice to have Gavin off of my mind for once in five days. I was happy I finally decided to call him and apologize.
    "Alright, Taylor. Go get your man back, I'll see you in a couple days. I love you, and I miss you a ton. Bye" Chloe said.
    "Thank you Chloe, can't wait to see you. Bye, love." Then we hang up. I paced around my apartment knowing I need to call Gavin. I contridicted myself on whether I should or not.
    I finally picked up my phone, dialing his number.
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I finally decided it was time to call Taylor and apologize. I finally picked up my phone, dialing her number. When I did, I was sad to find it was a busy signal.
    I tried again, and busy again. I gave up, she probably didn't want to talk to me anyway. I was a screw up, and ruined everything we had.
    I called her number, one last time, hearing it ring. I heard a noise, and heard someone answer. I was so happy to hear her voice.
    "Taylor, I'm sorry."
    ** To continue getting notifications for this story please comment saying you want them.
    Sorry for the short/boring chapter,and sorry for not posting yesterday If you want notifications comment saying so.
    10+ favorites for the next chapter to be posted
    15+ faves for a teaser.
    I l❤ve my readers!
    Sorry, no teaser this time.

  8. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 7:52pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 14
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I sat on my couch, watching Transformers. Not really, I couldn't focus on anything, Taylor was the only thing on my mind. How could I be so stupid? I should've kept calm and just told Cole to get lost. I was just so angry about what he had done to Taylor. Not only yesterday, but for an entire year, day after day. I would never understand why she didn't just leave him.
    I kept looking at my phone, to see if Taylor had called or texted me forgiving me. I don't think she will forgive me. I messed up and there was no going back, she would never forgive me for what I had done. It was such a big mistake, such a stupid mistake, too big of a mistake. I just had so much anger, all directed towards Cole. I stared at my phone, yearning for it to ring. I had been so careless and stupid.
    Taylor's p.o.v
    I walked to my door, locking it behind Gavin. I slid down, putting my head in my knees, I wanted to scream. I couldn't believe that Gavin had just gotten into a bad fight with Cole. That was just going to make things worse, he should've handled himself and kept calm. It would've been better for the both of us. I didn't want to think about it though, because everytime I do I end up thinking that its my fault. It partly is, I shouldn't have left Gavin here alone, and I should've known that Cole was going to show up here. And then I threw Gavin out. What a stupid move. A big part of me wanted Gavin to call me, to apologize, so things could go back to normal. But I freaked out on him, like a phsyco. What a stupid move, I panicked, I didn't know what to do because I was just so confused. I didn't get it. I didn't understand any of it. I walked over to my bed, getting something to eat and laying down to watch tv. I couldn't focus, Gavin was the only thing on my mind.
    5 days later
    I paced around my apartment room, Gavin still hadn't called. Nothing. I haven't heard a word from him and have only gotten twenty hours of sleep over five days. I couldn't stop thinking about Gavin. I sat down on my bed, agitated. I stared at my phone as if if I stared at it long enough something would happen. Gavin would call, Gavin would show up, something. I blew my breath out, growling at my stupidity. Why didn't I just call him? He probably doesn't want to talk to me. He probably figured out that I was an annoying, troublesome, stupid, girl. It was true, I showed it when I yelled at him.
    What was I thinking? I was only making myself feel worse, I have to admit, Gavin was in the wrong. But I overreacted, I freaked out because I was afraid he would end up hitting me just like Cole. I know he wouldn't though, I was just so used to being hit though. I can't trust anyone. I haven't been able to since the first time Cole hit me. I wanted to trust Gavin, I just couldn't.
    I felt myself staring at my phone again, nothing on my mind, waiting, just waiting for it to ring or vibrate or something. Anything, it could explode for all I care. It'd probably be better if it exploded, I wouldn't be staring at it waiting for a text.
