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Basics *I Obviously Have No Life*
1. Name: Gracie
2. Age: 12
3. Height: 5'3"
4. Date of Birth: March 1st
5. Eye Color: Brown
6. Religion: Christian
7. Sexuality: Straight

8. Hair Color: Carmel color more brown though
9. Eye Color: Brown
10. Weight: 94
11. Skin Tone: a little tan
12. Piercings/Tattoos: Ears
13. Jewelry: Heart from a charm bracelet and a key with a crystal on my necklace from my boyfriend<3
14. Build: tall

15. Funny or Serious?: funny :)
16. Hard working or lazy?: very lazy haha
17. Flirty or reserved?: Both, depends who it is
18. What is the first thing people notice about your personality?: i am really LOUD
19. Are you more caring or sympathetic?: Both
20.Are you sporty,artistic,bookworm or sciency?: None.. but yeah none

Have You Ever
21. Slapped someone in the face?: Yes
22. Lost touch with a good friend?: yes
23. Kissed someone for a dare?: no
24. Drank alcohol?:Yes
25. Broke a bone?: no
27. Ate a whole pizza to yourself?: surprisingly no haha
28. Stepped on a bug?: definetley
29. Rode a horse?: yup
30. Been seen naked by someone not your doctor or family member? not that I know of..

How Many
31. TVs are in your house?: 3
32. Scars you have?: 1 on my forehead and another little one there too
33. Chairs are in the room you are in now?: 2
34. Best friends do you have?: 3.. No friends.
35. PCs or laptops are in your house?: 5
36. Summer or Winter?: summer <3
37. Strawberry or Banana?: strawberry
38. Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift?: Taylor Swift
39. Eminem or Kanye West?: eminem :)
40. Vegetables or Fruits?: fruit
41. Books or Movies?: Movies :)
42. Hugs or Kisses?: depends with who
43. Rock or Pop?: Both depends on my day

Name The Last Person That...
44. Hugged you?: my baby cousin
45. Kissed you?: my cousin
46. Thanked you?: my nana
47. Flirted with you?: some guy at an amusement park
48. Insulted you?: Luis - My bros friend he is like my second bro
49. Made you laugh?: My baby cousin
50. Made you cry?. It wasn't a person.. I cried cause I missed my boyfriend..
51. Ate?: Ice cream cake <3
52. Drank?: Gatorade
53. Talked to?: my mom
54. Word Spoke most?: ?
55. Time cried?: last night

57. Best friend?: Julianna not really friends now
58. Crush?:  Gabe
59. Boyfriend?: My first boyfriend was Zayne.. biggest mistake ever.
60. Dog?: Molly
61. Kiss?:My current boyfriend <3
62. Took steps?: idk

63. Do you own any brand shirts?: yup
65. Do you like to sing?: yes!
66. Are you competive?: depends on the sport
67. What are you afraid of?: alot
68. Who do you miss?: My boo-boo <3
69. Are you a virgin?: yes, it will stay that way for a while too!
70. Do you like photography?: In love with it!!
Inlove with it!! 
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Basics *I Obviously Have No Life* 1. Name: Gracie 2. Age: 12

0 faves · Jul 4, 2012 10:53pm




