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escapism (noun)(english)
the tendency to escape from dao;u reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entrtainment.

la douleur exquise (noun) (french)
the exquisite pain of wanting the affection of someone you know you can never have.

gigil (noun) (filipino)
the irrisistable urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearable cute and adorable.

saudade (noun) (portuquese)
a deep, nostalgic, and meloncholic longing for something or someone, often accomponied with a denied fact that what one longs for will never come back.

vemond (noun) (swedish)
a tender sadness or pensive melonscholy; the calm feeling that something emotionally significant is over and never will be back.

shemomedjamo (verb) (georgian)
to continue eating past the point of being full just because the food tastes really good; lit. "i accidentally ate the whole thing."

abendrot (noun) (german)
the color of the sky while the sun is setting.

liefdesverdriet (noun) (dutch)
the sadness, or depression, one feels about a love unanswered or love that is gone

gemes (noun) (javanese)
the anger one feels inside but cannot find a way to express it.

kalverliefde (noun) (dutch)
the temporary affection and infatuation usuall experienced by two young people in love.

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escapism (noun)(english) the tendency to escape from dao;u reality