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Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head?
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people...
This is a lot more fun if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------
1. kenzie
2. anna
3. erin
4. felicia
8. lindsey
9. ahtziri
10. olivia
11. kayla
12. briana
13. nikki

How did you meet 10?

5th grade

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
she almost as crying but other than that no :]

Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
hahaa you want some lesbo action! haahaa but seriously NO

Are you good friends with 13?
Yess! shes my cuz i gotta love her

Do you think 5 is cute?
i think all my friends are cute in there own way haahaa!

Something about number 1?
shes such a great friend!
 How did you meet 12?
we met in 5th grade
What's 7's favorite color?
thinking its red :]

What would you do if 6 just confessed that they liked you?
ohh i would think shes a lesbo  haa!
Fact about 9?
She's spanish :] met her in 6th grade

Would you ever live with 12?
yeaa haahaa well actually NO

Is 2 single?

 Where does 7 live?
meadow windowss

What do you think about 2?
shes like a sistaaa i never had rly i nvr had a sistaa

Whats the worst and best thing about 5
worst: she ignores me sometimes
best: shes funny

Who is 11 going out with?
eww she would nvr go out with anyone haa

What do you like about number 3?
shes my cousin
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Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of

1 faves · Apr 15, 2009 11:57pm






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