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Member Since: 18 Jun 2011 06:36pm

Last Seen: 4 Sep 2011 09:46pm

user id: 184637

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  1. And_All_Youre_Ever_Gonna_Be_Is_Mean And_All_Youre_Ever_Gonna_Be_Is_Mean
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 12:04am UTC
    The Circle Chapter 2 Finally she closed her computer and set it aside. That’s when it all started. All of the pain. And the hurt. And the tears. When Jenny woke the next morning, she felt how sticky her face was from the tears of the night before. But she had to pull herself together. That day Jenny had to go to band practice and she had her friend Lizzie’s birthday party. There was no way that she could bring down all of her friends' moods. As the day went on, Jenny hurt less and less. By the time they had got into the middle of her practice. The thought of Alec was completely out of her mind. Her band buddy Jackie helped a lot. Jenny played the baritone sax and Jackie the tenor. They had become so close over the school year and it was great that they were able to hang out during the summer (hopefully). When she got home, Jenny had to wrap Lizzie’s present and get ready. It was a pool party and she had to get her bikini on and her towel and everything ready to go. When she got there and saw all of her friends, Jenny was back to normal again. The party was a hit. Yes, some of Lizzie’s things were broken, but everyone had a ton of fun. When she got home and sat down she started to think. That’s when it hurt. Jenny could not get him out of her mind. He went through her every thought. Being alone she decided was not a good thing. She tried texting Sam but he couldn't talk. Finally, she made the biggest mistake she has made in a while. Jenny picked up her phone, and went into her contacts. When she found Alec, she texted him just a simple “hi” to see what he would say. After a minute or two she checked her phone. Nothing. Finally, five minutes rolled around and this time when she looked, there was a new message. When she opened it to read it, a tear escaped her eye. Instead of the normal Alec #23, his signature was Katie <3. But she put up with it. They talked for a while. Until he had to go to baby sit. Then Jenny was right back where she started. Only worse now. The rest of the night was spent talking to her friends. Some she talked about what was going on right now. Others she didn’t even let know something was going on. Then began another night, of Jenny crying herself to sleep.

  2. And_All_Youre_Ever_Gonna_Be_Is_Mean And_All_Youre_Ever_Gonna_Be_Is_Mean
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 6:45pm UTC
    The CircleChapter 1 Hi, my name is Jenny. I am 14 and am going through hell for you. You talk to me all the time. Ask me questions about my life. Tell me about yours. All while I listen to music by Taylor Swift. While I try to win concert tickets. That I just may invite you to. Then, I look on Facebook and I see a relationship status update. My stomach feels like its falling off a giant cliff. Then I realize you will never know how much it hurts. All when I get my next message from you.
    Fourteen year old Jenny was sitting on her bed, staring at her computer screen. As she saw the update on the news feed, she did everything to keep herself from crying. For her, this was a heck of a way to start off her summer. There was nothing else that she wished for at 11:11, when her charm on a necklace hits its clasp, when an eye lash hits her face, and for her past two birthday candles. She finally realized all hope was lost. Her friends had warned her. Told her he was just playing her. But she had thought he was different. She wore her heart on her sleeve for someone who would rip the stitching right out of it. The idea of it made her heart race. Then the thought hit her light a freight train.
    “Sam,” she thought. Sam had been her best friend as a kid. Yes, for a time she liked him. But then they went their separate ways as they grew older. Eventually, they had each forgotten about each other. Until one very boring day, Jenny searched different people she thought about on Facebook. They found each other again and were almost as close as they had been before. They had just started a new chapter of their lives. Sam had a girlfriend now. Haley was her name. Jenny had never met her or spoken to her but she looked nice. But she talked to Sam and every time she remembered him more and more. Then he started to be the person she talked to when things got rough. She would never tell him. It was her secret. Jenny looked at the clock. Blinking, it read 11:11 PM. “Well, might as well try. What do I have to lose?” She thought. After making her wish, she realized how late it was. She didn’t want to wake him up. Even if he had said it was okay if she did. It wasn’t fair. As she sat and thought. She thought abour how much it hurt. As well as about everything else that has been going on. "How am I going to be okay?" she softly said for her own ears to hear. So Here's the very begining. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep putting these up. But maybe I will if I know people are reading it and they want to hear more. Comment or fave to tell me please!!


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