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Just the other day
She was a little girl
Taking over the world
With her smile.
But just the other day
I saw that little girl
Taking a tongue down her throat
By a boy that didn't give a damn

That she was only fifteen,
That she was more then willing
To take a chance,
To find romance,
To grow up fast,
But I know she is so much better
Than to give it all away to the first guy,
First try,
First lie,
First goodbye.

Just the other day
She was a little girl
Taking over the world
With her laugh.
But just the other day
I saw that little girl
Taking her time with him,
And I can't say I've ever been so proud.

'Cause she is only fifteen,
That she is more then willing
To take a chance,
To find romance,
To grow up fast.
But I know she is so much better,
Than to give it all away to the first guy,
First try,
First lie,
First goodbye
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Just the other day She was a little girl Taking over the world

3 faves · Feb 25, 2013 11:51pm





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