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To all of those who lost their lives in Connecticut today: May you all rest in Paradise.  You will never be forgotton.  Every life is a wonderful and precious gift.  To lose one is a devastating, unspeakable  loss.  Especially a helpless child, who is so innocent and pure.  Every child in that school lost that innocence today.  Every child had a family that loved them and cared about them, a family that will never get to see them again.  Like the President said, they had their whole lives to live.  Each teacher that was killed had friends, and a family, and gave their lives trying to help others.  There are no words to describe this kind of tragedy.  Please pray for these people and their families, especially around this time of year.  For every person that died, there are a hundred who will have to live on without them.  Imagine how that must feel.  We are all people, after all. We are all connected; a loss in Connecticut is a loss everywhere.  Today we lost 26 beautiful, wonderful people that had so much to offer the world.  Please do not let these people die the second death; do not forget them.  Carry them with you, and appreciate what you have been given; don't take another breath for granted.  Life is too short and too precious for that.     

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To all of those who lost their lives in Connecticut today: May

2 faves · 2 comments · Dec 14, 2012 11:33pm





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OperationConfidence · 1 decade ago
Thank you for this compassion, and sharing your ability to take the good from bad situations. The world needs more people like that, the ones who can see the light even in the darkest of times. Some one like you!
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DaniD8612 · 1 decade ago
Thanks so much! That means a lot.
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