    I stood up, breaking my stare, beginning to pace again. I just wanted Gavin to call! Or text me, something! Was that to much to ask? I was falling for him, and hard. And I probably screwed it up by yelling at him. I picked it up, playing with it with my fingers. Tossing it around, and moving my fingers all over it as if there was some magical way to make Gavin call me. I wish, if there was I would've done it five days ago. I kept twirling my fingers all over it.
    When suddenly the magic worked, and it rang.
    Sorry for the short/boring chapter, it was going to be longer buy I have a killer headache and I just couldn't continue to write. If you want notifications comment saying so.
    10+ favorites for the next chapter to be posted
    15+ faves for a teaser.
    I l❤ve my readers!
    Sorry, no teaser this time.

  9. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 1:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 1:39pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 12
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I looked at her as she told me that she didn't know, I wanted to trust her but her voice just made it sound like she was lying.
    "Are you sure, Taylor?" I asked her.
    "Yes, Gavin. I-I-I'm sure." She lied. I could definitely tell this time that she was lying.
    I looked at her, knowing that she was lying to me. I gave her a look that would tell her that I didn't believe her. She would have her chance to tell me the truth.
    "Taylor. What really happened?" I asked her.
    She sighed at me, looking around her room. Her eyes searching for god knows what, probably just an answer. She put her head down, and I could barely see her glassy eyes.
    "Taylor." I said.
    "Cole came over yesterday." She whispered. My eyes widened.
    "Y-Your ex boyfriend?" I asked stunned.
    "Yes." She said.
    "I didn't know, I didn't want to let him in! There's nothing between the two of us, I swear! He used to hit me, and I left him the week before I met you! Please don't leave me! It was a mistake, we didn't even do anything but yell! I swear!" She cried loudly.
    I took her hands to calm her down. I moved her hair out of her face. "Why didn't you tell me he hit you?" I asked her.
    "Because it was the past. And if obviously he had reason to hit me, and I didn't want you to find out those reasons faster and leave. I still don't get why you go out with me, I'm so worthless. Natalie is so much prettier, and probably just a better girl than I am!"
    "No. You aren't worthless, you are the complete opposite. You're gorgeous, way prettier than Natalie, a better girl by a long shot! She doesn't even compare to you, because it would just be that more of a difference. And in my eyes, you're perfect for me. You're the only girl I want, the only girl I will ever want. Too me, you have no flaws. And you know that I would never hit you, hurt you, or do any kind of damage to you physically or mentally on purpose. I will never hit you, never. Do you understand me?" I asked her. I saw a slight smile come across her lips.
    "Yes. Thank you, Gavin. That means a lot." She thanked, smiling a little more. We sat there talking for a few minutes.
    "I'll be right back. I'm going to run downstairs and get ice for my eye." She said, grabbing her keys and putting socks on.
    I sat there for a few minutes, thinking about what I would do to Cole if I ever met him. I'd probably kill him, hang him in Times Square for everyone to see what a jerk he was. I heard a loud bang on the door. I thought for a minute, trying to remember if Taylor had her keys. Either way, I opened the door.
    "Who the hell are you?" I asked.
    "I'm Cole, who the hell are you?" He snickered
    "Gavin. Taylor's boyfriend." I snapped.
    Looks like I'm going to find out what I'd do.
    Okay, um. I think you guys don't really pay attention to this, because I didn't really get any comments on the new format. I'd really like to hear from you. :\
    Predictions for next chapter? If you want notifications comment saying so.
    10+ favorites for the next chapter to be posted
    15+ faves for a teaser.
    I l❤ve my readers!
    Sorry, no teaser this time.

  11. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 6:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 4:09pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 10
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    I woke up, right in the grass, the sun blazing in my eyes. I lifted my hand above my face, letting it fall right onto my eyes. My entire face was sticky from all of the tears last night. I lay there, wondering what I had gotten myself into. What could I have been thinking? What was I trying to accomplish by coming here with Gavin? I wish I knew. I turned around, expecting to see Gavin but I was wrong. I felt a blanket over top of me, but Gavin was no where to be seen, as well as his car. I began to panic, he couldn't have just left me here! No, why else would he be gone? He wasn't coming back, and I didn't have a way to get home. I stood up, beginning to pace as I tried to collect myself and calm down. Right when I got an idea, Gavin's car pulled to the curb. I ran up to him hugging him tight.
