Witty Profiles

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Random Survey
Time started: 9:01 est
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 6
Siblings: no
Eye color: Hazel/green
Shoe size: 7
Height: 5'2
What are you wearing: grey tank top and massive red sweats<3
Where do you live: Mass
Righty or lefty: righty
Who are your closest friends: Ashley<3
Best place for a date?: anywhere with him<3
Fave Number: 3 and 7
Fave Boys Name: Nate
Fave Girls Name: Braelynn
Fave Sport: Horseback Riding
Fave Month: July
Favorite movies: The Lion King, Forrest Gump
Juice: Apple
Breakfast food: Waffles
Favorite cartoon character: Ang
Given anyone a bath: does my horse count?
Smoked: ew
Made yourself throw-up: my doctor told me to
Gone skinny dipping: no
Eaten a dog: TOTALLY PSH
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: yeah XD
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: </3
Broken a bone?: multiple
Played truth or dare: duh
Been in a physical fight: yep
Been in a police car: yep
Been on a plane: yeah
Come close to dying: multiple times
Been in a hot tub: yeah
Cried when someone died: Duh
Fell off your chair: ...Yeah...
Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yes
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: you can do that?....
Saved e-mails: nope
Fallen for one of your best guy friends: yes.............
Made out with JUST a friend?: yeah haha
Used someone: nope
Whats your good luck charm?: nothing?
Best song you ever heard: holy poop no. dont make me decide.
What's your bedroom like: green
Last thing you said: I want a guy to do my makeup.
What is beside you?: phone
Last thing you ate: BANANA SPLIT<3
What kind of shampoo do you use: Pantiene
Best thing that has happened to you this year: he kissed me
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: he kissed me
Chicken pox: nope
Sore Throat: yeah
Stitches: mhm
Broken nose: no
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah
Like school: eh
What schools have you gone to: only mine
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: BARF
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: a boat builder, Jenna Marbles
Who was the last person that called you: Ashley
What makes you laugh the most?: her ^
What makes you smile?: everything....
Last person you yelled at: mom
Last person that told you they love you: dad
Is your loudest friend: Tarryn. haha love her<3
Do you like filling these out?: eh
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I'm supposed to...
Do you like yourself: no
do you get along with your family: eh
Stolen anything over $50: no
What are you listening to right now?: Scream
Got any awards: like 847562395
What car do you wish to have: F150, 3/4 cabin, short bed
Where do you want to get married: where ever
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: too many things
Good driver: yep
Good singer: vocal training
Have a lava lamp: I WISH
How many remote controls are in your house: idek....
Double jointed: shoulder/back
What do you dream about: random stuff
Last time you showered: at like 3
Last time you took a bath: idk...?
Scary or happy movies: scary
Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Summer or winter: both
Silver or Gold: Gold
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up: neither
Cats or dogs: both
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Phone or in person: either
Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor
End Time: 9:18 est
And succeeded.

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Random Survey Time started: 9:01 est Gender: Female Birthday:

2 faves · Aug 2, 2012 9:18pm






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