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-Talking to my best friend-

Me: Are you okay? I haven't talked to you in a couple of day..

Him: I know, I've been....off.

Me: What do you mean? Are you okay...?

Him: When I was playing hockey a couple days ago, I was checked into the boards so hard....I have a concussion...stage three.

Me: Do you need anything? I will come see you, but are you going to be alright?

Him: I have brain damage...might turn into memory damage as well...

Me: Do you remember yesterday?

Him: Yes, but I don't remember that day. I was afraid that I wouldn't remember you...I read over our conversations just to make sure.

Me: Do you remember how we met?

Him: I will never forget that day, I remember seeing you in the hallway minding your own buiness but you bumpped into me. "Oh my god, I am so sorry" you said, and I just laughed at your dimples as you talked, saying it was fine. I will never forget that. But if I forget you just remember....I love you.

Me: You won't forget me, and I love you too.

-I am not trying to get favorites on this, I just really love him and hope he will be okay-
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-Talking to my best friend- Me: Are you okay? I haven't talked