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another call that was promised, yet wasted.
i listen to the droned out rings until it fades into your voicemail.

"useless," i thought. should've known.
"i'll call you later, babe. im just busy right now. i love you." you say constantly.
hmph. define later for me?
because later to you, seems like decades.
never soon, always later.
& when later does come around...
you're never there.
where were you, when i was in need of your help?
when i needed someone to talk to?
someone to let me cry on their shoulder.
someone to just be there for me...  
so, me, being stupid; i call you again.
and i hear the phone drone out long rings.
but no you.
just the automated sound of the operator.
the sound that breaks my heart just a little more.
ring by ring, a piece of my heart simply chips off.
no big deal though, right?
because you think i'm fine.
you barely know what i'm feeling.
but i'll tell you...
i hate you.
i love you.
i can't stand you.
i'm falling...
yes, falling...
slowly but surely.
& boy you should know with every piece broken,
when you don't- never answer,
a heart is SHATTERED.
& who's heart would you be breaking for the 2nd time?

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RiNG...RiNG... another call that was promised, yet wasted. i

1 faves · Jul 31, 2009 11:38pm





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