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Member Since: 30 Dec 2011 12:07am

Last Seen: 20 May 2012 07:10pm

user id: 257151

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Hi. I'm abigail and I play volleyball. I l.o.v.e. volleyball with all of my heart. I try in school and I'm labeled smart. But I get so tired and sick of it all that when I think about facing life I get a bad feeling in my stomach. It's something I fight everyday. I've got good friends and hopes for my future. Family is well whatever. There's a brightside to everything. There's this girl who's my best friend and she comes from a perfect family and she's my last hope in the world and I only want her to succeed and if anyone hurts her they will be 6 feet under in less than 3 seconds. Hm what else? That's all for now.
  1. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 10:35pm UTC
    * At Lunch I am eating a PB&J sandwich *
    Stuck Up Girl:
    "EW. There's so many calories in that. I guess you are what you eat."
    "Really? Did you have a Lady of The Night Smoothie for breakfast then?"

  2. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 7:13pm UTC
    "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen."
    those strangers are in white vans driving by you on a street & they offer you candy. For then they are people you must scream at and run away from.

  3. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 12:51pm UTC
    #Feeling like a Serial
    Not sure if someone already made a quote like this, I just found it amusing when I thought about it. Let me know if you've read a quote like it so I can fave it & take this one down ? :)

  4. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 11:54pm UTC
    The guy I though I liked, didn't like when anyone touched his hair.
    Needless to say he wasn't very

  5. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 11:35pm UTC
    Think about it.

  6. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 11:13pm UTC
    You know your a 2 thousands' child when you get mad seeing these '90s quotes.
    Not saying I am one, I was born in '97 lol ;D

  7. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 10:44pm UTC
    There's some sort of issue with one direction being on this site? I don't mind the quotes, they're about a band & some of them make me laugh. They seem like amusing guys. Which is cool.. Threatening comments not so much. I think if fans that are outrageously supportive of "1D" think with a calm level head, then they'll see it that way too. Everyone knows this is the internet & things you wouldn't do in real life, you feel you can on here-it's true. Think about how swearing or being mean to people who are calm and casual about their opinion of the band makes you seem to the guys your crazy for? I doubt you becoming upset over someone who doesn't care for them will make them happy. I agree that your a family and all, but being overzealous isn't attractive & for someone who doesn't mind o1D or even dislikes them Witty being all about it isn't attractive to them. They just want Witty to become a more peaceful place. Witty should be a shared place but it isn't because the scale has been tipped into it becoming a 1D fan site, is that right to people who want to keep it what Witty stands for?
    I'm bumbling on, but maybe a handful of people will catch my drift so to speak. & by speak I mean what I wrote actually that's just confusing me more.
    Like I chose for the kind of quote to be, this is just venting. if you stuck around to read this, well your a trooper ;D
    Not saying I'm pro-military-or anti-military.
    Ok, I'm done now.

  8. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2012 1:52pm UTC
    "Why are people so fake?"
    I think it's more like, why are people so judgemental? Why can't people learn that they will have to deal with people they don't like throughout their whole lives? Why can't people actually demonstrate the 'if you don't having nothing nice to say, don't say anything' saying? Why can't people learn not to worry about others & just focus on themselves?
    ~ "Why are people so quick to talk about others?"~

  9. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2012 12:15am UTC
    If you train hard,
    you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat.
    -Herschel Walker

  10. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2012 12:09am UTC
    Sweat plus sacrifice equals
    -Charlie Finley

  11. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2012 11:56pm UTC
    Not going to lie, this vent will probably make A LOT of you witt-iers unhappy. But I'm venting & that's the purpose of the quote. SO yeah.& i'm not trying to make this pretty. My purpose isn't to get faves. Just to get my words out there.
    A lot of witty users talk openly about their feelings, it's cool. I like that. I'm glad you've found support. But telling people about your problems is ONLY the FIRST step. You've got a lot of b.s. ahead of you before things get better. You realize that? Ok. Your golden. My point is just talking about it, won't get you anywhere.
    You need to actually do something about it.
    Where you go fromt there is your choice. But just get it through your head that it takes courage and if you don't want to solve your problems yourself, why should people care? You shouldn't want pity-it's support your after right? Support so you won't have to make despressing quotes even after you've gotten a single response. That single response should be the light in what ever dark cloud looms above you. That person is giving you a reason to fight. But they can't fight for you. And it makes me sick that people with so much support still want to hurt themselves. Because when you have support-You're hurting those other people too. & that's just weak.
    You need to heal ? Take what people give you and heal yourself. Heal yourself before you harm other people with your actions.
    Take the strength that people are ready and willing to give you & use it.

  12. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:42pm UTC
    The more you sweat in practice,
    the less you bleed in battle.

  13. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 11:26pm UTC
    Why is it the scariest movie trailer commercials come on the television just as I am about to switch it off and go to bed ?! D:
    Not Sleeping Tonight </3

  14. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 11:03pm UTC
    I think the Media & also people's perception of other's and beauty in general need to CHANGE.
    Because disney princess' hair style should not define how a little girl feel's about her beauty.
    Every person has the potential for beauty & the potential to achieve beautiful things in this beautiful thing called life. All's it takes is the belief in yourself, not the belief in what you should be, or believing that anything or anyone other than yourself can make you feel beautiful.

  15. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 10:49pm UTC
    I'm sorry, but it is unbelieveable to me that so many witty goers say that 'Society' sucks & that they hate society. Society is a body of individual persons.
    It goes back further than when humans group together. It is civilization that is the majority of currupted. What ever society your talking about, do what you should && get the bloody hell as far as you can from it. If you don't try to change things, then you'll be 'venting' on Witty forever.
    That's not something I plan on doing so every day I fight to stick to what I think is right. I try to stop and improve society as I come across it's faults. If your not brave enough to do the same and instead whine about it on your witty accounts. Then your not a society of people I want to associate myself with.
    Just Sayin'

  16. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 11:29pm UTC
    Whenever I think about you,
    I can't help but smile.
    When you cross my mind,
    Sometimes I can't even breathe.
    Thoughts about you consume me.
    'Cause you & me,
    we are f o r e v e r .
    To me, there can't be anything better.
    Sorry boys, but compared to this,
    you are completely unappealing,
    I LOVE Volleyball
    * All Mine, please don't steal. Stealing is very wrong. Especially when it involves my volleyball writing love.

  17. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 5:45pm UTC
    This is a volleyball quote I wrote, please fave if your a fellow volleyball player or if it makes sense to you or even if it just hits close to home ;)
    BOOM-Bump, set, thwack, that's it.
    Don't slack. Keep watching their attack.
    Gotta move, You can't lose.
    Tension High, But Spirits Higher.
    A tough match, A tougher Game.
    It's worth it all,
    Just to hear the cheers.

  18. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 8:05pm UTC
    Do Good, Be Good...
    ...Do Better, Be Greater.

  19. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 7:58pm UTC
    There's always that one girl. She's your semi friend. But she always brings her drama to her facebook statuses.
    It's called Facing your Problems, NOT
    Facebooking Them.
    ~*Nmq. But going through the experience right now.

  20. Abbie1 Abbie1
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 7:50pm UTC
    I feel like yellow is an underappreciated color. So here's to yellow. Let it shine ;D
    YELLOW !!!


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