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Why can't I be who they need me to be?

Why can't I be strong when they need me to be?

Why can't I be there when they need me to be?

Why am I blind when they need me to see?

Depression, let go of me!
You too, Anxiety!
No longer will you control me!
Goodbye, Friends and Family...

I cannot help that I am sad inside.

I cannot help that I fear and hide.

I cannot help not wanting this life,

When the life that I live is only a lie.

Saddness, unhand my mind!
You too, Shamefullness and your bind!
No longer will you control me!
Goodbye, Friends and Family....

I take the noose and throw it away.

I take the knife and say "Not this way".

I take the pills and I sigh, "ok".

I swallow them all and in bed I will lay.

Unhappiness, leave me alone!
As well as you, feeling of Drone!
No longer will you control me!
Suicide will finally save me!

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Why can't I be who they need me to be? Why can't I be

3 faves · Dec 30, 2012 8:49pm






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