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1live2love9laugh6happy witty anniversary!

  1. dont dont
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2012 6:01pm UTC
    "I remember twinkling Christmas lights,
    The feel of cold air on my skin.
    I remember the lingering kiss good night,
    and when you said that you couldn't
    think of anywhere you'd rather be then by my side.
    That night we saw love blooming in the water and we dove right in,
    eager to get a taste of it before it vanished into thin air.
    We were just two kids, you and I,
    willing to sacrife our innocence just to feel alive.."

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2012 8:45pm UTC
    Cat: You have to stay on a leash. Ha!
    Dog: They don't put you on a leash because they want you to run away.
    Cat: ...

  4. LiliBlackHeart LiliBlackHeart
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2012 3:37pm UTC
    you had me at
    and lost me at
    "I don't like harry potter"

  5. kristagannon kristagannon
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2012 4:10pm UTC
    Who's Sandy?
    I'm not sure, but she's a real wh0re. She's going to be blowing the entire East Coast for a few days.

  6. Just_me1031 Just_me1031
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    This is how we met,
    he was in a few classes,
    i told my friend you were cute,
    in the hallway i was with my friend,
    she got this idea to push me into you,
    but i guess your friend beat her to it,
    because you stumbled into me,
    inbetween the sorrys you said to me,
    my friend butt in saying you should take me out.
    you said you would pick me upat 7.
    that was how it started
    and we were madly in love,
    that was untill you messed it up.

  7. Just_me1031 Just_me1031
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2012 4:36pm UTC
    He made me beileve in love,
    he taught me it was ok to fall,
    he showed me how to be myself,
    he asked me to be his girlfriend
    he said he loved me,
    he was my first love.
    he started talking to me less and less
    he said he had been seeing someone else,
    he was cheating on me,
    he said he didn't love her,
    that he still loves me,
    he said he was so sorry,
    I hope he is in as much pain as i was when i walked out that door.

  8. derek_is_cool derek_is_cool
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2012 9:12pm UTC
    Logged on: 71 notifications
    Notifications: lol nope sorry bro it was just one person stalking you

  9. enchantedartic enchantedartic
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2012 5:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 3:23pm UTC
    You know what I think hurts the most?
    The feeling of being replaced.
    It’s like no matter what you did, it wasn’t enough.
    And no matter what you do to try
    and capture their heart again, doesn’t seem to work.
    And you’re suddenly left thinking that you’ll never be enough.
    And a sudden sadness captures your heart
    that never really leaves.

  11. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    People say
    that walking away is the hardest thing to do,
    but it isn’t.
    Staying, even when you know it will break your heart is the toughest.
    Staying right where you are,
    waiting for your heart to be ripped apart
    is much harder than walking away and starting anew...

  12. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:18pm UTC
    My first instinct when
    i see an animal
    is to say "hello"
    My first instinct
    when i see a person
    is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:26pm UTC
    a stitch is a piece of thread that is
    sown to hold something together.
    stitch holds lilo's family together.

  15. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 3:36pm UTC
    Everyone has a certain part
    in their lives
    where they truly wish they could just freeze time.
    Whether it was three years ago, today, or still to come.
    Whether it was just a moment, a whole day, or a whole summer.
    Everyone has a time in their life when they wish
    everything would just stop.
    The world would stop turning
    and people would stop changing because to them,
    at that time,
    everything was perfect.

  16. LiliBlackHeart LiliBlackHeart
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:32pm UTC
    N o b o d y .can't order me to stop d r e a m i n g

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. LiliBlackHeart LiliBlackHeart
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:42pm UTC
    I'll stop the whole world
    from turning into a

  19. LiliBlackHeart LiliBlackHeart
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:45pm UTC
    I put my faith in you, so much faith, and then you just threw it away

  20. WhisperInTheDark WhisperInTheDark
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:46pm UTC
    People From My School Have A Witty ..
    Goodbye Double Life.


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