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Cuando el tiempo pasa y nos hacemos viejos nos empieza a parecer
(As time passes and we become old, it begins to seem)

Que pesan más los daños que los mismos años al final
(that dangers weigh more on us than the years themselves in the end)

Por eso yo quiero que mis años pasen junto a ti mi amor eterno
(That's why I want to spend my years next to you, my eternal love)
Junto a mi familia junto a mis amigos y mi voz
(together with my familly, friends, and my voice)

Porque nada valgo porque nada tengo si no tengo lo mejor
(Because I am worthless and I have nothing if I don't have the best)

Tu amor y compañía en mi corazón
(of your love and company in my heart)

Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor

The words to the right in English
are the translations for
anyone who doesn't speak spanish
All Mine <3
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Cuando el tiempo pasa y nos hacemos viejos nos empieza a parecer

2 faves · 1 comments · Jul 23, 2009 2:24pm






tabfan4ever · 1 decade ago
ok this is America sweet heart, this is where we speak English NOT SPANISH! ok thanks. (:
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