    "Whoa, what's with the hugging?" He asked.
    "I was afraid you left me here alone." I told him quietly.
    "Taylor, you know I wouldn't do that." He replied.
    "I tried to tell myself that bu- do I smell food?" I asked.
    He laughed at how quickly I turned from the subject.
    "Yes, I went to town and got us some breakfast. As well as you, a hairbrush." I giggled at him, that was his nice way of saying. "Taylor, you slept in the grass and your hair looks like a rats nest."
    "Thank you." I hugged him again, and he led me to where we had slept. I brushed my hair before I went to eat. He got us both a bacon egg and cheese bagel. Just what I ate for breakfast every weekend.
    "How'd you-" I tried to ask
    "Both of our tastes are so similar its crazy." He smiled.
    "Are you ps." He cut me off again.
    "Nope, not psychic at all." He and I giggled. We finished eating, and I got up wondering how the hell I slept in this dress. I walked over to a hill and watched the sun come up and high into the sky. I could tell I was staring at the sky again, I just didn't break it. I needed some thinking time, so I just stood there. After what I think was five minutes, Gavin hugged me from behind. I put my head back on his shoulder, and we stayed like that for what felt like forever.
    I felt my boob buzz, and he broke the hug. I grabbed my phone out of my dress, seeing that an Unknown Number had texted me. I was curious so I decided to look at it rather than just delete it.
    I'll be at your place in an hour. We need to talk.
    I stood there, re-reading the text countless times. I searched the number all over the internet, finding nothing. It wasn't that I was afraid that it was someone that I didn't know, obviously I knew them or they wouldnt have my phone number or where my apartment was. What scared me was that I had no clue who it was.
    "Taylor, is everything okay?" Gavin asked me.
    "Uh...Uhm, yeah." I smiled at him, grabbing him by the arm. "I'm just still sleepy, can you take me back to my place?"
    "Of course, c'mon. Let's go." We both picked up, hopping into his car. There was silence as we both listened to the radio. I felt the car swerve a little.
    "GAVIN!" I screamed placing my hands on the wheel.
    "Oh my gosh, Taylor. I'm so sorry." He sighed. I knew he was actually tired, unlike me.
    "Here, pull to the side. You need some sleep, that ground couldnt've been comfy." I told him. He pulled to the side, and the two of us switched spots.
    "Thank you." He said.
    "Don't worry about it." I brushed his hair with my fingers, and then started driving. He fell asleep quickly, and I kept thinking of who the text could've been from. I just couldn't figure it out.
    When we got to Gavin's place, I dropped him off at his doorstep. He hugged me, and I kissed him thanking him for comforting me last night. Then he said something that I hadn't even thought about, it wasn't bad. It just, felt weird.
    "You know, last night was the first time we slept together."
    No. They didn't do anything but sleep, don't get the wrong idea. Alright, time for my apologies. Sorry for the boring chapter, its just a filler chapter. Sorry for the mistake of Eric last chapter, won't happen again, and sorry for my long ramble at the end as well. So what do you guys think about the text? Who do you think it is?
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    Sorry, no teaser this time.

  13. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 7:37pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 9
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    "A surprise? For me?" Gavin asked me
    "Yes." I told him.
    I didn't want to tell him where we were going. He would chicken out, I just knew he would.
    "I'm going to...take you to dinner. Then I want you to meet my parents." I kissed him on the cheek. Leaving out the important part about them. That really would make him chicken out.
    "Your parents? We've never talked about your parents." He questioned.
    "Well, you're going to meet them." I told him.
    "Okay. You can drive." I climed into the drivers seat, turning the key and driving us to dinner. It was the same resteraunt we went to on our first date. We ordered the same thing, talked about the same things. He had a lot of questions about my parents, I just couldn't answer any without ruining it. I really didn't want to do this, but I figured that he wanted me to meet his parents. Why not do the same?
