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remember when i was happy?
we'd get in trouble for holding hands in science.
we passed notes, that's how you asked me out.
we went to the movies with your sister and her boyfriend to see the hunger games. i told you i was going to scream when the dogs jumped out, you held me and whispered "don't scream.."
you'd come up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and your friends would joke that you were choking me.
you held the door for me and when i'd walk out, you'd brush your hand on my waist and send chills up my spine.
you played with my hand and were so gentle.
you shook my dad's hand when you met him and said it was a pleasure to meet him.
you hugged me every day as much as you could.
when you weren't in trouble, you'd text me as much as you could.
you gave me your jacket, and wouldn't take it back. you said it was for me.
you were the first boy i slow danced with, and you tried to calm my shaking body down.
you bought me a single rose that night, and we kissed at the end.
you put your arm around me when we were at the movies on a field trip, and ran you hand up and down my arm.
you said you were afraid to ask me out because i was different than other girls.

you told me i was beautiful.. after we broke up. i don't know if i miss you, or if i miss that feeling..
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remember when i was happy? we'd get in trouble for holding hands

4 faves · Oct 28, 2012 1:25pm





break up

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