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Member Since: 5 Mar 2013 01:39am

Last Seen: 9 Mar 2013 08:43pm

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user id: 352119

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100 letters. I will write you 100 letters and if by then you're still not mine, I will let you go.
  1. 100LetterstoHim 100LetterstoHim
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 8:38pm UTC
    Letter Number 5:
    Dear You,
    This is not me giving up, this is me giving in. By the time you read this, I will be gone. I took those pictures of us and put them in an envelope. I want them to stay in there untll you miss me or forgive me. I guess they're going to be there for a while
    I'll go silently. I won't let you know. I don't want you to think that this is all your fault, or that you're what pushed me over the edge. You did not, I swear to you. You've always get me going. YOu've always been my superhero, my knight and shining armour
    But even though I am your princess, we both know given the choice I am not the one you would've save. I am not the one you'd want to save. It has never been me
    That is why I am going without a sound. That is why I'm writing this here where I doubt you will ever see it. I love you, I do. I always have. I always will. But sometimes love is not enough. And as you once told me, you cannot stay just for one person. You cannot let that one person be your reason unless they are your child. I'm sorry I made you my one person for a while. I'm sorry I didn't listen. i'm sorry for who I became and I'm sorry that i didn't even give you a chance to save me this time. I'm saving you the trouble
    Be good. Be kind. Be patient. Be forgiving. Be as brave as the main character in the movies. Love. Love whole heartedly. Give your love to someone so ocmpletely that there will be no wishing
    I love you.
    Love Always,
    Yours Truly

  2. 100LetterstoHim 100LetterstoHim
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 8:26pm UTC
    Letter Number 4:
    Dear You,
    You didn't pick me. I'm well aware of that. You choose to remind me of that fact whenever we fight. You choose to remind me it is not I that you want. I don't think you ever did want me. I've wasted enough of our time.
    Love Always,
    Yours Truly

  3. 100LetterstoHim 100LetterstoHim
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 10:27pm UTC
    Letter Number 3:
    Dear You,
    Already, these letters are getting hard to right because it dawned on me; if you loved me the way you say you do, you'd leave him for me. For the past few months you've been saying how you've made a mistake by leaving me, yet you won't leave him for me. You don't love me. I'm just someone to fill his place when he's away. I'm not important. I'm just a substitute. I'm a last resort.
    Yet, you're still my first choice. What do I do?
    Love Always,
    Yours Truly

  4. 100LetterstoHim 100LetterstoHim
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 9:02pm UTC
    Letter Number 2:
    Dear You,
    I hate this feeling. When you're so far away, it becomes brutual. I've burrowed myself into this corner, hiding away from the pain of reality. Watching as he drinks again. He's laughing. That laughter is almost mockery. I have isolated myself away from everyone, from everything. The thing about isolation, though, is that it is very lonely. You find yourself thinking of where you'd rather be. I'd rather be in your arms, but I know that that's near impossible. I keep trying to force the thought of you from my mind, but you are always there. And I miss you, the way a small child misses their mother. They keep crying her name until she comes home again. That's what I feel like doing; laying here and whispering your name as if in doing so you will magically appear. But as usual, I remain alone. Always alone. I miss you.
    Love Always,
    Yours Truly

  5. 100LetterstoHim 100LetterstoHim
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 8:32pm UTC
    Letter Number 1:
    Dear You,
    This is the first letter I've written to you since we broke up. This is the first of 100. Through these letters, I hope you will see that I always did love you. By the 100th letter, I hope that you will no longer be doubting my love or us. But if by the time the 100th letter comes and you still do not believe me, if you're still not mine, I will let you go.
    Please, don't let me let you go.
    Love always,
    Yours Truly


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