    After dinner I drove us out of the city.
    "Oh, your parents don't live in the city?" Gavin asked.
    "Gavin" I fussed. I had already explained I wasn't going to tell him anything. Not a word. It was really dark, and I wasn't sure taking him here was the best idea at dark. I've never gone at night, except for when everything first happened. I just sat there, staring off into space. I knew there would be lights on across the street though, so we'd be able to see okay.
    I pulled the car to a curb, looking over at Gavin to see his expression. His eyebrows were furrowed, he didn't look angry. Just very confused. I understood though, I doubt he had never met parents in a graveyard before.
    "Are we in the right place, Taylor?" Gavin asked.
    "Yes, Gavin. We're in the right place. Now get out of the car." I ordered. Luckily, the lights nextdoor were on. And I guess they had put in street lights as well. I took Gavin's hand, walking to the stones. I felt my throat tighten, as I remembered how everything had happened. The countless number of nights that I just sat here, crying myself to sleep. I tried clearing it, hoping the burning feeling would leave. I didn't want to cry in front of Gavin, not this early on in a relationship.
    "Taylor...I....I had no idea. I'm so so-" I cut him off. I was so sick of everyone being sorry for me! All I ever heard was "I'm sorry." No one ever understood that that wasn't enough, how many times I considered suicide to be with them again. How many times I went without sleep, then dreaming of their terror! SICK OF IT! Sorry did nothing, and was a pointless phrase.
    "No. Don't be sorry. You didn't know because I never wanted to talk about it. You're the first person I've ever taken here. I didn't even take Cole. And we dated for a year." I told him. Finding myself staring into space, right at my mother and fathers gravestones.
    "What happened?"
    I felt my eyes get glassy. I blinked really hard to get rid of it.
    "When I was fourteen, I was at school. It happened on a Thursday. They were driving on the interstate, and a car on the other side crossed the middle line. Colliding with my mother and fathers car. No one survived the crash." I said, staring at the stars. I felt him walking towards me, I just shook my head in anger. I was still so angry, of course sad as well. But just so much anger filled my heart for the drunk man who came across the line. I hated him, and really and truly wish he had lived. Have to live with this guilt, of taking two lives that were important to so many people. In all honesty i wanted all of them to be alive. For nothing like this to happen.
    I felt so empty and alone. I felt like no one understood me, and ever would. I felt my knees go weak, it had been six years and I still acted like this here. Explaining it, imagining what they were thinking, screaming when the car hit them. If they went through any pain. I don't know how, but when I was younger I always was afraid something bad was going to happen. It was as if I knew something like this would happen while I was young, just when I wasn't ready. And I damn sure wasn't ready. I fell to the ground, giving up on hiding my tears. I felt Eric come down with me, putting his arm around me, holding me tight,
    We fell asleep just that way, right there.
    What do you guys think about the parents? It was sad writing this chapter because I've lost someone close to me. These were similar feelings I felt, and I felt like it was necessary to add how Taylor felt. So some of you could relate somehow. If you've lost someone close to you, I'm feel so awful for you it is as if its unreal. I hate that anyone has to experience this pain. And if it was recent, I just want to let you know that to some extent, time does heal. You probably will get angry, and sad. And the phrase I'm sorry will probably aggrevate you. Just remember that they wouldn't want you to cry. <3
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    My eyes fluttered open, I felt a blanket on top of me as well. I also noticed that Gavin was gone, as well as the car. I started to panic.

  14. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 8:01pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 8
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    "Oh, Gavin! Who is this?" Gavin's father asked.
    "This is Taylor, my girlfriend. Taylor, this is my father." I smiled and waved my hand. I can't believe Gavin put me on the spot like this, I didn't know I was going to meet them. I dropped my head a bit to hide my expressions.
    "And mom, meet Taylor. Taylor, my mom." I smiled at her, just like I did his father.
