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0 faves · 6 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




jonasxcrazy · 1 decade ago
i have braces. i really hate them. they hurt in the beggining, but youget used to it. it usually hurts when you getthem tightened too, but not as much as when you first get them. just take a pain reliever, it REALLY helps!
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dreamer18 · 1 decade ago
I had braces. I got them off a couple of months ago. If you get top and bottom together they hurt a lot not gonna lie. THen you barely notice you have them on until they are adjusted, then just take Advil or Tylenol or something. Also, when they finally tell you thatyou will get them off...DO NOT BELIEVE THEM...they put it off for maybe 2-4 months and then you finally get them off. Oh, and don't be so excited to get retainers. They are terrible! So annoying. Just being honest.
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iNfAMOUSABix · 1 decade ago
i have braces :D ( still doo ] & i agree w.soccerbabe! they hurt in da begining ..it lastes like a week. i didnt eat dat whole week! just touching my teeth hurt like a =[ & dat same week ur braces might scrape ur mouth wen u talk but after dat week u'l be fine =]
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kchykojays · 1 decade ago
i had braces. i didnt think that they hurt to much in the begining. but im not gonna say that they didnt hurt. i completely agree with shnazzalicious on the retainer thing. they are wayy worse than braves themself.
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xoxSoccerBabexox77 · 1 decade ago
i have braces !!
they hurt A LOT in the beginning, but that's a good excuse to have a lot of milkshakes and ice cream! they make it feel better. but after a few days they will stop hurting. it's really not that bad having braces because soo many people have them, so you won't be alone at all. you just have to learn to like your new smile, and don't be afraid to show it off !! some people try to hide their smile after getting braces, but you really shouldn't. it's no excuse to stop taking pics with your friends ! (:
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shnazzalicious · 1 decade ago
heeey, i got my braces off right before the school year. i had them for two years. now i have to wear a retainer for a really long time. honestly i like the braces way more than the retainer. i felt like an absolute nerd cause i had glasses too [now i have contacts] but really it's alright. so many people need braces these days, it's not really a big deal. k, comment me if you need advice or something :]
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