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Member Since: 30 Jun 2012 09:02am

Last Seen: 23 Jul 2012 05:31pm

user id: 313407

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  1. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 11:44am UTC
    I need help, guys.
    i want the guy, and i want to ask him out but i'm scared.. push me further?
    5 faves = i'll ask him if he likes me
    17 = i'll ask him to kiss my cheek but then turn so that we peck
    26 = i'll ask him for a kiss
    34 = i'll tell him I like him. and then ask him out :$
    i'll also make a quote saying what happens(:

  2. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 4:56pm UTC
    him: i think i have a crush on you..
    me: you think?
    him: yeah..
    me: that's cute (x
    him: no, you're cute :$
    omg !

  3. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 1:48pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 1:48pm UTC
    Have you noticed that some people actually get BULLIED on Witty?
    Especially the younger ones..

  5. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 1:15pm UTC
    You're my biggest 'what if'.

  6. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 12:08pm UTC
    I love it when he +
    - Calls me 'his future wife'.
    - Says one day we'll date, and means it.
    - Says I'm his special friend.
    - Stands up for me.
    - Smiles at me, every time.
    - Sends me jokes and says they reminded me of him.
    - Always apologises when he takes long to text back, or reply on chat.
    - Protects me.
    - Told my ex that 'She's a virgin, and you're gonna keep her that way.'
    - Laughs at himself.
    - Disses his friends for a laugh, but always reminds them that it's a joke.
    - Doesn't take it the wrong way if I laugh at something he did.
    - Constantly sends people to the curb when they provoke me.
    - Says 'You're welcome' to everybody else, but to me he says 'My pleasure.'
    - Always signs the final text with 'Hugs and kisses' or ':*'
    But most of all, I know I'll love it when he lets me make him mine. :$

  7. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 8:32am UTC
    AND I'M TURNING 13 ! :D

  8. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 9:01am UTC
    *Phone rings*
    Me: Hey!
    Him: Hey..
    Me: What's up?
    Him: Oh, nothing, really..
    I just wanted to hear your voice. <3

  9. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 8:56am UTC
    I can see you're sad,
    even when you smile,
    even when you laugh.
    I can see it in your eyes,
    deep inside you want to --> cry <--.

  10. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 10:23am UTC
    I am 60% obessed with my looks.
    I own:
    [] hair straightener
    [x] curling iron
    [x] mousse
    [x] hairspray
    [x] gel
    [] other sprays
    [x] bobby pins
    [] hair clips
    [x] hair ties
    [x] round barrel brush
    [x] blow dryer
    [x] mirror
    [] I have dyed my hair
    [] I have/had highlights
    TOTAL: 9
    Eyes: I own
    [x] black eyeliner
    [x] other color eyeliner
    [x] eye shadow
    [x] mascara
    [] fake eyelashes
    [] eyelash curler
    [] eye shimmer
    [] stunna shades
    [] eye makeup remover
    TOTAL: 4
    Lips/Teeth: I own
    [x] clear lip gloss
    [x] red or pink lip gloss
    [x] lipstick
    [x] chap stick
    [x] lip plumper
    [x] electric toothbrush
    [x] teeth whitener
    [] more than 15 lip glosses
    [x] toothpaste
    TOTAL: 8
    Complexion/Overall Face: I own
    [x] blush
    [x] moisturizer
    [x] face wash
    [] bronzer
    [] makeup remover
    [x] face wipes
    [] powder
    [] cover up
    [] blotting papers
    TOTAL: 4
    [x]nail polish/varnish
    [x] filer
    [x] nail clipper
    [] nail buffer
    [] cuticle remover
    [ ] nail hardener
    [ ] nail brush
    [x] fake nails
    [x] nail scissors
    TOTAL: 5
    Now multiply your number by 2
    Then repost as I am % obsessed with my looks.

  11. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 9:58am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 8:28am UTC
    aww :$

  13. BMI BMI
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 10:13am UTC
    a one shot
    He held my hand as we walked on the pier.
    The wind blew on my face, and strings of hair stuck to my lips. "Hang on." He said, as he walked off to the ticket store. I stood there, my arms crossed on my chest, thinking about wether I should kiss him or not; wether I should or shouldn't tell him. I looked around and saw all the groups of friends around each amusement. In almost no time, I felt his arms wrapping around me. I looked up and back, his lips near my neck, and saw him smiling, his honey comb eyes sparkling, his short, dark brown, curly hair barely moving with the wind. He moved next to me, and pulled me by my hand. "Close your eyes." he said. He guided me a few feet around. "Where are we." I asked, impatient, yet excited. "The Ferris Wheel." he replied, and I opened my eyes. "Tickets, please." requested a man in a brown berret, barely making any eye contact. Mark handed him a set of two tickets, and the man instructed us into a bright green gondola. It went up high, to the very top. I saw him looking down, examining the city underneath us. "Oh look, this is gondola number seven!" he exclaimed, happily. "Number seven.. So this is wh-"
    "Where we met." He interrupted, his smile fading away.
    I looked down at my turquoise sandals, bright yellow toe nails, when I felt his fingers lifting up my chin. He looked into my eyes, I looked into his. We were closer than ever. He moved both his hands to my cheeks;
    and our lips collided.
    I just had to write this story. There's so many real feelings behind it.
    I'm thinking about posting the full version of it, but I don't know.. Should I?
    Anyways, thanks guys, for reading this. (: I hope you liked it!
    Her outfit - http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=52110693


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