    "Hi." I softly spoke.
    "Gavin, can I intrest you in some food? Follow your father and I." His mother told him.
    "Yes ma'am. Would you like to come, Taylor?" Gavin asked
    "Oh, me? No thank you." I smiled at him.
    "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." I nodded.
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I walked over with my parents to the food table, I could definitely tell that they wanted to say something about Taylor in private. They aren't the best liars. I didn't want Taylor to feel bad and know that we were talking about her, so I started pretending to get food.
    "So what do you guys think of Tay-"
    "We don't like her. We liked the other girl that you were dating, what was her name again? Natalie? Yes, that was it. She was such a joy to be around, what happened to her?" My father said.
    "Dad, at least give Taylor a chance. She was just put on the spot, unlike Natalie ever was. She's a shy girl at first, but once you get to know her she's fantastic. And I don't want to talk about Natalie, we're done. And that's that." I whispered quietly.
    "What's that about us two, baby? I love you, thank you for taking me here. And that ring you gave me is gorgeous, I love you honey." Natalie whispered in my ear, just loud enough for my parents to hear.
    "Oh Natalie! I thought you two were over, clearly not. Now what's this about an engagement?" My mother asked, believing her.
    "We aren-" Natalie cut me off.
    "Oh, Gavin didn't tell you? He proposed last night! I of course said yes, he's the best thing that ever happens to me! And he makes me happy, daytime, and nightime." Natalie winked.
    "Oh, my! Well, I am so happy for the two of y-" My turn to cut someone off.
    "No, Natalie, shut up! I broke up with her a month ago. We are no longer together, I am dating Taylor, and I really like her. Now I don't care if you and dad don't, because you two arent the ones that love her. I'm never going back with Natalie. Never. She and I, are over. She's lying, right to your face. And I never pleased you at nightime, I didn't want f*cking HIV!" I stormed off.
    "Gavin, you're back!"
    "C'mon. We're leaving." I grabbed her arm, waving goodbye to my parents. Natalie came over to yell at me.
    "No. You, go. I told you, I don't want anything else to do with you. Stay the hell out of my life." I yelled at her.
    She stomped off, clearly acting like a five year old pitching a fit.
    "Gavin, what's wrong?" Taylor asked me, looking worried.
    When we got back to the car I let go of her arm and looked at her, taking her hand.
    "I want you to know that I'm falling in love with you. No matter what anyone says, I always have your back. Taylor, I don't care if my parents don't like you. You are my world, you are my everything, you are my girlfriend. Never forget that." I kissed her on the lips, putting my hands on her back. I went to pull away, and she hugged me tight. Then she pulled her face away, resting her head on my shoulder.
    "Come on, I want to take you somewhere." Taylor whispered.
    So sorry for not posting yesterday, I've been really busy lately. If you want notifications and aren't getting them, comment asking.
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  15. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 12:27pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 10:28pm UTC
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  17. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 4:08pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 5
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I ran trying to catch up to Taylor to explain everything to her, but she ran too fast. I called after her one more time. No answer. I put my head in my hands, yelling at myself. How could I be so stupid?! If I had just pushed Natalie away from me I wouldn't be in this situation. I felt arms around me.
    "Hey, now that she's out of the picture you and i can have some time without you feeling guilty." Natalie whispered into my ear, kissing my cheek.
    I shook my head at her offer.
    "Come on babe, it'll be just like old times. Lets go back to your apartment, I can show you a good time." She pulled me backwards, and i turned around.
    "No!" I yelled at her.
    She came towards me, putting her arms back around me. " I know you want me back. Stop lying to yourself, come on." She whispered.
    I took her hands off of me.
    "Go, Natalie! We're over, and you just ruined something that I loved. I LOVED HER! I still do, but thanks to you she won't take me back. Get away from me, I don't want anything to do with you." The last line of what I said is what I told her when she came into my apartment.
    "Well, it seems like we're repeating the past now." She leaped forward to kiss me exactly the way she did in my apartment.
