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I really miss you. your the one who held my hand walking around the field;
who's arms I laid in & never wanted to go away. The one who I talked to on
the phone for hours & told pointless stories to. your the one who knew every
thing about me & loved me anyway. The one who showed me what love was
& what it was like to need someone there. The only one who could make me
cry & hurt the way i did and still do. Those beautiful brown eyes said every
thing, that sense of sarcasm that was always there; the way i couldnt stop myself
from falling in love. That even though we fought constantly.but we couldn't
leave each other's side. Something is still there; something that never left me the
day, that frightful february evening. you broke my heart in two, and left me here
to suffer. Something like your first love that wasn't ready to end. Something that
makes me wanna burst into tears when someone metions your name. Something
that makes it so much harder to know that your not mine anymore, but hers. Some
thing that makes me want to hide in my room & cry till theres no more tears, because
suddenly all of those memories have come back & it hurts even worse to know that
it's all out of control. And it just breaks my heart to know that everything we ever
had, everything we planned, and all the memorys we've shared are just part of the
past now. your never coming back, and thats the worst part...

i miss you ben...</3
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I really miss you. your the one who held my hand walking around

5 faves · Apr 2, 2009 7:00pm





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