Witty Profiles

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Answer 'em!

1. Do you sleep in your bra? nahh
2. Do you like noodles? not really...
3. Do you enjoy drama?  as long as it isn't mine
4. Are you a girly girl? sometimes
5. Small or large purses? depends on the event
7. Are you short? noope mediumish
8. Do you like somebody?  haha yeah
9. Do you care if your socks are dirty?  ew yes.
10. Do you like Halloween?  i love dressing up
11. Are you double jointed?  yesmam
12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?  attick
13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? noope
14. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? not that i know of
15. Do you call anybody by their last name? maybe a couple


1. What color is the bra that you're wearing?  blue with purple lace
2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? uhm doesnt matter
3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?  sort of
4. Do you have a best friend? hellls yeahh
5. Have you ever had your heart broken ? defff
6. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?  nah im happy how i am
7. Do you like your life? occasionally
8. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? nahhh
9. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?  boys!!!
10. How long have you had a facebook? i dont have one
11. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?  nooope
12. What are your biggest fears?  zombies... anything that can eat me or harm me
13. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? unfortunately
14. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?  everydayyy
15. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater"? nahh
16. Have you ever had a good feeling about something? of course
17. Do you ever wish you were famous?  who hasn't
18. Are you currently missing someone?  yeah...
19: who are you texting right now? aleena and adrian

Cowboy or Gangster? cowboyyyy
Face or Body?   faceeee cause ill be kissing that
Sweet or Sexy?  sweet is better
Contacts or Glasses? contacts as long as they have nice eyes haha

01. Eyeliner or Mascara? eyeliner
02. Pink or black? pink
03. Pumps or flats? pumps
04. Skirts or pants? depends..
05. Socks or leggings? socks
06. Hoodies or jackets? hoodies
07. Heels or sneakers? heels
08. Straight or curly hair? curly
09. White or black?  WHITE
10. Smoothies or lattes? lattes
11. Diet or regular sodas?  regular... diet is bad for you
12. Water or daiquiris? daiquiris!!!
13. Pearls or diamonds? diamonds are a girls best friend
14. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen? uhm neither??
15. iPod or cell phone? cell phone, cause music is on it
16. Friends or family? both
17. Lip gloss or lip stick? lip gloss
18. Manicure or pedicures? manicure
19. Tank tops or beaters? tank topss.
20. Big sunglasses or small? giganticcc
21. Sunglasses or purses?   purses

IN A GUY ...
Funny or Serious? funny, but can be serious
Romantic or Daredevil?  romantic!!!!<3
Dark Eyes or Light Eyes? doesnt matter
Long Hair or Short Hair? not like ears length but not buzz cut
Curly Hair or Straight Hair? straight...
Hockey Player or Football Player?  football<3
Next Quote >

Answer 'em! 1. Do you sleep in your bra? nahh 2. Do you like

0 faves · Jun 30, 2012 11:23pm