    "NO, Natalie! I meant it, and i still mean it. Leave me a alone, I broke up with you two weeks ago. I don't want you back for a reason, and some of this behavior is why. Leave, now." I barked.
    She scoffed. "Fine, you know where to find me when you decide to swallow your pride and admit that you still want me." She walked away, looking as sl*tty as usual. She found a guy on the street and started flirting with him. I rolled my eyes, disgusted at her behavior. I turned back around and ran to Taylor's apartment, I couldn't lose her. I went to her floor and saw her on the other side, a guy rubbing her back. He grabbed her hands, trying to pull her into one of the rooms, she struggled as much as she could. It wasn't working, he kept touching her. I wanted to go over and beat him up, instead I ran over. Yelling at him.
    "Let her go!" I bellowed.
    "Oh look, its lover boy. Tell him that you're done with him, you want me now." He ordered her, still rubbing his hands all over her. I could see the sadness in her face and her eyes.
    "I'm done with you, I want him now." She said, but as she did she shook her head. I knew she was trying to ask for help right then, she didn't know this guy and I knew what would happen if I left. I decided to get physical.
    "Let go of her now." I told him, pushing him off of her.
    He didn't let go of her, and we heard someone on the other side of the hall.
    "Hey!!" He sharply yelled at the man.
    The man ran, down the stairs and left and the guy on the other side of the hall chased him. Taylor ran into me, hugging onto me. I could feel her shaking, she had been terrified.
    "Are you okay?" I asked her.
    "I'm f-fine." She shook, holding onto me.
    "Look, I-" She cut me off.
    "I don't care anymore Gavin." I felt my heart drop. "I don't care. I really like you, and can't afford to lose you. And, and..." She hesitated. I looked at her eyes, searching for some emotion.
    "What is it Taylor?" I asked.
    "I-I think I'm falling in love with you."
    Whoo! I tried to make this chapter more intresting and longer. I hope you liked it! If you want notifications comment saying so! Predictions would be awesome, I'll read them all! I'm going to start doing a little teaser thing, I'll put one down below so you can get an idea of what they are. There will from now on be a certain ammount of favorites to get one.
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    "Look you are going to stay away from him. You need to consider yourself out of the picture, Gavin's mine and you need to forget about what the two of you ever had."
    *They'll get better through-out the story.

  18. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 12:45pm UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 4
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    I woke up with one thing on my mind. Gavin. I walked all over my apartment thinking about what I had just figured out. How could I already be falling for him? I bet he was a player. I bet that he does this to every girl and then breaks their hearts, without a second thought about it. He doesn't care about me, or anyone else for that matter. I just play a part in his little game.
    Now I was just making excuses, deep down I know that we both like each other. And he seems like too good of a guy to do that. Right then my phone buzzed, it was a text from Gavin.
    Hey, come over to my house? I want to spend some time with you, I've got some popcorn and a couple movies. Hope to see you there, feel free to let yourself in.
    I smiled at the text, he was such a sweet guy. I don't think he's playing me, at all. I just couldn't wrap my mind around why he liked me. Who would like a girl like me? No one should, I'm not even that pretty. Whatever. I decide to take him up on his offer and get ready. I wanted to be comfortable but at least look alright, so I put on a green Northface sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and my uggs. I threw my hair into a messy bun, braiding it along the top.
    I grabbed my keys and my phone, turning off all the lights and closing the windows while walking out. In the lobby the were still serving breakfast, so I got a fruit salad and a muffin along with a bottle of orange juice. I tried to remember Gavin's address. I stood there in front of the lobby doors trying to remember it. I just couldn't figure it out. I searched my phone for any texts of his address and finally found one. Remembering that he showed me where to go, I started walking and eating at the same time. Laughing at the phrase "You can't walk and chew gum at the same time."
    By the time I finished all of my breakfast I threw it in a garbage can and walked up his steps. I decided to do what he said and let myself in. I shut the door behind me, walking into the living room looking for Gavin. I found him in the living room, not the way I wanted to though. There was another girl, beyond prettier than me, lips locked with his.
