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Life is fragile.

Not just our personal lives but life as we know it. Do you know how perfctely Earth was placed? If we move one centimeter we'd either freeze to death or burn to death. Earth has a perfect orbit, placed in the perfect spot in the Goldy Lock zone. Without Jupiter astroids the size of our moon would crash into Earth. It is just truly amazing how fragile our Earth is, and how one day it won't be here anymore. I feel like each of us is an Earth. Each of us have someone protecting us, even if we don't know it. We get things thrown at us, and people slowly destroy us, yet we remain strong enough to deal with it because we have to. We have to do it for others who love us. Some times were rainy, sometimes were sunny. Then one day we can't go any longer and its a reminder that life is the most fragile thing there is.
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Life is fragile. Not just our personal lives but life as we know