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LC23199 · 1 decade ago
Hey umm. i made a new account and its Leyla by the way ı really miss you and i dont know what got ın between us ı think its stupid please check out my profile love you <3

08642 · 1 decade ago
Tips and advice on puberty:

Box 1 boys:
You may notice the bad smell from your or around your armpit witch is just your sweat glans that release a bad smell, but this can easily be covered deodorant.
Adams apple:
Your voice will also get lower. At some point you'll think that your voice has 'broken' and has gotten permenantly lower, then right in the middle of a sentence it may suddenly 'crack' and sound high pitched again. This period of sudden and unpredictable 'cracking' of your voice can last for a few months until it eventually settles down to a lower adult pitch.
Wet dream
When your a male you may want to wash up after a 'wet dream' if not the may get infected. This is because you may develop an infection around your and testicles if the area is not kept clean. It is a good idea for a boy to wash his testicles and , particularly behind his foreskin (if you have one), every day...
Erections in public:
Some guys may get erections in public which can be embarrassing but it's totally normal, usually it wouldn't be that obvious to others, maybe wearing a tight under wear might help.

08642 · 1 decade ago
Advice girls
Most girls get cramp pains in their tummy around the start of some of their periods, but not all girls get them. Usually the cramps start before you begin to lose blood.
A heat bag or hot water bottle on the tummy may help to ease cramps. Try relaxation exercises as well as just doing your usual exercise. This might be enough to help. If you have bad cramps, there are some medications that really help, so don't be afraid to tell someone. Talk to your doctor or chemist.
Period Pads:
When you on your period your period (and using pads) you may want to change your pad every 2 to 3 hours during day to keep it fresh and clean, At night time you might want to wear a thicker pad.
Most girls get scared of using a tampon, but it's actually not that bad, it may confuse you of where to put it because there is three holes at the base of your body. Your tampon must go in the second hole which is covered by your and partially covered by the hymen, And like the pad you should change it every 2 to 3 hours during day to keep it fresh and clean. But with tampons you can do more activities unlike the pad like swimming, but that's of course if you put it in properly.
You may notice the bad smell from your or around your armpit witch is just your sweat glans that release a bad smell, but this can easily be covered deodorant.

08642 · 1 decade ago
During puberty you may get taller, smellier, hairier, stronger and pimples witch is totally normal. Puberty usaully starts between the ages of 9 to 14 for girls and 10 to 17 years for boys., at puberty glands in your body produces hormones, hormones tell different parts of your body to grow and develop they may also make you more emotional and sexual feelings to others

08642 · 1 decade ago
Box 2 boys:
During puberty boys gain weight, grow stronger and bigger muscles, increase hair around your body including for face, get pimples, the males may get longer and wider, testes get larger and get a Adams apple
(This is your larynx or voice box getting larger witch may make your voices deeper)

Wet dream:
A wet dream happens when a boy is sexually aroused while he is sleeping and (, the sticky liquid that is part of, is released from his body through his ). boys may remember having had a sexual dream. But usually they notice a wet patch on there nightclothes or on the sheets when they wake up.
If a boy has had a wet dream, he most always wash when he wakes up. This is because he can get an infection around his and testicles if the area isn't kept clean.

An erection is when a males hardens and lengthens. This usually happens when a boy has a romantic or sexual thought, or as a result of physical stimulation. But during puberty a boy will start to get erections more often, sometimes without any stimulation at all.

08642 · 1 decade ago
Box 1 Girls:
During puberty your breasts will increase in size, You will grow taller, gain weight and your hips and thighs will possibly get wider, You will find hair in funny places such as your armpit, legs and area

First Menstrual Period:
Menstruation happens to every female at some point. Soon after you develop breasts you will most likely have your first menstrual period The first 2-3 days of your period.There will be heavy bleeding then the first 2-4 days there may be a lighter flow, periods usually last for 3 to 7 days and happens once a month

Mood swings:
Some females have PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome - sometimes called PMT or Pre-Menstrual Tension) which could mean that they feel a bit tired or tense, a bit weepy, irritable or easily upset head-achey, maybe a migraine headache bloated and full in their tummy (like it's full of air)
for a couple of days before and and after your period.
Not every girl or women have all these symptoms, and some girls may not have any. Sometimes girls have a lot more energy early before their period starts.
These emotions often dont last for more than a day or so.

Period cramps:
Period cramps can occur before or during your period, they begin after a egg is released from the ovaries and down the Fallopian tube.

ThatNerdyGirl · 1 decade ago
You faved a quote of mine about if I wrote a story, you would read it,
Well, I wrote the introduction to the characters, if you want to check it out!


ThatNerdyGirl · 1 decade ago
Thanks for faving my quote about my story!
I'll make sure to tell you when I start to write it! (;

mikiriki · 1 decade ago
OMG when are you going to put the story up people are waiting you no then they will think were joking around

mikiriki · 1 decade ago
i said that halise is sorry to you and yasin mums said from who i said from halise she didnt say anything but she rolled her eyes yasin got pissd offand yer oh guess what i cant comment to you on smileysmith123 i dont no y

naturalmoi · 1 decade ago
hi there ♥
thanks for the fave, means alot! check out my other quotes?
your gorgeous :D

Christopher765 · 1 decade ago

jessxsmile · 1 decade ago
followed :)

lollipopx3 · 1 decade ago
aww, thanks! :)

jessxsmile · 1 decade ago
Never forget, you're beautiful no matter what.
Follow me? I'll follow you back. :)

angel101 · 1 decade ago
hey thankx for the fave;)<3

DreamBigLoveLong · 1 decade ago
U faved my quote that said I would tell you your future husband, how many kids, your job and the date your life will change

bananax17 · 1 decade ago
hahah really? good way to creep :)

itsAbby · 1 decade ago
yeah, i don't jock.

itsAbby · 1 decade ago
do me a favor, check out what i commented back on my quote. i don't jock. never had. never would. so stfu


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