    "Gavin!" I cried out.
    "Taylor! Wait!" He yelled after me as I walked away, out of his house. The girl he was making out with had a huge grin on her face. I ran and ran, until I got back to my apartment. I ran into my apartment room, shutting the door and locking it. Slididng down onto the floor, door holding my back. I layed my head in the crook of my knees and cried. How could I have done this to myself? How could I have let myself fall for him? I sat there blaming it all on me, but deep inside I knew the real person to blame was Gavin. I finally realized what I didn't want to admit.
    I was right, Gavin was playing me.
    Ooooh. What do you guys think of this new girl and Gavin? Predictions would be awesome, I'll read them all! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry for it being so short, and sorry for it being a bit boring.
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  19. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 11:06am UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 3
    Taylor's p.o.v.
    I watched Gavin walk away and went inside my apartment, shutting it with my back and grinning real big. I had to think of what to wear. I walked over to my closet, trying to think of the perfect dress. I had to figure out if I had to go bold and look like I was going to club.
    "No." I thought to myself, you shouldn't look like a sl*t. Especially on the first date.
    Dressy? No, well, not too dressy. I looked at every single dress. I gave up hope before my hand even touched the last dress. I pulled it out to look at it. I swirled my lips in concentration. I kept repeating what he last said to me.
    "Its a surprise."
    Surprise dates were hard, because I had no clue where he was taking me.
    I decided that I would wear it, what harm could I do? He already liked me, and the dress was pretty cute. I'd be fine. I stood there already letting my mind decide on makeup, shoes, hair, and my bag. When I figured it all out, a smile drew across my face. I changed into my pajamas and turned off the light.
    I woke up in an odd way, I'm not sure if it was because of anticipation or what, but I woke up feeling fresh. I thought that was impossible. I felt my eyebrows raise over my head as I figured it out. I went downstairs to my apartment lobby and got some breakfast. Cereal, a bagel w/ cream cheese, orange juice, and a fruit salad. I got my silverwear and went back up to my apartment.
    After I finished eating I went into my closet and changed into shorts, I went into the bathroom and soaked my legs. After that I rubbed soap all over them and took my razor to it. For the first time, in a long time, I didn't accidentally cut myself. I dried my legs off, happy with the results. I washed my face several times to get rid of any oil that was there. I heard my phone ring and I barefootedly ran to it and picked it up.
    "Taylor, its me, Cole. I miss you. I've changed, and I want to take you to dinner tonight. Please." Cole spoke.
    "No thank you, Cole." I told him.
    "Please Taylor!" He pleaded. At that moment I hung up, I didn't want anything else to do with him. I wanted him out of my life, for good. Forever. But I guess nothing really lasts forever.
    When six o'clock rolled around I hopped into the shower, afterwards blow drying my hair. I went into my closet, pulling out my dress. It had a white bust, with straps. The bottom half of it went a little above my knees and was black and ruffled. I pulled a black, oval, shrug out as well. I searched for the shoes that I wanted and found my Louboutin's. I sighed in relief that they still fit my feet, these were my favorite shoes. I straightened my hair instead of curling it this time, and put some black eyeliner, mascara, dark pink eyeshadow, and light pink lipstick with a glossy coat on. I looked at myself in my full length mirror and grinned. I actually looked pretty.
    I heard the buzzer ring and rushed downstairs to meet Gavin, and smiled when I caught sight of him. He took my hand and put me in the passenger seat of his car to drive us to the restraunt he was taking me. He was wearing somewhat of a tuxedo, it looked nice. He didn't look overly dressed or under dressed. He stopped the car when we arrived at a resteraunt called Delmonico's. We were seated right away, as he had made reservations. I discovered it was an Italian Steakhouse quickly. As an entree we ordered the Calamari and mozzeralla sticks and talked while waiting. He could keep a conversation going.
