Witty Profiles

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Time started: 1:50pm
Gender: female.
Birthday: April 5th
Siblings: 1 sister
Eye color: light/dark blue
Shoe size: depends what kind of shoe
Height:  not sure..
What are you wearing: black shorts and a striped tanktop
Where do you live: in a house
Righty or lefty: righty
Who is your closest friend: Madison, Danielle, Ashely, Tori, Paige, Lilac & Trevor
Best place for a date? beach
Fave Color?: pink blue and purple
Fave Number: 5, 3, 13
Fave Boys Name: Trevor
Fave Girls Name: Lilly, Willow
Fave Sport: Dance, Soccer
Fave Month: April, June, December
Fave movies: I dont have any favorites
Juice: apple juice
Breakfast food: pancakes
Favorite cartoon character: Miney/Mickey Mouse

Given anyone a bath: LOL no
Smoked: no
Made yourself throw-up: not on purpose,
Gone skinny dipping: no
Eaten a dog: well...NO! 
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry?  yes
Broken a bone?: surprisingly no
Played truth or dare: yes
Been in a physical fight: no
Been in a police car: yes
Been on a plane: yes
Come close to dying: no.
Been in a hot tub: yes
Cried when someone died: yes
Fell off your chair: yeah...-_- alot of times
Wait for someone's phone call all night: no
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: no
Saved e-mails:nope
Fallen for one of your best guy friends: nope
Made out with JUST a friend?: uhm, no
Used someone: no
Whats your good luck charm?: music
Best song you ever heard: I Wont Give Up- Jason Marz
What's your bedroom like: small and tidy
Last thing you said: Okay
What is beside you?: a remote a phone an ipod a docking station a braclet and a headband
Last thing you ate: chips
What kind of shampoo do you use: idk
Best thing that has happened to you this year: idk
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: idk YET
Chicken pox: no
Sore Throat:  yes..
Stitches: no
Broken nose: no
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
Like school: sometimes.
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: lol noo... 
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: my friends and family 
Who was the last person that called you: Paige
What makes you laugh the most?:  friends!
What makes you smile?: family,life,friends and animals
Last person you yelled at: my best friend cuz she hit me
Last person that told you they love you: idk
Is your loudest friend: Danielle Paige
Do you like filling these out?: idk
Do you wear contacts or glasses: yes
Do you like yourself: um.. i guess so
Do you get along with your family: most of the time
 Stolen anything over $50: no
What are you listening to right now?:  tv music

Got any awards: one for dance
What car do you wish to have: i dont really know about cars...
Where do you want to get married: hawaii
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? idk 
Good driver: dont drive
Good singer: no
Have a lava lamp: yes
How many remote controls are in your house: 4..
Double jointed: i dont know.. maybe?
What do you dream about: many many weird things. 
Last time you showered: this morning
Last time you took a bath: when i was little
Scary or happy movies: both
Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate.
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Summer or winter: both
Silver or Gold: both
Diamond or pearl: diamond.
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset.
Sprite or 7up: Sprite
Cats or dogs: cats
Coffee or tea: tea
Phone or in person: depends.
Indoor or outdoor: both
End Time: 2:08 pm
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Quiz ♥ Time started: 1:50pm Gender: female. Birthday:

0 faves · Jul 2, 2012 2:08pm




