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  1. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    *Goes and yells out window*
    Homer: MILLHOUSE!!!!!!!!
    Millhouse: WHATTTT???
    Millhouse: HE'S AT NELSON'S!
    Homer: WHO'?
    Millhouse: NELSON'S!
    The Simpsons
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  2. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 2:28pm UTC
    Harry Potter Quote #1
    Ron: How far up are we?
    Lucius: Well, put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know.
    Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  3. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 2:21pm UTC
    Harry Potter Fact #7
    The ending to the Deathly Hallows book was written before books 2nd,3rd,4th,5th, and 6th books were written.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  4. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 9:00pm UTC
    Harry Potter fact #6
    J. K. Rowling has said that Lily may have grown to love Snape so involved in the Dark Arts
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  5. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 11:03pm UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    I just realized that Jason Isaacs, the
    guy who plays Lucius Malfoy in Harry
    Potter, plays captain hook in Peter Pan.
    So the whole time I was watching
    the movie I was like "LUCIUS TAKE
    KEDARA HIM!" and my grandma just looked an me
    format by sandrasaurus

  6. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 3:59pm UTC
    When your hurt and scared for so long,
    your fear and pain turn to hate and your
    hate starts to change the world.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  7. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 11:51am UTC
    Format credit: Sandrasaurus
    Harry Potter Fact#5
    The last four Harry Potter books have all set records as the FASTEST selling books in HISTORY.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  8. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 6:37pm UTC
    I want a guy who will love me like..
    Maxwell loves Fran, Jessie loves Becky, Dewey loves Gale, Beast loves Belle, Jude loves Lucy, Pualie loves Juno, Eric loves Ariel,
    Snape loves Lily
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  9. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 2:38pm UTC
    Harry Potter fact #4
    Robert Pattinson has openly stated that he would rather play "Cedric Diggory" than "Edward Cullen".
    ormat by Sandrasaurus

  10. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 11:50am UTC
    Harrrry Potter rrr fact #3
    As of 2008, Harry Potter books have sold over 400 million copies and have been translated into 67 different languages.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  11. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 8:38pm UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    Someone once said that God has a plan for everyone.
    I guess I'm still trying to figure out what mine is.
    format by sandrasaurus

  12. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 4:34pm UTC
    Harry Potter Fact #2
    The least successful Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) earned approximatley $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  13. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 4:02pm UTC
    Harry Potter facts#1
    Even though he feared death, Voldemort could not beacome a ghost because his soul is so damaged.

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  14. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 3:39am UTC
    On a scale from Voldemort, to pinocchio.....
    how nosey are you?
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  15. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 12:17am UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  16. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 11:52pm UTC
    ❒ Single
    ❒ Taken
    ✔ Waiting for someone to love me as much as Severus Snape loved Lily Potter.
    <3. nmq &nmf

  17. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 12:03am UTC
    Tonight I went to go see "Fright Night" and I told
    my friend see that is a real vampire.
    Stephanie Meyer take notes

    I f Her. . .
    idol is Miley Cyrus,
    She's too young for you

    -Should I make a series?-
    -Got it off facebook.-
    -Format credit to -LuvStruckTeen.-

  18. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 10:34pm UTC
    Hey 90's kids...
    Remember Penny's Uncle Bobby the singaaaaa from "The Proud Family"??

  19. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 1:52pm UTC
    That awkward moment..
    When everybody loves this new song and you've never even heard it.....

  20. AlwaysHurting247 AlwaysHurting247
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2011 4:32pm UTC
    You say Twilight, I say Harry Potter.
    You say vampires, I saw wizards.
    You say Renesmee the half blood vampire, I say Severus Snape the Half Blood Prince.
    You say Jacob Black, I say Sirius Black.
    You say Team Edward, I say Team Weasley.
    You say Edward Cullen, I'll say "Its Cedric Diggory".
    You think Edward and Bella are the perfect dream couple? I say Ron and Hermione are better.
    You say Bella, I say "Its Bellatrix".
    You say Stephanie Meyer, I say J.K. Rowling.


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