    By the time it was time to order I ordered the New York Strip Steak Serloin with a side of steamed broccoli and a baked potato. Gavin ordered the same. When our food arrived, we still talked. Just not as much as before, I was too busy enjoying this delicious meal. For dessert, he got the cannoli and I got a simple Ice Cream Sundae. When it came, the two of us shared them. The check came and I caught a quick glance at the total.
    "81 dollars and fifty one cents?!" I yelled in my head. Wow, he really paid that much for dinner. I took out my bag to pay and he told me not to worry one bit. We left the resteraunt and he took me home, and we continued to laugh. A lot.
    I got out of his car at my house and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek.
    "Thank you, I had a fantastic night. I hope we can do it again." I softly spoke.
    "Of course." He told me
    I walked away backwards from him, waving goodbye. When he left, I went inside my apartment jumping onto my bed.
    I was falling for him.
    Yay! I enjoyed writing this chaper, a lot. I actually put more work in it than I put into the others. I actually found the resteraunt, and found the food, and added up the price on a calculater. I really do like this chapter. Leave your comments in that comment box! If you would like notifications and you aren't already getting them, comment asking!
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  20. BukisStories BukisStories
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 11:35am UTC
    New Years Luck
    Chapter 2
    Gavin's p.o.v.
    I sat at my kitchen counter, tapping my fingers. It had been a week since I met Taylor, and she hadn't called yet. I was losing hope. She really seemed like a nice girl, and I really would like to get to know her. I finished eating my french fries so I popped some popcorn and got a bottle of water to watch a movie. There was nothing on.
    I groaned.
    Ring Ring Ring.....Ring....Ring Ring
    I jumped up from the couch, sending popcorn flying everywhere.
    "UGH!" I yelled. I picked up the phone, Unknown Number.
    "Hello?" I asked.
    "Uhm, hi. Is this Gavin?" I heard the girl ask. I smiled at her.
    "Yes, this is Gavin. Is this Taylor?" I asked, even though I knew.
    She giggled. "Yeah, its me. I was just wondering if you could show me around town a little bit? I got lost in a resteraunt last night." She said.
    I laughed at her joke. "Of course, where do you want to meet?" I asked.
    She hesitated, thinking. "Uhm, could you meet me ouside my apartment building? I'd rather not get lost again." She softly said.
    It drove me crazy, I just wanted to see her. "Of course, where do you live?" I asked.
    She gave me her adress and told me to meet her there in fifteen minutes. And that was it.
    "I have to change." I said to myself.
    I didn't know what to wear, so I went with kind of dressy like date dressy, but also casual. Just a white long sleeved shirt, boot cut jeans, hiking boots and my watch.
    It had been ten minutes so I went ahead and started walking towards her apartment. When I got there my mouth dropped inside my head. She looked beautiful, a beige loose sweater with a heart in the bottom left, skinny jeans, her tan uggs, a cream colored beanie and a link necklace. Her hair was curled the same way it was when I met her.
    She smiled when she saw me and we shook hands again. I felt empty, like this couldn't be it. There was something missing in my life, and I was pretty sure it was Taylor.
    "I left my keys inside so you wouldn't have to pick them up for me." She grinned. The way she smiled practically made me glow. I laughed at her joke and I took her around the corner to all the shopping centers and resteraunts. She was funny about how she didn't know they were here.
    "I had a nice time. Thank you, for showing me around. And if I ever get lost in a resteraunt again I'll make sure I call you." She grinned at her joke, and I laughed.
    "You do that. I had nice time too." She started to walk inside.
    "Taylor, wait!" She turned around.
    "I know that I just met you, but I'd like to get to know you more. Can I, take you to dinner tomorrow night?" I asked.
    She smiled at my offer. "Yes, you can Gavin. What time and where?" She asked me.
    "I'll pick you up at seven." I smiled.
    "But where?" She asked.
    "Its a surprise."
    So what do you guys think of Gavin and Taylor? Leave your comments in that comment box! If you would like notifications and you aren't already getting them, comment asking!
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